Activity for sydney

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Miscellaneous Help Wanted

    I have an older version of minGW installed on my computer, Now I need to update the compiler to a newer version so I downloaded minGW(64) and unzipped it. Since I compared the new version to the older version I noticed that the new version had no bin folder containing the compiler or debugger! Am I missing something here? I do need to update the compiler but now I am frustrated. Help needed. syd

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on a wiki page

    I was really looking for a mingw forum where I can discuss issues relating to mingw, but, so far, this is the closest to I've gotten to finding such a forum on Sourceforge. I have mingw installed and, after perusing online Utube videos and the mingw installation directory, I have many questions about what I have installed. I'm using it via Eclipse and it does seem to work very well. ie there is a file, ld.exe, in the mingw folder, which I think might be used to do an object file dump and show assemble...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Compiling

    I gave up on this IDE. Now I am using Eclipse!!!!!!

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    For a month now I've been screwing around with this IDE and getting nowhere with this thing. First, when I have a problem, I find the forum useless. I never get an answer, and looking at the activity on the forum it seems that it is not being used. I see a lot of views, but have never seen an answer to any of my posts that I have made! So it is useless! The documentation, what there is, is trivial and almost useless. I have been trying to get such a simple task as using the debugger running, but...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Compiling

    If I go into tools/compiler options menu and select programs, there is a check box that shows "Add a compiler set by folder". Does this mean that if I downloaded a mingw compiler set and selected the folder from this menu where I installed mingw, then I could select this as a compiler instead of the default, installed compiler? syd/wt1v

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Debugging

    I did 2 things which solved most of the problems. I replaced the DevC++ IDE with the Embarcadaro version. It seems to be better. And then, instead of trying to use the old code, including the project files, make file, etc, I started from scratch just adding the .c and.h files into a new project. Now it compiles and runs!! I suspect that the real cause of my problems was due to simply copying the old, complete directory of files, including the project and makefiles. and using them in the new setup!...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Debugging

    You can look it up on Google, which I did or you can simply go to the following link. Windows can be a pain!!!! syd

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have Embarcedaro installed and in the installation directory there is a templates folder. In it there are 2 text files, helloc and hellocpp. These are the simplest forms of hello world that you can find. In other versions, the directory might be named examples. 1st make a new project for a console app and then add in this example file and compile and run it. There is also a helloc_input and likewise for C++ that will allow you to see the results on the command line console until you give back a...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Compiling

    My code won't compile and I get the following text in the error msg Please submit a full bug report. See <url:http:"" bugs.shtml=""> for instructions. </url:http:> Well, this link is not any longer usable! I go to the homepage for mingw and there are several download links there on the homepage, but nowhere can I find any place to submit a bug report! So, the link doesn't work and the site is no help. I have done some research on the web and into this problem and have been told to...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Compiling

    I'm not an expert on this, but from what I am seeing here I can see that there are a lot of errors attributed not finding functions such as undefined reference to BlackJackTutorTerminalIo::BlackJackTutorTerminalIo()' C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\ccfc3TqP.o:main.cpp:(.text+0x37) This is saying the compiler can't find BlackJackTutorTerminallo::BlackJackTutorTerminallo() function inside main.cpp, among a lot of others, which is a function inside the BlackJackTutorTerminallo:: scope. This function...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Compiling

    Compiler: Default compiler Building Makefile: "C:\C_algorithms_with_C\examples\bistree\" Executing make... make.exe -f "C:\C_algorithms_with_C\examples\bistree\" all gcc.exe bistree_main.o bistree.o bitree.o -o "bistree_Project.exe" -L"C:/Dev-Cpp/lib" gcc.exe: Internal error: Aborted (program collect2) Please submit a full bug report. See <url:http:"" bugs.shtml=""> for instructions.</url:http:> make.exe: *** [bistree_Project.exe] Error 1 Execution terminated...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Troubleshooting

