
#543 new weapon called katzbalger


hi all :),
dustofdust and I (snakevip) have a new idea for the class sword. The new sword is called katzbalger and could be dropped by gashadokuro with a possibility between 0,5% and 1%. We think that it should be dropped by gashadokuro because he only drops money and skullstaff which is borring in our opinion. As discription we have: you can see a nice rare katzbalger. it is a close-quarters fighting swort which is quick and strong at the same time. stats are (ATK: 17 RATE: 3 lifesteal: 0.2 MIN-LEVEL 230). These are our suggested values. Subsequently you will find the gfx.
What do you think about the idea?
Can you make a comment on that?
Looking forwart to your answers.
Dustofdust and Snakevip


  • snakevip

    snakevip - 2011-11-28


  • bluelads4

    bluelads4 - 2011-11-29

    First comments on (18:26 following)

    My personal point of view is, that the stats are definitely too high for the weapon and I don't like the idea of having another weapon in game. There are tons of weapons already and some already forgotten by players although they are there and it might be a bit too much to have another one. Can't the gashadokuro get any quest which allows players to make a mithril armor for example after?

  • AntumDeluge

    AntumDeluge - 2021-12-15
    • labels: --> graphics, item
    • Group: -->
  • AntumDeluge

    AntumDeluge - 2021-12-15

    Before we can consider adding this, we need to know what license it is under. If it is your own work, we recommend using one of the following (in order of least restrictive to most):

    If you want credit for the work, we also need to know the name you would like to be used in the credits.



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