
New Games Howto

  • Subi frisks

    Subi frisks - 2009-07-04


    I'm trying to develop a new game using marauroa (thanks Miguel and all the other developers/contributors!).

    Some questions:
    1) Is it necessary to build marauroa to make a new game? Or can I add rules with Python?
    2) What is the simplest server? The Chat?


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2009-07-04

      1) No you don't need to build Marauroa to make a new game. You can use just the jar file. Actually you need to extend some classes to make your game.

      2) The chat is the simplest client, the server doesn't need to be changed unless you need to do something not currently supported, which I guess won't happen for a while.

      I already went through the process and have a learning trail set up.

      Go here:

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2009-07-04

      Also take a look at games already up and working like Stendhal and jWrestling (mine). There's a huge gap between Marauroa and a game. That's why I developed Simple-Marauroa server and client. Both work on top of Marauroa but makes thing easier! My learning trail focuses in explaining the gap, how to attack it and how Simple-Marauroa helps filling the gap. jWrestling is built using Simple-Server.

      For now make sure to complete the following:

      This links to Arianne's prelude to my tutorials.

      Let me know if you need more help.

    • Subi frisks

      Subi frisks - 2009-07-04

      Gracias Javier!

      Now on to reading!



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