Activity for David Ranch

  • David Ranch David Ranch created ticket #82

    Add contrib/ Linux build and .deb package creation script

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #34

    It seems either I missed several bugs reports or a whole bunch of issues just were released from limbo. Super sorry about the delay here. alt-x choice came from the original author and hasn't been any issue from anyone else. You can also use ":sys" which is what I personally use. Are you having an explicit conflict with this key sequence?

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #35

    Hello Chris, where did you get your Linpac source code? From the SourceForge .tar.gz file (master branch), from the Git Master branch, or the Git Develop Branch? Please try the Develop branch from Git at and let us know if that works.

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Hello John, The files are stored in the "LinPac" directory of the user that started the Linpac process. So, if you were running it as root, look in /root/LinPac. If you want to completed start over as if Linpac was never run, run the command "rm -Rf /root/LinPac" and that directory and all contents will be removed.

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    There is also the modemmanager service that can do this as well

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Your newest post has nothing to due with Linpac and is a general Direwolf question. Please post that on the email list and the team can help resolve that issue.

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    That is correct. For your previous post above stating : "I am using Hamlib for rig control (not sure if I need it but as I said, I followed some instruction on other site), Direwolf as a software TNC, and Linpac. It looks like Direwolf is not used as I don't see any activity when trying to connect to my bbs via the linpac." To use Linpac, you must configure Linux's AX.25 stack for it to function. The setup is radio --> direwolf --> Linux AX.25 stack --> Linpac. If you're looking for a complete setup...

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Hello Maximo, You are mixing discussions and your keying issue has nothing to do with LInpac. I would recommend to join the email list at where myself and others can better help you and stay on topic. In that post, please mention how your Linux computer is connected to your IC-7100, etc. --David

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    It's looking like the README needs a cleanup as it's giving some misleading detail. The issue you're seeing here is that you're in the "~/Downloads/linuxax25" directory used for the AX25 stuff but then you're trying to follow the Linpac compilation instructions. They are very different things! The missing line is it was assumed you already have the Linpac sources and you're in that directory. That makes sense if you're reading the README from within the downloaded Linpac source directory but not...

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Right.. per the README, you need to install the following other packages: libax25 ax25-apps libncurses5-dev perl I think I should also delete the INSTALL file as it's not very helpful here. --David

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Hello Neil, There is the following Linpac bug report at where I did some analysis and found one work around using YAPP but it's not perfect. That said, I would be great if both methods could be analyzed and fixed.

  • David Ranch David Ranch updated merge request #18

    Fix spelling errors

  • David Ranch David Ranch updated merge request #17

    Fix segfault if /etc/ax25/axports not configured

  • David Ranch David Ranch updated merge request #16

    Draft: build on docker

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    It sounds like you haven't configured Linpac to answer incoming connections. In the LinPac/macro/init.mac file under the ";; Callsign setup" area, what do you have? You need at LEAST one entry there such as "mycall@1 KI6ZHD". Also, what version of Linpac are you running. It's recommended to be running at least 0.28. --David

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello Ralph, Thank you for your reply. I don't have any working exploit code but I undertstand the Log4J and Log for4shell exploits are quite wide and rather damaging. Is this Github repo you mention here the successor to this SourceForge repo and releases? If so, maybe this SF repo should be deprecated to be clearer?

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello Everyone, It's not clear if the cool SoftSqueeze project is still alive but the Qualys Log4j scanner ( ) identified this software as being vulnerable. It would be great if it could be updated to use a non-vunerable version of Log4j2-x or at least disable the vulnerable parsing. Thank you! --David

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #33

    Have you tried lowering your Linux /etc/ax25/axports MTU to a level that Linpac doesn't have an issue with? Yes.. Linpac should deal with with it but knowing the limit would be useful

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #33

    Thank you for the report. Few ideas here. 1) Have you tried VE7FET's ax25 repo ( ) or possibly a newer version of listen from the official ax25 sources maintained at DL5RB ( ) . Both repos have lots of fixes compared to the old versions pre-packaged by various distros. If the issue is really in listen itself, the fix needs to be reported to say DL5RB and/or VE7FET so a fix can be mainlined. As a work around, maybe try lowering...

