SourceForge’s Ongoing Effort to Eliminate Misleading Ads

By Community Team

SourceForge is home to over 400,000 Open Source projects. Our site and our work to support software development projects is funded in part through advertising. We’d like to give you an update on our advertising initiatives to date and discuss what’s coming next.

Here’s what we’ve been doing to eliminate misleading ads

In November 2013, we launched our BlockThis initiative to remove misleading and confusing ads. For example, ads that appear on our download page and feature a big green download button, which clearly seeks to draw users away from the legitimate download flow. Since starting this initiative, we’ve discovered that approximately 95% of the few dozen ad complaints we’ve received have been legitimate, resulting in the removal of these offending ads. We plan to continue our BlockThis initiative and our work with advertising partners to identify and prevent misleading ads.

We’re taking a new approach to unwanted Web space ads

images-1We’re extending the BlockThis program to include advertising that appears on our Project Web. While we had routed these complaints to project teams in the past, certain recent uses of the Project Web have triggered ad concerns, resource abuses, and Chrome security issues, which is why we are taking direct action.

Here’s how you can help!

If you see a confusing ad, drop us an email at providing a screenshot and, more importantly, the full link to the ad. To copy it: Right click on the link and choose “Copy Link Location” in FireFox; “Copy Shortcut” in Internet Explorer; “Copy Link” in Safari; and, “Copy Link Address” in Chrome. We’ll be sure to review all requests and, if we agree with your complaint, we will take immediate action.

2 Responses

  1. pedromonta says:

    Soy un permanente usuario de sweet home 3d, felicitaciones por tan excelente herramienta de diseño, para mejorar las posibilidades   propongo creacion de una herramienta tipo caja triangular, tanto horizontal como vertical. asi mismo la posibilidad de colocar la piscina por debajo del nivel del piso, ademas de una mayor cantidad de personas (niños niñas y mascotas). gracias.

  2. Ben says:

    Never mind the advertisements; you have a much more significant problem with the malware that is being distributed via the “SF Installer”. Case in point: the FileZilla project. To echo what the thousands of angry reviewers have said on the FileZilla project page, SourceForge is no longer trustworthy.

    As a related corollary, it’s ridiculous that I can’t comment here using my SourceForge credentials; I have to authenticate using some third-party service. There is a “Log In” link at the top of this page, and I login repeatedly, but the session is not recognized on this blog. Shoddy workmanship, all around. I have lost a lot of respect for SourceForge lately. Any that I had, really.