Platform updates: side-by-side diffs

By Community Team

A frequently requested feature is the ability to view your diffs side-by-side in the source code viewer. We’re delighted to announce that this feature is now available. You can see this in action in any code browser by selecting the “switch to side-by-side view” link at the top right. For example, take a look at the revision where this feature was added.

As always, you can see what’s up ahead by looking at the milestones in the ticket tracker. Be sure to vote for tickets that you’d like to see worked on soon.

2 Responses

  1. GuestGuest2 says:

    Very nice…. Where is the download button?????  Side-By-Side does NOT give any useable results in the search. hmmm…

    • rbowen2000 says:

      @GuestGuest2 Perhaps I wasn’t clear. This isn’t a piece of software that you can download, but, rather, is a feature of the SourceForge developer platform that you’ll use while developing software hosted on SourceForge.