Activity for Tom Elliott

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #177

    EpiDoc Guidelines search box seems to be broken

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified a comment on ticket #177

    This is resolved with r2811.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #177

    EpiDoc Guidelines search box seems to be broken

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #177

    This is resolved with r2811.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2811]

    updated URI construction string for Google Search box

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #182

    It's now up on /dev, e.g.,

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #182

    I will organize an expedition team and go after this bug.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #182

    Guidelines Spec pages broken

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #140

    I’d have thought that the institutional affiliation (e.g., Brown University) would be the most useful contextual indicator. Tom Elliott Associate Director for Digital Programs Senior Research Scholar Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, NYU pronouns: he, him, his On 20 Oct 2020, at 16:50, Elli Mylonas wrote: I've added two projects, with very simple accompanying links to source files and documentation....

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #129

    stylesheets incorrectly handle word break across lines with paragraphos

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #129

    Sounds good to me. Reassigning to @pietroliuzzo

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #79

    Clarify and complete guidance on line placement/formatting

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #79

    Realistically I cannot predict when I will be able to do this, so I think the most responsible path is to relinquish assignment, with apologies herewith.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #120

    Investigate getting Guidelines crawled by Internet Archive

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #120

    Sadly, no. Relinquishing.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #74

    The long-promised meeting was held on 29 January 2020. In attendance: @hcayless @pietroliuzzo @gabrielbodard and myself. We identified the following major tasks: Collation: Do a proper survey and concordance of what is handled by the stylesheets now, which parameter(s) govern associated behavior, and whether they work as expected. Run that survey past some section of constituency and see if they think it's good enough for core (markup? EDAG?) If 1&2 reveals changes that need to be made to the stylesheets,...

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott created ticket #140

    facilitate discovery of comparative projects

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #133

    Need clarity in Guidelines on "type of text" encoding

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #120

    Investigate getting Guidelines crawled by Internet Archive

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #79

    Clarify and complete guidance on line placement/formatting

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #176

    htm-teidivedition: span elements get the same id

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #175

    unsupported use of "certainty" in trans-numnoncongruent.xml

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #172

    ex-epidoctemplate is sometimes uavailable from Guidelines link

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #156

    missing namespace on <text> element borks <g> handling for DDB

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #129

    stylesheets incorrectly handle word break across lines with paragraphos

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #164

    Extra deletion brackets added by Stylesheets

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #124

    Address custodial history in Guidelines

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #124

    Reassigning to Elli with ask Scott D. because USEP has examples and is thinking about this right now.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #124

    EDH style txt- transforms leave spaces around '/' when within word

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #124

    Can no longer duplicate. Closing.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #99

    CHET-C individual-word queries in supplement

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #175

    unsupported use of "certainty" in trans-numnoncongruent.xml

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #174

    Allow <trailer>

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #174

    Consensus to close this issue as "not accepted." Note link to FR above which aims to eventually document and give detailed directions for alternative solution.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #172

    ex-epidoctemplate is sometimes uavailable from Guidelines link

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #74

    I have sent doodle poll invitations for this meeting to all who have participated in this thread with the goal of having the meeting within the next 4 weeks. Please email me or append here if you have not received the doodle poll invitation but would like to participate.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #99

    I propose closing "won't fix".

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified a wiki page


  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2746]

    updated guidelines driver version to 9.1 candidate

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott created ticket #175

    unsupported use of "certainty" in trans-numnoncongruent.xml

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2742]

    fixed well-formedness error so file validates

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2737]

    updated rev on guidelines

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2736]

    bumped version in driver.xml to reflect post-9.1 dev

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #132

    Text direction: GL and XSL need improving

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #46

    CHET-C express release info in interface

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #46

    CHET-C is no longer supported so this feature cannot be implemented.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #156

    I will undertake to get better status on this ticket.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #172

    ex-epidoctemplate is sometimes uavailable from Guidelines link

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #172

    To prevent this sort of hassle in the future, we should ensure that there's a copy of the template included with the Guidelines release and that the link in the Guidelines page points at that release copy instead of at the (sometimes) live copy in the sourceforge repos.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #120

    Ryan's code will work great. I'll undertake to build a list of all our guidelines URLs that can be used with same.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #120

    I'm going to take a look at the Web Archive Triage scripts that Ryan Baumann's published on GitHub. They can probably be used for this purpose.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #116

    "Gentle Introduction" is out of date

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified a comment on ticket #79

    So, implementation should probably involve the following: Create new guidelines page, parallel to the "vacat" pages, titled "indentation" vel sim. and lay out examples and discussion there. Add corresponding support to the example stylesheets, to include "legacy" handling of lb rend (via a Leiden style for DCLP).