    Many year ago I used this IDE and made several project which all ran quite well. So now on a different computer I decided to download the latest version of DevC++ and copied my old projects into my new computer. Then go through some of the working projects that I made a while ago. I tried to compile a previous project and it would not compile. Here is the error message that I get. C:\C_algorithms_with_C\examples\bistree\ [Build Error] [bistree_Project.exe] Error 1 This is probably something...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I got a better idea. I removed Octave and deleted this tutorial, since it was too much of a problem that should have been a simple task to follow from a tutorial. I have no intention to learn how touse Octave just to go through one example from a tutorial. Especially, since the rest of the tutorial then focuses on using Python for the rest. So now I am supposed to learn all about Python too? As far as I am concerned, this tutorial has been a complete waste of my time. If anyone wants to know my opinion...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I wish you the best of luck with this textmode tutorial. The command line given above does work. However, the Octave part following, loadQucsDataSet etc. is, for me in windows, AFU! Octave can't find the plotting functions, and there is little help from Octave about how to fix it. Then the rest of the tutorial goes into using Python!! I would give this document a 0 out of 10! I got so frustrated with this tutorial I uninstalled Octave, and deleted the document! The only reason that I looked at this...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    After looking around some more, I find that the loadQucsDataSet function is found in C://program files/Qucs/share/qucs/octave folder. Notice that it is not even an Octave function. So now I'm guessing that I will have to add a path variable to point to this directory for Octave to find it! And that is why I am getting an error message from Octave when I try to execute it. Funny thing, looking at this directory, I noticed that it does not contain the loglog function as mentioned in the tutorial: I...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You are right about Octave not finding loadQucsDataSet. I tried the same code with a nonexistent data file and got the same error! So you are correct, it is not finding the function itself. Since I downloaded and used the install tool, this should have been enough for Octave to find it's own functions since the install tool should have set this all up. So now I'm really strumped! Octave has no forums. But I did find a messaging site, which I will try to use to see if anyone knows what to do.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I entered data=loadQucsDataSet('temp.dat')​ into Octave, knowing that temp.dat doesn't exist and got the same error message. So it seems like Octave can't find the actual data file! If anyone has gone through this tutorial and gone through this problem, it sure would help if the tutorial covered this mess! Right now, information on using Octave is not very good, to say the least. I can't even find documentation on what a workspace is! And since it is workspace based, it might to a good thing to know....

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In the text mode tutorial I'm having a problem making the plot from a .net file. I created the example file in Octave, saved it as, and found the file in a DOS command window . I then made a data file using qucsator -i -o rc_ac.dat per tutorial (the tutorial has an error in this part because you can't use piping < and >). The data file was created and is quite large, showing the data was produced. I then went back to the command view in Octave and put in the following line: (per...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    That explains a lot! And the help utility for this tool has a lot to be desired. BTW there is an open source tool called Scilab. It is an open source tool that does a lot of what Matlab does and is excellent for EEs and control systems engineers. I highly recommend it for anyone interested in this subject. Those developers sure did know how to create a help utility. Check it out.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    data=loadQucsDataSet(’temp.dat’) loglog(data(1).data, data(3).data)​ In the text mode tutorial, the above two lines of code are given to simulate a code file produced using qucsator: I am assuming that the code produced should be in the form of a .dat file from a .net file as input to be useful. Then the above two lines are executed to produce a data file that can be plotted in Octave using the loglog function. The above two files are not where the tutorial said they could be found, but after nosing...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I checked your link, and the download is the exact same name as the one that I downloaded. However, the size of my download is 45.9 MB, while the size of the download from your link is 48.2 MB! I got both of them from SourceForge! I'm guessing that your version contains an install utility. So I guess I should uninstall Qucs from the windows task manager, and then use the setup file in your download link just to make sure the install is done correctly. I did find both of the afore mentioned files...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    Well, I hate to say it, but in my Qucs install there is no qucs/qucs/octave directory! I also did a windows search for this file and it came up empty! I must say that when I downloaded the newest version of Qucs to get rid of some problems with the older version, I noticed that all I got from the download was a zip file. This file, when unzipped, contained no installer or uninstaller utility. Good downloads should, to say the very least, contain an install utility! All this download contained was...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    Well, I looked into the QQucs installation directories, starting with the bin directory and then looking at all the other installed directories and found no such loadQucsDataSet executable file! And I have the latest version of Qucs installed. So I guess the file didn't get shipped with Qucs! Unless I'm a bit blind and can't see it. Even if you are right about these files, I find this tutorial more than a little strange in that I am supposed to open a DOS window and then need to execute two different...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    In this tutorial there is a section using Octave code to make a plot from a dataset. loglog() and loadQucsDataSet() functions are to be used. Looking up these two functions in Octave I find the loglog() function, but nowhere can I find the function loadQucsDataSet(). It is not part of Octave at all! How can a tutorial with such an obvious error be part of the Qucs documentation?

