
#709 Completion 0.1

Dion Amago

{{{ Completion 0.1
Source: Source: git://
Tag: completion_0_1
Announcement: Initial release.
Compile time dependencies, for optional use of enhanced custom completion providers: CtagsInterface, SuperAbbrevs
Requires Java 1.5
Requires jEdit
Optional plugins:
SuperAbbrevsPlugin 0.32
ctagsinterface.main.CtagsInterfacePlugin 2.0

Short Description: Code completion central.

Long Description: <html>
The Completion plugin provides a service for other plugins to register code completion hints, as well
as providing templates for insertion. This allows a single shortcut to produce code completion hints
from multiple sources.



  • Townsfolk

    Townsfolk - 2010-11-29

    Getting new compilation error:
    [jp.javac] Compiling 22 source files to /Users/eberry/development/projects/jedit/plugins/sandbox/Completion-0.1/Completion/build/classes
    [jp.javac] /Users/eberry/development/projects/jedit/plugins/sandbox/Completion-0.1/Completion/src/completion/ getService(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) in org.gjt.sp.jedit.ServiceManager cannot be applied to (java.lang.Class<completion.service.CompletionProvider>,java.lang.String)
    [jp.javac] final CompletionProvider provider = ServiceManager.getService(CompletionProvider.class, serviceName);
    [jp.javac] ^
    [jp.javac] /Users/eberry/development/projects/jedit/plugins/sandbox/Completion-0.1/Completion/src/completion/ getServiceNames(java.lang.String) in org.gjt.sp.jedit.ServiceManager cannot be applied to (java.lang.Class<completion.service.CompletionProvider>)
    [jp.javac] for (String service : ServiceManager.getServiceNames(CompletionProvider.class)) {
    [jp.javac] ^
    [jp.javac] /Users/eberry/development/projects/jedit/plugins/sandbox/Completion-0.1/Completion/src/completion/options/ getServiceNames(java.lang.String) in org.gjt.sp.jedit.ServiceManager cannot be applied to (java.lang.Class<completion.service.CompletionProvider>)
    [jp.javac] List<String> serviceNames = Arrays.asList(ServiceManager.getServiceNames(CompletionProvider.class));
    [jp.javac] ^
    [jp.javac] Note: /Users/eberry/development/projects/jedit/plugins/sandbox/Completion-0.1/Completion/src/completion/options/ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
    [jp.javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
    [jp.javac] 3 errors

    I don't think those methods are in the jEdit 4.3 API which your plugin says it requires. Does the plugin actually require jEdit 4.4?

    Please fix and retag - you don't need to resubmit a new release request, just retag and add a comment to the tracker item.


  • Townsfolk

    Townsfolk - 2010-11-29
    • assigned_to: nobody --> elberry
    • status: open --> pending
  • Dion Amago

    Dion Amago - 2010-11-30

    Correct, my local build setup was using the wrong version.
    The plugin has been updated and retagged. Also, the dependent HaxeSidekick plugin had the same issue, and has been fixed and retagged. Thanks very much for your patience.

  • Townsfolk

    Townsfolk - 2010-11-30

    Released to Plugin Central.

  • Townsfolk

    Townsfolk - 2010-11-30
    • status: pending --> closed

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