If for some reason you have not noticed it yet, the project has been officially abandoned for about two years now. So all development is stopped and I see posting new requests as completely pointless. Of course this project is open source and someone might come with an idea to make an update. However I see it extremely unlikely as no one had ever shown such an interest during the years when the project was active. There are also some technical problems with some outdated dependancies, especially...
Java Reverse Engineering PlugIn, please Update :-)
Blurry fonts on 4K display
Access Violations on new install/new Rational Project - State Diagram
Improvement C++ code generation
Deinstall problem
Installation package (WhiteStarUMLSetup-5.7.4.exe) corrupted
realization of interface
parameters for operations
sequence diagram - combind fragment behind lifeline
Feature request - lock toolbars
Transition descriptions in Statechart diagrams are too long
Add BPMN 2.0 support
Lasso selection without lifelines in sequence diagram
AutoResize not working on UMLUseCase and UMLInterface
Problem with Export Diagram
aim margin around synchronisation
Name of transitions resizable
Activity Diagrams - Notation (Feature request)
Cleaned example ERD diagram
Fixed problem with saving project while typing in Documentation Editor
Cleaned disabling autosort in model tree
It seems that this is a problem with the tree view control in the Model Explorer (Virtual Tree View). I recompiled it with the latest sources from GitHub. It looks stable now on my computer. This build can be found in WhiteStarUML-
It looks like an issue with showing diagrams on faster, multicore machines. It is quite elusive and I cannot reproduce it on my laptop with two cores so I cannot say yet if it is a bug in the code or external GUI libs. For now it seems that the build 5.8.6 and earlier ones are not affected by this problem.
It looks like an issue with showing diagrams on faster, multicore machines. It is quite elusive and I cannot reproduce it on my laptop with two cores so I cannot say yet if it is a bug in the code or external GUI libs. For now it seems that the build 5.8.6 and earlier are not affected by this problem.
Access Violations on new install/new Rational Project - State Diagram
It looks a like an issue with showing diagrams on faster, multicore machines. It is quite elusive and I cannot reproduce it on my laptop with two cores so I cannot say yet if it is a bug in the code or external GUI libs. For now it seems that the build 5.8.6 and earlier are not affected by this problem.
Final Chapter
Btw, as this is an open source project (even being a fork itself) anyone can fork it anywhere, no need to ask any questions.
Take a look at the Properties Panel and make sure you are not mixing transition name with guard condition. The latter one can only be specified through Properties and its syntax is not validated.
If you search GitHub you will find an already existing fork of this program. Not surprisingly it had not generated much interest neither from its initial forker nor other contributors. I think that the principal problem is that this project is not friendly to casual contributors and generally open source development model due to its overall complexity (roughly half of million of lines of code will all plugins) and the price tag of the development tools. The place where the project is hosted matters...
Java is supported up to version is 1.5 so try rather constructs like String[].
There were various issues like this one: http://sourceforge.net/p/whitestaruml/discussion/general/thread/6f58350c/ Looks that fixing that problem introduced a glitch and saving still may have some undesirable effects. However I believe that currently there is no need for compulsory saving as the documentation editor state is stored once the cursor leaves the editor. If you still feel pressed to save the project just make sure that the cursor is outside the editor without clicking anywhere. Also it...
There were various issue like this one: http://sourceforge.net/p/whitestaruml/discussion/general/thread/6f58350c/ Looks that fixing that problem introduced a glitch and saving still may have some undesirable effects. However I believe that currently there is no need for compulsory saving as the documentation editor state is stored once the cursor leaves the editor. If you still feel pressed to save the project just make sure that the cursor is outside the editor without clicking anywhere. Also it...
There were various issue like this one: http://sourceforge.net/p/whitestaruml/discussion/general/thread/6f58350c/ Looks that fixing that problem introduced a glitch and saving still may have some undesirable effects. However I believe that currently there is no need for compulsory saving as the documentation editor state is stored once the cursor leaves the editor. If you still feel pressed to save the project just make sure that the cursor is outside the editor without clicking anywhere. Also it...
There were various issue [like this one: http://sourceforge.net/p/whitestaruml/discussion/general/thread/6f58350c/ Looks that fixing that problem introduced a glitch and saving still may have some undesirable effects. However I believe that currently there is no need for compulsory saving as the documentation editor state is stored once the cursor leaves the editor. If you still feel pressed to save the project just make sure that the cursor is outside the editor without clicking anywhere. Also it...