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'm looking at at tutorial called using Qucs in text mode. It talks about making netlist files and then using qucsator, seemingly from the command line (old DOS stuff). So is qucsator acessible via the normal Qucs IDE or am I supposed to treat this like the old command prompt in a DOS window? Because, is it's the latter, I'm afraid that, going back to the old non windows days, I will probably have to set a path to the qucsator.exe file to get it to run in the folder where the netlist file is located....

  • sydney sydney created ticket #212

    modelbjt.pdf file is bogus

  • sydney sydney created ticket #211

    tutorial problem

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    After using this site for a while now, I clicked on the Reviews button at the top of the page. I saw a lot of Reviews and ratings. I'd like to post a Review, but see no way to do so on this page. No add a Review button or anything like that exists. There must be a way to add a Review as others have done so. If someone knows how to add a Review, please inform me of what to do.

  • sydney sydney created ticket #210

    Qucs0.0.19 download 2nd try

  • sydney sydney created ticket #209

    Qucs 0.0.19 download

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    At first I had Quc 0.0.18 installed and a simple digital simulation would not work. freehdl_v2cc wasn't in the setup. I noticed that there was a new version, 0.0.19, so I downloaded it: a zip file. The zip file did not come with a setup.exe file. After extracting the zip file, I got a full set of directories, identical to the originally installed directories. So I copied and pasted the set of directories and files into the original program files/Qucs directory and started the Qucs executable through...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I tried installing 0.0.19, the newest version from sourceforge. Backing up the .qucs folder that contained the installed files. The backup wasn't needed. The install worked fine. After creating a digital example, when I tried to simulate the first example from the tutorial, I got the netlist and then some errors before abandoning the simulation. cannot be found! This sure looks like it can't find the code to be compiled. Help on this is needed to run a digital simulation. The netlist is ...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I just noticed that there is a version, Qucs 0.0.19 available. Maybe I should uninstall 0.0.18 and reinstall 0.0.19. If I do this I like to confirm that the existing projects will not be lost when I reinstall the new version over the old version. Can someone please confirm that I will not be erasing the original project files when I do this!!! Hopefully the update will fix the digital simulation problems.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have downloaded freehdl_v2cc. Now I have a zip file which I can extract. So if I want to use it in Qucs, do I extract it into the Qucs bin directory? That doesn't make sense since this much more than a binary file! If I extract the set of files into another directory, other than the Qucs/bin directory how will Qucs know how to access this tool to be used by Qucs? It looks like I am going to have to monkey around with the Qucs properties menu to get this thing running. In any case, instructions...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    Looking through the Qucs/help/installed files menu I can see the various applications that Qucs uses. I see qucsator and qucsedit in the bin directory along with others, but the installed list does not include freehdl_v2cc! So something has got to be wrong with the install package!