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Can you show a screen capture of the gpart screen of what partitions are or aren't being created? Maybe we can spot something here.

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    When you say " it seems gone are the days when you could chat with someone on the phone or radio and get an answer in a few minutes. It is no fun to ask something and wait hours or til the next day to get an answer that somehow requires another question and so on..", where did you ask for help? There are lots of people online all the time. Maybe there aren't many Linux folk on your local repeaters but there can be a lot of instant help on other systems be it IRLP, EchoLink DMR, YSF, Dstar, as well...

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Going 32bit is going backwards and I would never recommend it. You can add 32bit libraries to any Linux distribution to then support this needed WINE requirement but IMHO, you're just polluting the distro. It seems that AC Log seems to only offer 32bit binaries so it's stuck in in a previous generation of Windows software (as is WriteLog and many other Windows amateur radio programs). Anyway.. the choice is yours if you want to go down this deep WINE rabbit hole but before you do, you might want...

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Don't forget that N3FJP is also Windows only software. You can make it work using Wine though: There are several other Linux native logging programs and man are already in AHRL image including cqrlog, fllog, klog, xlog, etc. --David

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    When you say you "set all the permissions", do you mean you set them to 777? If I'm guessing what your issue was is that the username you were logging in with wasn't apart of the "dialout" group: --David

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Give us some details about your setup: - Which version of Andy's Ham Radio image - What is the name of your serial port and it's permissions? Maybe /dev/ttyUSB0 ? - What make/model radio are you trying connect to? - What speed is the radio configured for CAT control? 4800/n/8/1?

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #31

    The autobin protocol seems to have some deeper issues with the client and also the server is doing some form of file truncation that also needs investigation. YAPP transfers seem to work 100% but in an "alternating" way. Please try again on your setup as it should work: YAPP protocol 1. The requesting client will request a file using the command: //yput services-1k.txt-test4 The server will respond with what seems a binary string that's displayed on the client as the string "EA" in inverted colored...

  • David Ranch David Ranch modified ticket #30

    Unable to create deb on debian 10 amd64 (2)

  • David Ranch David Ranch modified ticket #3

    Sound for connected/disconnected/bell alsa support!

  • David Ranch David Ranch created ticket #5

    Other known issues and enhancements tracked in the linpac-todo.txt file

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #3

    I've had a working solution for native sound support in Linpac using external scripts for some time but have been lax in committing it. My solution allows users to use their own desired sound player (default is aplay) and also even use their own sound clips for connect, disconnect, KNAX, etc. I hope to commit this soon.

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #1

    Please see some of the included scripts in the contrib/ directory of how to get notifications of new packet messages, etc.

  • David Ranch David Ranch modified ticket #1

    New personnal mail alert

  • David Ranch David Ranch created ticket #32

    Other known issues and enhancements tracked in the linpac-todo.txt file

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #29

    Added missing debian packaging file in commit e52d8a1229529f30fbd1adc234dfefbf40a3beef

  • David Ranch David Ranch modified ticket #29

    Unable to create deb on debian 10 amd64

  • David Ranch David Ranch modified ticket #28

    Compiling on i386 Debian Stable 2020-12-25

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #28

    Fixed with help from KD6YAM via commit 5fdb023ca4611789fa1d758a150774be65c2d693

  • David Ranch David Ranch modified ticket #27

    Language selection bug

  • David Ranch David Ranch modified ticket #17

    High cpu load due to spinwaiting

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #17

    KD6YAM resolved much of this issue on Fri Dec 8 19:54:24 2017 -0800 with commit d438590045da6b5aa15b3ac133b3631114533f28

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #31

    I've done some testing and while things work (with issues), I'm seeing some strange behaviors: Plain text transfer: If I issue the command: //read services-1k.txt-test4 I am only getting the last 2.5 lines from the end of the source file. I've seen something similar to this when issuing the //mheard command to the remote Linpac station. There seems to be some sort of a buffering issue but it's rather rare and I think it might be due to larger amounts of data coming in at a fast rate. This needs more...

