Anonymous-os project response

By Community Team

SourceForge is dedicated to making open source projects successful. We thrive on community collaboration to help us create the leading resource for open source software development and distribution. We strive to be, above all, trusted, both by the developers working on software, and the people downloading that software. Without trust, Open Source fails.

Yesterday we starting hearing some buzz about a new project called “Anonymous-OS” – people claiming that it was not affiliated in any way with the group referring to itself as “Anonymous” (See Wikipedia for further discussion of that group), and also that the software itself was full of a variety of trojans, malware, viruses, or backdoors.

We looked at the project, and decided that although the name of the project was misleading (we see no evidence that it is connected with Anonymous) it appeared, on initial glance, to be a security-related operating system, with, perhaps, an attack-oriented emphasis. We have, in the past, taken a consistent stance on “controversial” projects – that is, we don’t pass judgement based on what’s possible with a product, but rather consider it to be amoral – neither good nor bad – until someone chooses to take action with it.

This is even discussed in our hosting documentation, in the terms of service.

However, as the day progressed, various security experts have had a chance to take a look at what’s really in this distribution, and verify that it is indeed a security risk, and not merely a distribution of security-related utilities, as the project page implies.

SourceForge, and the Open Source community as a whole, values transparency, particularly where issues of security are involved. This project isn’t transparent with regard to what’s in it. It is critical that security-related software be completely open to peer review (i.e., by providing source code), so that risks may be assessed along with benefits. That is not available in this case, and the result is that people are taking a substantial risk in downloading and installing this distribution.

Furthermore, by taking an intentionally misleading name, this project has attempted to capitalize on the press surrounding a well-known movement in order to push downloads of a project that is less than a week old.

We have therefore decided to take this download offline and suspend this project until we have more information that might lead us to think differently. We’ll be in touch with the project admin, and let you know if and when we find out anything to contrary, but for now, that’s what we’re doing.

We always struggle with taking a project offline, even one that seems, on the face of it, to need it. The reason for this is that we have been entrusted with thousands of projects, by thousands of developers, and we are always at risk of making a judgement about a project that looks malicious, and isn’t. We don’t want to forfeit the trust of the developer community in exchange for the trust of the user community, or vice versa. It’s a tightrope we must walk every time we encounter a project that seems a little suspicious.

We believe that this is the right decision in this case, but will continue to dig into it, to ensure that we’ve gone the right direction.

17 Responses

  1. 132 joe says:

    There’s still ”anonymous-smcoon” or a name that looks like that, that is still online is it possible to quickly review the source code? Because i dont know how it works :S but it could be great right? Or freaking bad :S

  2. cazee says:

    Thanks !

  3. LovingTaeYeon says:


  4. sdf says:

    Will not fit in an e-mail.

  5. AbbyVarghese says:

    how to downoad it?

  6. Elle Lawliet says:

    kiero el archivo como lo consigo

  7. ctsai says:

    As this blog post implies, we (SourceForge) do not have, and are not distributing the distribution known as Anonymous OS. We are not able to send it to any users, if you ask us to send it to you, we will not be able to assist with that request. As a courtesy to those who mistakenly commented on this thread with their email addresses, I’m removing your comments to protect your privacy.
    Chris Tsai, Support

  8. HoshmandFox says:

    please send it for meh

  9. 4ld017 says:

    how to downoad it?

  10. ThiagoSAraujo_ says:

    Me envia por e-mail o Anonymous OS

  11. Thong says:

    Tools DDos :-s

  12. BeroBro says:

    hi, can you send me the link to:   ???? plEaSe

  13. ZughieHardHacker says:

    How to download it guis

  14. tommy nguyen says:

    hi, I need you to hack pass website and I
    can you send me the link to: Please!!!

  15. […] could download it as a torrent and via direct download, but as of today, only the former option. SourceForge pulled it […]

  16. […] Le site de la communauté open-source SourceForge a décidé alors de rejoindre les rangs des méfiants en retirant le fichier, qui n’est désormais disponible que sur BitTorrent.  Le site considère que le nom « Anonymous-OS » est trompeur puisqu’il n’y a aucune preuve que cela provienne bien des Anonymous. Par ailleurs, ils estiment que ce projet comporte des risques de sécurité, comme l’ont signalé plusieurs experts qui ont examiné la distribution. […]