
Server requirements, game development, etc...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2007-10-28

    1. Is there an study on server properties based on expected users?

    2. I noticed a chart when analyzing rats and other creatures. What's that for? Is that from a program? I would like to know more on the background of that analysis as a game developer.

    3. I will attempt to port Marauroa to the use of Hibernate. If I'm able to do so how can I contribute the results? As a cvs patch perhaps? This might take a while since I'm learning hibernate right now.

    4. I'm making my game internationalized and I would like to introduce the approach to Stendhal. It would be a lil' hard to do it on Stendhal but what about a tutorial or something on that line, will that be a good contribution?

    I want to learn from you guys and also contribute all that I can to your great efforts!

    Thanks in advance!

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2007-10-28

      Forgot to ask about hosting. Do you use a personal server or a hosted one? I would like to know since I don't have a personal server right now. If you know about good hosting options please let me know.

      • Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin

        I have hosted the server till 0.40 on my own computer. An ADSL 256/128 connection that was shared with other apps ( like browsing, downloading, etc... )

        • Anonymous

          Anonymous - 2007-10-28

          Care to provide computer information? # of processors, RAM, etc?

          • Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin

            At least 256MB of RAM.
            The fastest the CPU the better.
            It will work correctly on anything above 1Ghz

    • Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin

      1) No, but webpage stats gives you a measure. We work on something around 0.1kb/s per player.

      2) It was to show if you were expected to kill a rat. Done in excel. Useless now, it was done for up to level 5 of players ( the very first versions of Stendhal ).

      3) Yes, like a patch.

      4) Nope, unless it is very good it will be rejected. We have done i18n on the past but the result were never as good as the desired ones and so we abandoned them. Also most of the approaches needed a translator and translations easily get out of sync with main server.

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2007-10-28

        I'm aware of the translator need. One thing is to make Stendhal international able and other make all releases international. Make Stendhal releases in English, I'm sure community will provide translations.

        If set up using a jar as I mentioned you can add languages for the released version as a separate jar which would be the only thing to be updated.

        This approach should give Stendhal a powerful boost. I'll do mine that way and present the results/classes used for the approach to your consideration.



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