
Can WhiteStarUML generate C++ code from state diagram?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-06-06

    I created a state diagram but in C++ code generation, there is no element to be generated. If the diagram is a class diagram, it can generate class header file. WhiteStarUML can only generate C code for class diagram?

  • Janusz Szpilewski

    It should not come as a surprise. Very few general UML modelling applications use for code generation diagrams other than the class diagram. State diagrams or silmilar are used more frequently by some specialiazed, domain specific code generators.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-09-18

    Thank you for your response! No, I wanted to nayprostishogo easiest simplest. For example, I have some File1.cpp file.
    This file contains 5-7 classes. How do I draw this diagram?

    Just by opening it, I get the failed failed to open the model file error. Invalid file format.

  • Janusz Szpilewski

    You need to use the reverse egineering feature. First make sure you are using the 32 bit version of this program. (Help - About). Next open the cpp file through Tools - C++ - Reverse Engineer.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-11-02

    Hi is there an equivalent python extension to the StarUML 2 Extension for Python Code Generation in WhiteStarUML?




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