
#1371 Spirit of the Well


This is something of a two pronged idea. The first is a quest where the game simply tracks how many players donate to the wishing well and at a signficate threshold triggers a rare monster to spawn at the bottom of a speical well somewhere in the world, while annoucing its presence to all players.


  • Markus

    Markus - 2015-11-01

    I pretty much like that idea. Maybe killing that monster could be encouraged by adding achievements for that. And another thing to add: It could be a good idea to make the place of spawning more random than just one well to make killing that creature a challenge.

  • soniccuz

    soniccuz - 2015-11-02

    There certainly are enough wells in the world for that to work. I hesitated to suggest randomizing the location (out of the existing wells) because I'm afraid a low level player might fall in. Of course the bottom of the well could be structured to prevent that, say with a small path leading to the open chamber.

  • Kimmo Rundelin

    Kimmo Rundelin - 2015-11-06

    I like this idea too. It should be possible to limit the possible wells to protect low level players quite easily: include the wells only in zones that have danger level above some threshold.

  • soniccuz

    soniccuz - 2015-11-18

    My inspriation for this is the Norse myth of Odin sacrificing his eye to drink from Mimir's well of knowlege, and of course the desire for more interesting creatures to fight. Also starting to pick up ideas from the seven gods of fortune design-wise.



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