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help​ This is a link to a post that was made a long time ago about not being able to do a digital simulation. I'm using Qucs 0.0.18. This post talks about work arounds by setting environment variables, etc. It also makes mention to doing a reinstall to fix the problem, probably because an older Qucs version was being used. I think the version I'm using is the latest version, as far as I can tell. Looking in the Qucs/bin directory, I see no freehdl_v2cc file at...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I finally got it working, this is the result

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    maybe it's better if I don't zip the file. let me know.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is the zener test scheme for the LCR circuit. I'm probably missing something in the setup of the varactor characteristics.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'll attack the scheme to a self post as I cannot attach to the original post! This is a simple scheme to test a varactor diode changing the resonant frequency of an LCR circuit. The resonant point shows up for only one of the simulation vdc's. There should be 5 different simulations. Maybe someone can help me here.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    Claudio: I've just posted a ticket on this site about this forum. You may want to view it, as it is very negative to say the least about this forum!! Most of it is about adding attachments, marking posts as completed, and simply that 99% of my posts are never answered. You are the only one to date who has ever answered any of my posts. Most of my recent posts over the last month have been related to the opamps tutorial. No answers. Some of the examples I got to work, but, for the most part, they...

  • sydney sydney created ticket #70

    this is probably the most useless forum I've ever used!!!!

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I noticed that changing the on and off times of the switched, allows them to open sequencially in the transient simulation mode, so I guess I solved my own post!

  • sydney sydney created ticket #69

    varactor and zener diodes not included as elements

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I don't see any model for either a varactor or a zener diode in Qucs, strangely enough there is one for a tunnel diode! Is this an ommision from the team? Varactors and zeners are used a lot more than tunnel diodes!

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I fixed the ground problem, but the opamp still doesn't work. See the next post on this subject.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    In this scheme I added an offset into the circuit to replace the original offset DC sources via an equation. The opamp still didn't work when tested. So I tried a little troubleshooting technique. I added outputs to the original schematic at 2 relevant points: p1 and p2. So I can see into the inner workings of the circuit. I added a transient simulation, and looked at p1 and p2. The original gain and phase diagrams are screwed up as usual. But so are p1 and p2. I expected to see sine waves. So the...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    the test scheme is in the self reply as I cannot attach to the original post.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is the ttl opamp sch file and the test setup, from the tutorial. When I try to simulate this, I get a lot! of messages about inserting virtual resistances! I thought that this message was caused by a lack of a ground in a loop, but I don't see anything wrong with grounds in this setup. I could be wrong here. Can anyone figure out what is going on here?

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    In the opamp tutorial, there is a schematic of a ttl opamp. I entered it and tested it, but can not get it to work according to the tutorial. Attached in the self reply is the test scheme and the ttl .sch file.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have seen some places where they give an examples as a netlist file. How does one use this file in Qucs to show it in Qucs as a real schematic? Most of the time I am given an .sch file, and that is pretty simple to import into Qucs for use.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is the swiches scheme in the workbook tuturial.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is the swiches scheme in the workbook tuturial.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    At the very end of the workbook tutorial I find this test setup for the last, magically built, opamp. I say magically, because this opamp was created from another magically built opamp, that was also magically built from another, and so on so forth. The device that was to be installed in this opamp was shown in detail. But how to add into the previous opamp was never shown to the user. Anyway, trying to circumvent this problem I plodded on. Getting to this figure I see a test setup with switches...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    Also, for a fixed frequency, use a transient simulation. That shows the results like an oscilloscope would. I don't think you what to try this with a parameter simulation.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    You could post a copy of what you are trying to do, that might help the others to see what your problem is. BTW, you will need an AC simulation to see the frequency plot of output vs freq. Usually I put in an equation (gain=dB(vout) with the input AC at 1 volt so you don't need a dB(vout/vin) in your gain formula. Then do a parameter sweep. I do this in several of the Quics examples, set the sweep to integer values 1:10 step 1. You get 10 outputs. There are other examples that show how to get the...

