
#198 BufferTabs - Option not to stretch tabs if fewer in a row


Hi, I would like if there was an option added to BufferTabs so the tabs are only the size sufficient for the filename. If there are two rows of tabs, for instance, often one row has tabs stretched across the whole width of the window and it seems visually disruptive to me.

Thanks, tvojeho


  • Konstantin Pelepelin

    I vote for this.
    It would be very handy if once opened tab is still on the same place, no matter how many tabs are opened later. Also, when one close several tabs in a row with mouse click, tabs opened earlier would not jump under the cursor.
    With current behaviour tabs jumps right and left and from one row to other when any tab opened or closed.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-04-27

    Some info for implementing this:
    The stretching is done by the UI component that renders the tabbed pane. This depends on the look & feel - e.g. MetalTabbedPaneUI, MotifTabbedPaneUI, ...
    For those that extend BasicTabbedPaneUI, this can be achieve by overriding the "shouldPadTabRun" method to always return false. The option should change the UI to a new class that extends the UI class being used and overrides this method.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-04-27

    Implemented in SVN rev. 17697.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-04-27
    • assigned_to: nobody --> shlomy
    • status: open --> closed
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-05-01

    You can also download a version of this plugin with the new option here:


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