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #31

    I had to work (day job) over the weekend but I did make some progress here. I hope to troubleshoot this during the week.

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #31

    I will try to reproduce your issue this weekend and report back what I find.

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #29

    I have added a debian/rules file to the "develop" branch but I would like to add the new sound support into Linpac before releasing 0.29.

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'm happy to announce that ax25mail-utils 0.15 has been released. This includes a minor set of changes over the 0.14 release to address GCC v10 compilation issues. --David KI6ZHD

  • David Ranch David Ranch created a blog post

    ax25mail-utils 0.15 released

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #29

    Doh.. I missed it. I'm going to do another release to address some GCC-10 issues as well. stay tuned

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #29

    I don't know what to say, the debian/rules file is in the Master branch:

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #30

    The name of the VE7FET package is indeed ax25apps and not ax25-apps. I will try to make the package dependency match on either name

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello Everyone, I'm happy to announce that ax25mail-utils 0.14 has been released. A HUGE thanks to Martin KD6YAM for all his help in this release! This new version has some needed fixes, structural improvements to the code for mail, initial support for relaying messages to/from Kantronics KPC3 PBBS, fixed broken config parsing, updated the native Debian debuild support, improvements to the autoconf files, added the ax25mail-utils.spec RPM spec file, etc. --David KI6ZHD

  • David Ranch David Ranch created a blog post

    ax25mail-utils 0.14 released

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Hello Everyone, I'm happy to announce that Linpac 0.28 has been released. A HUGE thanks to Martin KD6YAM for all his help in this release! This new version has some needed fixes (buffer overflows, stack corruptions, etc), structural improvements to the code for mail, integrated the lptelnet package for access as a client into client (master control is still best via a screen session), improvements to the mail reader view, initial support for relaying messages to/from Kantronics KPC3 PBBS, updated...

  • David Ranch David Ranch created a blog post

    Linpac 0.28 released!

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #28

    Please try doing a build using the develop branch. I think you'll be OK then

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Sorry.. should have given you a full path: strings /usr/libexec/linpac/linpac | grep -i -B1 -A1 "linpac version" If that's not where your linpac binary is, you need to find it and put it into that path. Regardless, I imagine you are running an old version and you should build a new version using the "develop" branch per the documentation.

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Per the Linpac documentation, you MUST have a fully configured Linux's AX.25 stack working with say axcall, beacon, etc. before Linpac is functional. Consider reading my Raspberry Pi documentation which should mostly apply to the Andy HamRadio CD: Also, do you know what version of Linpac comes in the Andy's HamRadio CD? If it's not properly packaged (I don' t think it is), try running: strings linpac | grep -i -B1...

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #27

    Ah.. got it. I beleive you could look the connect.mac file for specific callsing to see if it can change the language (aka the ENCODE variable). Look at cinit.mac for ideas. I haven't tried this.

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #27

    It's not clear to me from your message if this is a Linux OS issue or a Linpac issue. On your base Linux OS, what language do you have it configured for? In Linpac's macro/init.mac, what are you setting the language to? Once Linpac is configured, it should revert to any old settings.

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Hello Everyone, To expand Linpac's interest and usage in the real world, what would you like to see added? Local PBBS support, better integrated support for AMPR/Internet based access, a pretty GUI interface, etc? Please let us know so we can better chart Linpac's future! --David KI6ZHD

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on merge request #16

    Are you able to run Linpac via a docker image?

  • David Ranch David Ranch merged merge request #15

    Integrate lptelnet package into Linpac proper

  • David Ranch David Ranch created ticket #27

    Other bugs / enhancements

  • David Ranch David Ranch modified ticket #18

    Mail crash

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #18

    Many fixes have been commited into the develop branch which we feel this should resolve this issue.