There were various issue [like this one(http://sourceforge.net/p/whitestaruml/discussion/general/thread/6f58350c/.] Looks that fixing that problem introduced a glitch and saving still may have some undesirable effects. However I believe that currently there is no need for compulsory saving as the documentation editor state is stored once the cursor leaves the editor. If you still feel pressed to save the project just make sure that the cursor is outside the editor without clicking anywhere. Also...
There were various issue [like this one](http://sourceforge.net/p/whitestaruml/discussion/general/thread/6f58350c/. Looks that fixing that problem introduced a glitch and saving still may have some undesirable effects. However I believe that currently there is no need for compulsory saving as the documentation editor state is stored once the cursor leaves the editor. If you still feel pressed to save the project just make sure that the cursor is outside the editor without clicking anywhere. Also...
There were various issue [like this one](http://https://sourceforge.net/p/whitestaruml/discussion/general/thread/6f58350c/. Looks that fixing that problem introduced a glitch and saving still may have some undesirable effects. However I believe that currently there is no need for compulsory saving as the documentation editor state is stored once the cursor leaves the editor. If you still feel pressed to save the project just make sure that the cursor is outside the editor without clicking anywhere....
The versions 5.8.7 and 5.9 are mostly related to internal code cleaning like proper closing handles after spawning external processes (i.e. during documentation generation). They also incorporate updates of third party libraries. But if you are happy with 5.8.6 an upgrade is not necessary.
Paste may be disabled because earlier copy fails for some reason. For clean reinstalation first uninstall WhiteStarUML. Next as administrator run regedit.exe and expand the tree branch HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WhiteStarUML. To minimize risks you can just rename it to i.e. WhiteStarUML_old. Then install WhiteStarUML again. You should see the new Registry key as well. Hopefully it will clean any misconfigurations.
As another sanity check you may try to copy and paste into the same diagram. Another option to check is copying using the context menu: right click - Edit - Copy. If there are still problems you might just reinstall the program with deleting the Registy key HKCU/Software/WhiteStarUML
Simple copying of elements in class diagrams should work. Nevertheless there are some limitations for sequence diagrams and some other ones. The problem may come with mixing class diagram elements with some other ones. You may verify this functionality by starting a fresh project and copy some classes. As a workaround you may drag&drop classes to a diagram from the Model Explorer.
I am not aware of any straightforward way to accomplish this. You may try to analyze the project save file which is standard XML and represents a data base of symbols defined in the project. Hence you may look for some specific patterns using XPath queries with for instance Saxon XSLT parser or Sedna XML database. All symbols have names and GUIDs so I think the relation between them could be identified.
WhiteStarUML is more a Windows application than a Delphi one. It uses COM extensively to integrate plugins and various modules written in C#. or JScript. COM requires registration and configuring it all in a side by side (install free) mode was a headache and was abandoned for now. Even the old no-install version still requires running install.bat in the admin mode. So for now this program is not recommended to be installed without admin rights.
Archived files interfacing GraphViz library
Update to version 5.9
Hello Eric, In short WhiteStarUML is free to be used for any purpose but obviously with very limited manpower behind it. Hence it should not be trusted to provide serious support or development capacity. But it may happen that it already provides all required features. Considering other free UML applications I think that Papyrus is worth giving a try. It is around since 2013, has a substantial number of developers and serious fundings and is being updated quite regurarly. So it may be the right choice...
I suppose you want to reverse engineer C++ code. Go through Tools - C++ - Reverse Engineer.
You need to use the reverse egineering feature. First make sure you are using the 32 bit version of this program. (Help - About). Next open the cpp file through Tools - C++ - Reverse Engineer.
It should not come as a surprise. Very few general UML modelling applications use for code generation diagrams other than the class diagram. State diagrams or silmilar are used more frequently by some specialiazed, domain specific code generators.
The addin Word Template Designer is distributed only as a binary and will work only with the original StarUML.
WhiteStarUML FAQ Q: What does it mean that WhiteStarUML is forked? A: WhiteStarUML was started by reusing StarUML 5.0 source code on the GPL terms. It implies that a big part of the current codebase was created by the StarUML 5.0 developers more than 10 years before WhiteStarUML was launched and none of the persons currently working on this project participated in the initial design and development. As a consequence, the knowledge of the code was often acquired through the code archeology approach...
