
#3914 multiple timed teleport scroll timers can be running


the ballooons has a bug, if i go to kik 7 at 5:00 to check for monsters, and there is nothing there. i go play some more , then come back to kik 7 ,in about 45 to check again. oh i found a dark archangel i start killing it, in 15 minutes i will get a warning that i am about to fall through clouds. and sure enough i will, even though i have only been there 15 min on that last balloon. i dont think it does that on log out in between balloons. i dont log out that much so that is why i noticed it.


  • Katie Russell

    Katie Russell - 2008-09-23

    <kymara> i was thinking about the balloon timing bug, i think i know what
    causes it
    <kymara> you can leave the zone early via a teleport square but i don't think
    the notifier is stopped [21:20]
    <kymara> all it does (i think) is check the zone of the player when its time
    is up
    <kymara> so if the player had returned to the zone later they'd be kicked out
    <kiheru> yep. the teleporter needs to remove the timer :-/ [21:21]
    <kymara> i was thinking that if the turn listener is checking say every 5, 10,
    maybe, turns, if the player has left the zone, and tells the
    listener,that might work?
    <kymara> then (almost) as soon as the player leaves the zone, the timer is
    <kymara> i think the LoginListener tells the timer to stop going, just not the
    square teleports [21:22]
    <kiheru> hmm. does the player get some event when he changes zone? (if so,
    listening to those would work)
    <kymara> it's certainly a game event ... [21:23]
    <kymara> the change zone event could include if source = 7 kika then stop
    <kymara> but how would it know which timer to stop? [21:24]
    <kymara> i was thinking this'd have to be done within timed teleport scroll
    code so as you said it'd need a 'ZoneChangeListener'
    <kymara> or my tacky version which is just to listen manually ;) [21:25]
    <kymara> the zone change messages for new zones might be worth looking at
    <kiheru> looks like there's no general purpose notifier where to drop a hook.
    both the zone messages and tutorial is done manually [21:38]
    <kiheru> (thinking about a ZoneChangeListener, like we have TurnListeners)
    <kymara> yes that would be nice
    <kymara> can we do it tacky way till we have them
    <kymara> as a quick n dirty fix
    <kiheru> I'd think so. We are hopefully near a release, so I'd avoid big

  • Katie Russell

    Katie Russell - 2008-09-23
    • summary: balloon timing is off --> multiple timed teleport scroll timers can be running
  • bluelads4

    bluelads4 - 2011-08-12


    is that problem still urgent? I'll mark the entry as "out of date", please open it again if it's still a problem.



  • bluelads4

    bluelads4 - 2011-08-12
    • status: open --> closed-out-of-date
  • Hendrik Brummermann

    • status: closed-out-of-date --> open
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2023-10-12

    Is there still an underlying problem, or can this be closed since there is now a cooldown period before players can use balloon to enter Kika 7 again?



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