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #79

    So, implementation should probably involve the following: Create new guidelines page, parallel to the "vacat" pages, titled "indentation" vel sim. and lay out examples and discussion there. Add corresponding support to the example stylesheets, to include "legacy" handling of lb rend.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #79

    DCLP went ahead and implemented a solution using rend on lb; however, I concur with the view expressed above that EpiDoc should recommend the more flexible solution involving space.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #87

    EpiDoc guidance on text direction is not TEI-conformant

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #87

    I've made, committed, and pushed the XSL changes to GitHub: Closing this ticket as "done."

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #87

    The strings "left-to-right" and "right-to-left" only appear in htm-teiab.xsl, so that's where I'm going to make the changes.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #167

    Guidelines on persname don't address nymref use consistently

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #167

    This bug has been resolved with [r2696].

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2696]

    expanded explanation of use of nymRef attribute, with link to the appropriate section of the TEI Guidelines; regularized examples to follow the recommended behavior; addresses

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott created ticket #167

    Guidelines on persname don't address nymref use consistently

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #87

    Yep, I can take the XSLT aspect, for sure. -- Tom Elliott, Ph.D. Associate Director for Digital Programs and Senior Research Scholar Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (NYU) Humanities Commons: @paregorios OrcID: 0000-0002-4114-6677 On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 5:45 AM, BODARD Gabriel wrote: This may be a case for assigning this ticket to Tom (and...

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #120

    Investigate getting Guidelines crawled by Internet Archive

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #129

    additional default attribute value suggestions for biblScope@unit

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #129

    I agree that we should retain "entry" and the other values currently inherited from the TEI: volume, issue, page, line, chapter, part, column, entry.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #129

    On-list suggestions to date: appendix band book database id figure folio note section tome verse

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2679]

    fixed typos and editing infelecities that were helpfully pointed out by @sarcanon

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #121

    document illustration bibliography subtype use in guidelines

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #122

    Guidelines page on figures/facsimile needs more discussion

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #123

    Guideilnes bibliography section needs to address bibliographic reference of images

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #121

    document illustration bibliography subtype use in guidelines

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #123

    Guideilnes bibliography section needs to address bibliographic reference of images

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #123

    With [r2678], this is ready for review.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2678]

    updated with additional examples and cross-reference to the section on imagery

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #123

    Guideilnes bibliography section needs to address bibliographic reference of images

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #121

    With [r2677] this is ready for review.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #122

    With [r2677] this is ready for review.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2677]

    first pass at content for this page is complete: ready for review

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #121

    see now [r2676], which still needs framing discussion

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2676]

    adjusted rubric and added DCLP example of div type=bibliography subtype=illustrations

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2675]

    added separate sections and rubrics for facsimile and external citation of imagery

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #122

    See now [r2674]

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2674]

    added introductory text, with links to the appropriate parts of the TEI Guidelines, for the facsimile-related examples already in the file

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2673]

    add more complete framing text for the page on images and figures

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2672]

    add rubric for 'Images and Figures' to the 'thematic lists of guidelines pages' section of the front page

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #129

    I have now written to markup about this:

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott posted a comment on ticket #129

    I don't think the EpiDoc guidelines talk about this at all.

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott created ticket #129

    additional default attribute value suggestions for biblScope@unit

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #165

    Extra square backets after numerals with keraia

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott modified ticket #164

    Extra deletion brackets added by Stylesheets

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2656]

    fixing branch renaming mistake

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2655]

    finishing restoration of development branch for issue119

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2654]

    marking damaged branch

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2653]

    eliminating obsolete rebase branch for issue 119

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2652]

    restoring dclp-issue119 branch before I corrupted it and deleted it

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2651]

    merged DCLP issue #119 fixes from ^/branches/dclp-issue119/example-p5-xslt on top of latest snapshot of production (^/branches/dclp/example-p5-xslt) in order to prepare for incorporation into production

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2650]

    copying primary DCLP branch in order to create a rebase branch for dclp issue #119 (

  • Tom Elliott Tom Elliott committed [r2645]

    eliminating temporary rebase parent directory

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