WhiteStarUML FAQ Q: What does it mean that WhiteStarUML is forked? A: WhiteStarUML was started by reusing StarUML 5.0 source code on the GPL terms. It implies that a big part of the current codebase was created by the StarUML 5.0 developers more than 10 years before WhiteStarUML was launched and none of the persons currently working on this project participated in the initial design and development. As a consequence, the knowledge of the code was often acquired through the code archeology approach...
WhiteStarUML FAQ Q: What does it mean that WhiteStarUML is forked? A: WhiteStarUML was started by reusing StarUML 5.0 source code on the GPL terms. It implies that a big part of the current codebase was created by the StarUML 5.0 developers more than 10 years before WhiteStarUML was launched and none of the persons currently working on this project participated in the initial design and development. As a consequence, the knowledge of the code was often acquired through the code archeology approach...
Updated manifest files
I know that some people managed to create some usable templates probably just basing on the freeily available information. Nevertheless I have never tried it myself so I cannot be of much help on this subject.
You need to go to the documentation section of StarUML. You will notice an advertisement for the book at the top of the page. But look first at the docs down the page, especially the User Manual. You may also try playing with the documentation templates delivered with the program. You should also be aware that currently the generator does not work with Office newer than 2010.
You need to go to the documentation section of StarUML. You will notice an advertisement for the book at the top of the page. But look first at the docs down the page, especially the User Manual. You may also try playing with the documentation templates delivered with the program. You should also be aware that currently the generator does not work with Office newer than 2010.
If you have fresh Windows 7 your system may lack .Net Framework 4. (Windows 7 comes with v. 3.5) Get Windows updates first or make sure you have installed that framework.
First you should get a more recent version of this program. The current is 5.8.6. Next make sure you are using C++ plugin to read C++ code (Tools-C++-Reverse...). All .h or .cpp files should be visible.
DPI is for scalling display content by Windows to fit monitor resolution and user preferences. Just type DPI in the Search Edit inside of Control Panel. You should see a "Make it easier to read" screen and some settings like 100%, 125%, 150%. Make sure that they match on both computers.
It looks like a problem with different DPI settings on given machines. I remember several similar problems being reported before and their were fixed. No other such problems showed up recently. Are you working with a new diagram or an older one created with StarUML? In any case compare the DPI settings on the systems you work with.
Probably defininig an actual container class implementing given multiplicity (array,list etc.) could be a valid substitute.
Patterns selection is empty: Causet by not running Windows Indexer Service
Pattern application failed (Error message: 'undefined' is null or not an object)
can't add component to node
Application problem on version 5.8
Problem selecting objects and transitions in 5.8.4
Crash/Exception when changing ActionKind for Stimulus in Sequence Diagram (5.8.1.)
Tabs on Tagged Value Editor
Build has some special exception handler that may show some info when the program quits through exception. The call stack trace (it can be copied with Ctrl-C) may be useful to identify the problem. If the program still crashes but no exception handler is shown it means that it happens due to some externam conditions.
Documentation Panel is correctly cleaned after ...
IHashTable implementation is now based on TDict...
Cleaned handling worker threads
System.ImageList not supported by Delphi XE5
System.ImageList is not supported by Delphi XE5
Updated manifest file
All context menus are referenced through abstra...
I do not know if this is a commonly experienced problem. Try refreshing program settings...
Performance of Direct2D depends on the state of the support on the current system....
So it looks that Microsoft Office 2010 is currently the last supported version. The...
Default selection of the active tab in the Tagg...
Fixed problem with overwriting model documentat...
I also thought that the existing behavior was annoying. So now the tab selection...
Tabs on Tagged Value Editor
Great, if you are working with the attachments as well just keep an eye it on it...
I found a simpler scenario with just reselecting models which was overwriting description...
It looks there is still some mess with updating invisible elements. I have just posted...
Fixed glitch with selecting multiple model elem...
Great, I will be posting 5.8.5 soon and hopefully this time nothing gets broken.
Hello, It's 5.8.4 I suppose? Please try and see if there are still problems...
I noticed that too. Selecting more than one element is broken in 5.8.4. Get
Project file cleaned and updated to version 5.8.4
Cleaned issues with switching diagram tabs and ...
Probably you also noticed that you must click the Properties Inspector twice if you...
Hello, The existing logic kept Properties Inspector in sync with the selected item...
Hello, Such a problem was never spotted before. Maybe you could just post a model...
Building WhiteStarUML with Delphi 10.1 Starter