  • David Ranch David Ranch modified ticket #24

    Linpac crashes with segmentation fault on start with systems running Glibc 2.24

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #24

    Known UTF character encoding issues have already been addressed in the 0.27 release. No additional reponse from Janusz since 5/5/2018 so I'm closing this ticket.

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #26

    Already fixed in the develop branch

  • David Ranch David Ranch modified ticket #26

    minor refactor in, fix build issue

  • David Ranch David Ranch merged merge request #13

    New functionality; bug fixes; documentation updates

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Hello Max, Read the above URL... it will give you all the details needed. --David KI6ZHD

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Hello Max, What is the directory path that you're trying to compile Linpac in? It looks like /home/linpac-0.25/src" but that wouldn't be a valid user directory. Consider building Direwolf in a dedicated build directory such as /usr/src/archive/direwolf. One example of this approach is here: Beyond that, I would also recommend to try the DEV branch of Linpac as many fixes have been added there. If both recommendations...

  • David Ranch David Ranch merged merge request #12

    Fix buffer overflow bugs

  • David Ranch David Ranch merged merge request #11

    Fixes, corrections, and updates to the user manual.

  • David Ranch David Ranch merged merge request #10

    Fix incorrect character conversion indexing and add related docs.

  • David Ranch David Ranch merged merge request #9

    Fix bug in event gate when new process is created

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #24

    Hello Januz, A few ideas: Can you post the output of: ifconfig How are you installing Linpac? It's important that if you did an upgrade from a previous version, you copy the NEW libary versions over the older ones or you'll see issues like this. If you still see issues, can you provide a backtrace once Linpac coredumps? In the different window, can you run the "listen" program" from ax25apps to capture an example of a beacon that's crashing Linpac? --David

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #24

    Hello Janusz, It would be very unusual for a remote RF beacon coming into the Linux AX.25 stack and then into Linpac to then crash Linpac. When Linpac is running, issue the command: :ver to get the version of Linpac. Beyond that, tell us more about your machine.. what linux distribution and version, are you using axlisten for LInpac to show on-frequency traffic or are you using ax25spyd? Which AX.25 lib/apps/tools are you using? The version coming from the base Linux distro, custom built versions...

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #24

    Hello Janusz, You're saying that the Linux program "beacon" is crashing Linpac? What version of Linpac are you running? I ask because this SF ticket should have been closed out as many fixes went into Linpac 0.25 around this area.

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Hello Steven, Yes, it is different. It's a list that is primarily focused on Fldigi for Linux but lots of other good conversations are allowed there. I prefer to keep some level of AX.25 traffic on that list in the hopes other HAMs will give it a try! --David

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Hello Michael, I would recommend to take this conversation of getting AX.25 working to the email list. There, I can give you a hand and others can chime in too. In that email, tell us what you have in your /etc/ax25/axports file and what commands you're using to start up the AX.25 stack. Btw parts of my Raspberry Pi doc might be helpful for you: Also the startup scripts might be useful too:

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Hello Michael, I bet the "Socket: Operation not permitted" is due to axlisten not running as the root user (occurs when Linpac is also not run as the root user). You can resolve this axlisten-centric issue either by (in order of preference): a) install ax25spyd which is designed to resolve this security issue, b) make the axlisten executable SUID root or c) run Linpac as root. See for more details. --Dav...

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Hello Bob, Linpac fundamentally uses a fully configured Linux AX.25 stack and is kinda out of the scope of it's documentation. With that said, I've written a few documents on how to do this for either the Raspberry Pi as well as Centos Linux: Raspberry Pi (aka.. Debian. Ubuntu or Mint will be close): Centos: There are lots of other guides out on...

