The Community Choice Awards Winners


Hey everyone! I’m back from OSCON and tired enough to go to the hospital and get an IV of something to fix me. Before I do that, though, I’d like to announce that we revealed the winners in the 2008 Community Choice Awards last night during our party!

Before I get to them, though, I’d like to tell you a few other cool things about the party:

  • We had the perfect number of people at the party. The vibe was great, people were connecting, and everyone liked the food and drinks. Entertainment was varied throughout the evening, partially because of spontaneity and partially because of mismanagement. But it was all good.
  • Yes, like every good party, there was a fight. Right at the very end. Nobody saw it, but at least I got to feel completely in charge while escorting the offender out (flanked with a bouncer far more capable of the necessary force than I.) It was totally Hollywood.
  • We gave out free tattoos, in case you haven’t heard. Lots of ’em. We totaled 16 consecutive hours of tattooing across four artists. Three other people (maybe four) got the Tux penguin that I have on my arm. That was awesome.

We also all got to hear Sam Ramji from Microsoft announce that won Best Project for Education. It wasn’t rigged, although that would be pretty ironic given the recent controversy over standards. Sam is a really nice guy, and I think he handled it well. I want to see a high quality dialog happen between Microsoft and the rest of the community. went on to win two additional awards: Best Project for the Enterprise and Best Project.

So! No more screwing around. The winners are:

  • Best Project:
  • Best Project for the Enterprise:
  • Best Project for Educators:
  • Most Likely to Be the Next $1B Acquisition: phpMyAdmin
  • Best Project for Multimedia: VLC
  • Best Project for Gamers: XBMC
  • Most Likely to Change the World: Linux
  • Best New Project: Magento
  • Most Likely to Be Ambiguously and Baselessly Accused of Patent Violation: WINE
  • Most Likely to Get Users Sued by Anachronistic Industry Associations Defending Dead Business Models: eMule
  • Best Tool or Utility for SysAdmins: phpMyAdmin
  • Best Tool or Utility for Developers: Notepad++

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