
#596 Item Slots


just an idea or two...

-add slot for a secondary weapon in the character inventory (bows :P)
-add a quiver slot for storing arrows/bolts
-add a typed function to swap primary/secondary weapon or to equip a different weapon (currently have to open bag & character screen & drag twice) like /switch or /equip (item)
-add armor types & slots (eg necklace, bracers, gauntlets, earrings, 2nd ring, possibly one quick slot for potions & such accessible by typed function '/quick' or something easy to type....maybe /1, /2, /3, etc corresponding to bag position)
-adapt shield slot to dual-wield any weapon (not unlike right&left hand sword) - d&d usually adds penalties for 2nd weapon.
-add shield alternatives - spiked shields & main gauches could offer both attack & defense.
-add item slots to bag and/or nested bags to carry loot.
-possibly make all inner windows partially transparent? add function to toggle if possible...
-toggle switch for displayed names
-toggle switch for visualized chat and creature sounds (important creature messages & chat still appears in text window)
-map dots for enemies & npc's within line of sight up to a max. radius

mm, spent right now.

check out attached illustration.


  • Groundhug McHampster

  • Katie Russell

    Katie Russell - 2009-06-15

    bags are being worked on currently but as you can imagine the code for these is pretty complex as they must be stored and the objects inside stored, for each player, and the client must be told how to deal with them. it's nrealy done though :) (ask kiheru for updates or info)

    its easy to make inner widnows transparent in fact there is a switch for it on the client but it makes everything verrrrry insanely slow on linux (linux not happy with alpha which is why we don't use semi transparency in images either. if you're interested of how it looks i can send you the screenshot of when i modded my client to make practically all windows semi transparent. it was unplayable though.) or i can look up the switch to make some things transparent.

    did you mean minimap dots for enemies and npcs? - the data is already sent to client so yes it'd be possible to add them for line of sight, i quite like that idea. very high level admins can see them all with a client switch.

    imho that character slot looks waayyyy too crowded and you lose the sense of armor being where armor should (on the body) etc., shield in hand, etc. if you do add gauntlets say i think it should be one per arm to be realistic and have two arms (or shoulders). i was wondering about adding two shoulders and then that's where the bag item of backpack can be carried (on one shoulder) - then pauldrons could be another defensive item to add. (not just backpacks will be available, also bags and boxes etc, once the container code is finished, but that is one example. we'd also then port keyring to be an inspectable carrying container like that rather than accessed by a separate window. )

  • Katie Russell

    Katie Russell - 2010-07-07

    Could anyone who has time please split this into smaller chunks? One tracker per idea. thank you

  • Katie Russell

    Katie Russell - 2010-07-08

    Split some up:

    3026760 toggle switch for displayed names
    3026761 toggle switch for visualized chat and creature sounds
    3026764 map dots for enemies & npc's within line of sight up to a max. radius

  • Katie Russell

    Katie Russell - 2010-07-08

    3026936 includes add shield alternatives - spiked shields & main gauches could offer both attack & defense.

    -add item slots to bag and/or nested bags to carry loot. is covered elsewhere ... cotainers.. bags..boes - we're working on it

    -add a typed function to swap primary/secondary weapon or to equip a different weapon (currently have to open bag & character screen & drag twice) like /switch or /equip (item) - please see [ 1825689 ] Droping items over existing should swap them

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-06-29

    Still working on backpacks? Is this something you want to add or not a priority to the game at this time?

  • Kimmo Rundelin

    Kimmo Rundelin - 2014-06-29

    The container code is largely done, but there are a bunch of co-dependent issues that need to be done. See



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