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #4

    Hello Bernard, So are you saying that the axport names being in aplhabetical matter helped? --David KI6ZHD

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #4

    Hello Bernard, Ok, this sounds like a classic "off by one" issue and even with a second, non-kissattach'ed interface in /etc/ax25/axports defined and telling Linpac to use it with say ":port fld") and Linpac says it's using it, it WON'T use it. Let me investigate. --David

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Hello Michael, Please read and follow the required dependencies from the README file at: All of those packages must be installed before you can successfully compile Linpac. --David

  • David Ranch David Ranch merged merge request #2

    Fix several bugs in processing data from BBS

  • David Ranch David Ranch merged merge request #1

    Fix badly broken config parsing in ulistd

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Hell Joe, Great to hear you got it going. What was your solution for the listen issue? As for the broken ax25spyd patch URL, thanks for mentioning that. I found a new primary source at and have updated my docs to match. As for Linpac support, this is the best place at the moment though I should open up an email list so people can search stuff, etc. Maybe soon. Until then, you can get packet support fron...

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    I wonder if Linpac is looking for the wrong program. Try finding where axlisten is with "whereis axlisten". CD into that directory, run "sudo ln -s axlisten listen" and try running Linpac again. Let me know if that fixes your issue. For the callsign issue, are you editing the /root/LinPac/macro/init.mac file? Btw, when you use grep, use the "-i" option to make it case insensitive just in case. For ax25spyd, are you applying the patch per:

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Hello Joe, What files are you editing to make the callsign change? It's important to know that if you use Linpac with the "listen" program, either Linpac must run it as root or you need to make the "listen" executable "SUID root". If you don't do either, the listen window will stay empty. It's also important to remember that depending on what account is running Linpac, each user gets their own LinPac/ directory and configurations. Make sure you're editing the right Linpac files for the proper running...

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Hello Shep, /bin/bash: /home/scottshepler/Radio: No such file or directory Makefile:258: recipe for target 'install-libLTLIBRARIES' failed make[4]: [install-libLTLIBRARIES] Error 127 make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/scottshepler/Radio Software/LinPac/linpac-0.24/src/applications/liblinpac' It's the first line here that tips us off that's something wrong. Why would Linpac care about your hope directory. Then when I see the whole path for your build, it becomes obvious. You have "spaces" in one of...

  • David Ranch David Ranch created a blog post

    Linpac 0.25 released!

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Hello Everyone, I'm happy to announce that Linpac 0.25 has been released. This new version has some badly needed fixes to resolve known segfault issues upon start for newest Linux distros with newer GCC versions. This release also lowers the CPU load on your system when running Linpac (previously consumed an entire core). More work is needed here to get it as low as it should but this is a substantial improvement. Various other mail bugs, broken pipe errors, code cleanups, and compiler warning have...

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Please paste in the complete output of "./configure; make; make install".

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Hello Shep, I'm not familar with the Linux distribution "MX". Anyway, I assume that the "./configure" and "make" steps work ok? It's just "make install" that fails? --David

  • David Ranch David Ranch merged merge request #8

    Merge in cleanup of warnings and bug fixes.

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on discussion LinPac discussion

    Tell us about your environment: OS and version, where did you get your libax25 binaries from, which version of Linpac did you compile (I would recommend to rebuild with the new "develop" version as I'm about to release it as 0.25). --David

  • David Ranch David Ranch merged merge request #7

    Address text pasting issues introduced by load reduction approach.

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on ticket #24

    Signifincant issue with AX.25 and Raspbian Stretch I have confirmed that with Raspian Stretch, there is some sort of conflict with it's newly enabled predictable network interface names. What are those? If you run the command "ifconfig" or "ip addr", you will no longer see Ethernet interfaces with names like "eth0" but instead, you'll see something like "enxb827eb5f05". How's that for catchy? For known reasons to the AX.25 kernel maintainers, in the sa_data kernel data structure, both the stock Raspbian...

  • David Ranch David Ranch posted a comment on merge request #5

    This was actually merged manaully back on Feb 4 14:40:03 2016

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