  • sydney sydney created ticket #207

    debugging in qucs

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    Having been fooling around with this tutorial for the past several weeks, I'm getting a little frustrated. Most of the schemes don't work. And today, after skipping over some of my problem schemes I am seeing more problems with this tutorial. figure 22 (slew rate), figure 28 (output current limiter), and figure 25 (overdrive and output voltage) all give diagrams on how to make them. Then they are followed by a test setup. Funny thing here is that these figures are added to previous schemes to form...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    The problem is partially solved! Thinking about an idea opamp I remembered that the gain is infinity, but the gains in the voltage and current sources were at 1, according to the tutorial! That didn't seem to be right, so I changed the S and R gain parameters to 1 MS and 1 MOhm. Now the output of the opamp gives a 20 dB gain and a phase of -180 degrees, and the quiescent point is now at 0.0068, which is what the tutorial gives! I said this was partially solved: the AC charts are continuous throughout...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I would like to see the effects of changing the G parameter in a VCCS. Is there a way to set up a parameter sweep to do this? A simple sweep through a list of values will do.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    This time I tried some old time troubleshooting techniques as I would with a real circuit: volt meters and oscopes. Now I added in 2 probes to the original scheme, put in a transient analysis, and looked at the s1 and s2 ports. s1 is OK, but why is s2 0? Maybe because it is an input to a current input? I was thinking about putting in a current probe into this leg, but that will not show up as a parameter in the simulation. Maybe there is a way around this, I don't know. I sure wish these tutorials...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I also went back and created a composite of the three figures into one scheme, making sure there were grounds in each loop, and then created a test setup similar to the tutorial. Still, no good! Attached is the new scheme.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I deleted the entire project and started over from scratch, being very meticulous this time. The results of my efforts are attached. Unfortunately, I get similar results to the original project: the library opamp works as advertised, but the simulated one from the tutorial simply will not work! The gain plot is way out of whack! So is the quiescent point for the simulated opamp. I'm stumped!!

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I thought I did, but, alas, I didn't!! When I added file and the filename as the property, now the file name shows up in the icon properties, which looks a lot like that shown in the tutorial. That's when I thought that I figured out this dilema. Unfortunately, after trying to do a simulation, I get a lot of error messages about undefined this and that. Taking out the file names that I entered into the project, eliminated all problems. So I'm back to where I started: trying to displey the filename...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    Never mind, I figured it out.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    This displays what I am trying to do, when I create a circuit and associated cell. How to add in File=figure3.sch of something like that to the properites for displaying is the question.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    After going through several figures in the opamp tutorial, I noticed the the file names of the file from which the cell was created was displayed on the cells in the diagram. I tried fooling around with the SUB properties to add in the name of the cell from which the cell was created. This is a nice way to organize these cells when using them. So how does one create the file names as in the attachment. I can only attach to my self reply, so look there to see what I am talking about.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is the project that I created from the tutorial. The quiescent point of the library op amp is ok, but that of the simulator is way off. So is the graphical display for the simulated op amp. I've been through this project many times to look for errors and can find none at all, unless, of course, I'm blind! That won't be the first time I've missed something.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    In this tutorial, for the figures 8 through 13, a simple opamp is created. As I cannot attach a file to this post, but can do so in my self replies, look at the attachments in the self reply to see what I am talking about.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    Addendum to post: here is the test setup. I can see the input sin wave, but no output! Phase is wacky, and gain is 0. So now I have code that simulates, but doesn't work! I tried to put a wire label in the cell itself, where I would like to see the output of the first stage of this code. This is simular to a watch point in a regular debugger. But no, I have no way to view it. Unless I add the point into an equation: maybe that will work. I don't know. So, once again, I would like some advice on debugging...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is one example, where I would have used debugging techniques, but, alas, there is none in Qucs.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    Having been used to developing in C and C++, using various development environments, I'm used to fixing code with a debugger. Setting up breakpoints, viewing variables, etc, even using printf(). But this enviroment does not seem to have the ability for debugging except to look at the netlist. Attached to a self reply is an example that I got working, mostly through luck and advice from this forum, and certainly not using a debugger! There are other examples that are much larger than this one! I would...

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    This makes things much simpler. Thanks for the help!!!!!

