
git Merge Request #5: fix err: "Alt-X to exit. : Operation not permitted" (merged)



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Steven R. Loomis wants to merge 0 commits from /u/srloomis/linpac/ to develop, 2017-10-21

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  • David Ranch

    David Ranch - 2016-02-05

    This patch looks incorrect. Per the manual.txt file, LInpac supports a daemon mode where the program runs in the background. It's not clear to me what this check is trying to do either... thoughts?

    • Steven R. Loomis

      The lines about bconfig(daemon) are not relevant - they dont’ alter the control flow.

      The issue is just the “1” parameter to Message - it is a Unix error code. It should be ‘0’ because “ALt-X to exit” is not an error.

      Don’t you get an error after “Alt-X to Exit” when you run linpac? does the Alt-X message show for you?

  • Steven R. Loomis

    I'm not changing the daemon mode, only changing 1 to 0 in this line:

    -  Message(1, "Alt-X to exit.");
    +  Message(0, "Alt-X to exit.");

    First argument to Message is an errno. 1 == EPERM.
    Actually on my system it looks like this (Spanish):

    My:     K6SPI                                          Disconnected 14:40:02
    Alt-X to exit. : OperaciMMn no permitida                                        

    This patch removes the "OperaciMMn no permitida"


    Last edit: Steven R. Loomis 2016-02-05
  • David Ranch

    David Ranch - 2017-10-21
    • Status: open --> merged
  • David Ranch

    David Ranch - 2017-10-21

    This was actually merged manaully back on Feb 4 14:40:03 2016


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