
Stendhal Developers meeting on 2nd or 3rd Aug

  • Katie Russell

    Katie Russell - 2010-07-27

    Could we have a Stendhal development meeting in #arianne on on Monday 2nd or Tuesday 3rd August? I'd hope we can keep it to an hour and a half or so, and in the evening, european time.

    Please could all developers who are currently working on Stendhal code or know they will make commits for Stendhal 0.87, comment here which date they can do, or neither? If you can't attend please let us know asap as we can consider other dates. 

    Please each prepare a very short summary of what you are working on, plan to to work on, and anything you had been working on but dropped because of difficulties, limitations or other priorities.

    Then we can have a short time where we can all ask you questions and perhaps tweak plans if necessary.

    It is also a time to be able to ask others for general guidance or recruit help for specific tasks. (The actual 'help' should be discussed later as it would be too time consuming to go into specifics at this meeting.)

    If while you're thinking of these things, you come up with specific tasks to 'write up' on any of the trackers, or a wikipage, please do it. We can then refer to them in the meeting. Self contained items are good for the tracker and longer ones on an appropriate, or new, page on the wiki.

    Don't forget to comment when you can attend, please. I'll update here which date was chosen when all the active developers have replied. Thank you!

  • Kimmo Rundelin

    Kimmo Rundelin - 2010-07-27

    For me Tuesday is likely better. Monday is ok, if that is the preference of the others.

  • Markus

    Markus - 2010-07-27

    I would be available on both days and have no specific preference for both dates.

  • Hendrik Brummermann

    Both days are fine for me

  • plassy

    plassy - 2010-07-27

    i have no special preference

  • yoriy

    yoriy - 2010-07-27

    great idea, i will join. Monday seems better then Thuesday but i will try to join any date

  • Laguz

    Laguz - 2010-07-27

    Both days are ok.

  • Storyteller

    Storyteller - 2010-07-31

    Monday and Tuesday are both fine for me.

  • Katie Russell

    Katie Russell - 2010-07-31

    Lets have the meeting on:

    Tuesday 3rd August at 7.30 pm server time, that is 5.30 pm GMT, in #arianne on

    Most people could do both days, kiheru preferred Tuesday. Yoriy preferred Monday but now due to unforeseen circumstances he can't attend either day.

    Thank you :)



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