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is the project and error message. This sounds like a part of the Qucs package needs to be installed.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    In the workbook tutorial, figure 5.1, there is a simple digital example, which I installed and tried to simulate. I get a lot of error messages and have no idea what to do. Attached in the self reply, is the project and the error message.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    This contains the three intermediate stages, the composite cell, and the test cell. I sure would like to know how to fix this as this is the only example left in this tutorial that I am having problems with.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    From this tutorial in figure 9, I got that working! So I created figure 10, which is made of the composite of input, inter, and output cells. Then I made a test circuit as shown in the tutorial. Needless to say, none of the variables from the intermediate stages can be found.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I took out the parameter rs, and hard coded in the value for R. Now it works! Now that it works, I went back to the schematic and changed R = rs instead of R = 0.01, and now that works also. I'm baffled by this, but at least I got it working.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    This complains about an undefined rs on line 4. I have defined rs in the cell to be tested, and I see it in the netlist file. What's going on here?

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is right out of figure 23 of the Qucs tutorial from the equations file in the help section. See the attached files in the self reply to see the problem.

  • sydney sydney created ticket #206

    Qucs tutorial from help/examples pdf file

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I take it back! This tutorial has an error in it! In the Qucs tutorial (from the help/equations selection) page 41, you will see in equation 1, Omega defined with frequency as a variable. frequency is not used anywhere in the cell or the test setup. So the whole thing has errors!! Included is the project that I recreated from the tutorial, the test setup, and a long list of errors! If anyone thinks I'm wrong here, you're welcome to disprove it!!!

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I redid figure 16 from scratch, being a little more meticulous this time and it now works. It is really too bad that the error messages I get when things don't go right, are a little more cryptic about the problems. I guess I am spoiled after using the debugger for C and C++ in the Eclipse environment. If this was one of those projects, I would have fixed this is a few minutes.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I downloaded your scheme and tried it out. All went OK. I compared it to my schematic, and could see no difference between the two! The only difference that I found between the two schemes was the fact that your scheme used 0 for the values of L2, L3, and L4. I haven't gotten around to changing these values to what I was using, but will monkey around with them. If I could mark this post as solved as I could in other forums, I would.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I made a ticket.

  • sydney sydney created ticket #663

    adding attachments to a post

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is the project. I don't see why it is complaining about the *! I copied this right out of the tutorial.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is pretty simple: from the tutorial. All I get is a complaint about * being an error. Attached in the self reply is the set up from the tutorial.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I also went back to the original, 3 level schematic in the tutorial and got that working also. PS there was a P prameter in your schematic: I had to change it to Sp2 to get it to work.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks a great deal for your help in this problem. I will be looking into this latter today. Your comment about the save all for percolating changes answered the post I was going to post today: good to know.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is the netlist. It complains on line 4 for example about a parameter, among several, but I can see the parameter in the netlist! I don't understand this!

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is the error listing.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is the simplified sub circuit project.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I made a simpler sub circuit example to test and got similar results. Attached to the self replies are the project and results. Unfortunately, I can not attach to this post, and can only attach one file to a post, so I have to attach to a self reply.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is the netlist for the project when simulated. I sure would like to know what's wrong with this.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    These are the three schemes from figure 14 in this tutorial. There are errors because of the parameter passing. I cannot see anything that I did wrong, but that won't be the first time I've screwed up.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    In the Qucs equations tutorial there is an example about passing parameters. First a schematic/icon is created, the a second one from the first, and finally a third from the second, passing parameters from the first to the last. Attached to my self reply are the files and the test for the scheme.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    If you look at these two figures and compare them you will see that R1 and R2 are labelled wrong in the schematic when you look at the netlist (figure 15). Since this is about parameter passing, this error is important.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I just noticed another mistake. r0 should be ro. I fixed it and just the undefined errors about r_o, v_off, i_off, r_d, i_b, c_d , g_bp, and a_oldc remain. This seems to be about parameter passing, but I still cannot see where I went wrong.

  • sydney sydney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I just noticed that I made a mistake in the compound of the three subcircuits : the parameters were voff, ioff, rd etc, which is wrong. So I changed them to v_off, i_off, r_d, etc for the rest of them. I felt confident that I found my mistake, but on trying to simulate the test. I got a lot of undefined parameters. Now this doesn't make any sense since I can see them defined in the netlist! Anyway here is the error message I am getting.

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