Tips for using SourceForge’s File Release System


There was a great question posed in the forums over the weekend and I realized this would be a great time to remind everyone of the procedure for uploading release files:

cheusov asked:

“I’d like to release my software but fails…What’s wrong?”

Because the SourceForge community is so awesome, the project owner had the question answered within hours when ckedem responded with a link to the File Release System (FRS) answer page. FRS, the project file distribution method used by SourceForge, was chosen to allow “developers to concentrate their efforts on code development and not concern themselves with the administrative overhead in maintaining a globally distributed network of download mirrors.”

The page contains complete instructions for uploading files to the site, using one of three methods — Web Upload, WebDAV, rsync over SSH, and sftp — now that FTP and scp are no longer supported. The page covers everything you need to know about creating a package and making it available for download, and also offers some tips to keep in mind about naming conventions and configuring a download page.

If you’re looking for WebDAV tools, try Davtool for Linux or Windows, or DAVlib for the Mac.

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