
#27 JTA plugin



would it be possible to have a full featured JTA plugin :

1/ the possibility to use the 0.2.1 version with the plugin manager
2/ the possibility to have multiples tabs for multiples concurrent connections
3/ the possibility to store profiles for each connection

(for me it's the ONLY thing that miss !)



  • Matthieu Casanova

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    Hi, you mean this plugin ?
    In fact to be added to the plugin manager I think the author should submit a plugin release request here in the tracker.
    But sadly I think the project is dead (it doesn't change since years, the CVS access go to 404)

  • qqqqq

    qqqqq - 2007-01-04

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    yes this is the plugin in question... I've written to the author and he confirmed me that this project is dead... shame because the core plugin works quite correctly : it's easy to run commands on remote servers... the only things that miss are functions to make this plugin more comfortable and efficient...

    really shame !

  • Matthieu Casanova

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    So the hope is to find someone who want to take the sources and maintain the plugin. If the author agree

  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2007-01-04

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    where can I get the source for 0.2.1?
    I found the source for 0.1 available on the "source" link.
    I clicked on the "cvs" link but it was a dead link.
    If someone will send me the source for 0.2.1 I'll add it to jedit's svn. It will still need to be updated for 4.3, since it makes heavy use of gnu.regexp.

  • qqqqq

    qqqqq - 2007-01-04

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    I will try to reach Don Brown for the source code of the 0.2.1 version...

    I'll keep you in touch

  • Don Brown

    Don Brown - 2007-01-04

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    Hey, sorry about that - I thought I put the code in the jedit cvs. I updated the page with the subversion source code link - . I don't exactly remember where I left it, but I believe I was last working on making it so the telnet and ssh capabilities would live in the same plugin. I remember it wasn't fully done, which is probably why I didn't put it in the jEdit source code. Anyways, feel free to take the code and have your way with it. If you want a Subversion export to preserve the history, just let me know. Glad to see someone else found it useful!

  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2007-01-05

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    mrdon, thanks! Yes, a proper subversion dump would be even better. Send me the URL for that and I'll add it to jedit's svn repo. Then you can update the link on your webpage to point to that instead, and we can make it the official JTA svn site.

    I think this will improve JTA's chances of getting a new maintainer, or two.
    I'll look at the source also - I'm curious to see how hard it might be to integrate it with the Console or FTP plugins.

  • qqqqq

    qqqqq - 2007-09-27

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    Are there any news about the JTA Plugin within Jedit ?

  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2007-09-27

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    The svn link does not work, and there was no svn dump submitted.
    I can just add the current source as "trunk" to our svn repo, but then there will be no history.
    Should I do that?

  • Matthieu Casanova

    • labels: 871559 -->
  • qqqqq

    qqqqq - 2007-09-28

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    I think so

    the latest sources are :

    sorry for insisting on this point, but this seems for me to be the only functionnality that really miss !


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