
#568 LilyPondTool-2.12.871 Released


{{{ LilyPondTool 2.12.869
Announcement: LilyPondTool 2.12.869 has been released. It has two major enhancements: a virtual piano and the pdf viewer made dockable. Also, there were several minor fixes, many bugfixes, and the build procedure is much simpler now.
Requires Java 1.5
Requires jEdit
Required plugins:
jakartacommons.JakartaCommonsPlugin 0.6
console.ConsolePlugin 4.3.7
templates.TemplatesPlugin 4.1.1
GnuRegexpPlugin 1.0.1
sidekick.SideKickPlugin 0.7.5
errorlist.ErrorListPlugin 1.7
Required jars:
LilyJHelp.jar jhall.jar antlr.jar java-cup-11a-runtime.jar
all of them are available from the lib folder

Short Description: Editor environment for LilyPond.

Long Description: <html>
<p>LilyPondTool provides a plugin for jEdit with a lot of features that can help making LilyPond scores faster, easier and with less error. Features include:</p>
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
<li class="listitem"><p>Document Wizard to set up documents easier with lyrics support</p></li>
<li class="listitem"><p>Integrated dockable PDF viewer with point-and-click support</p></li>
<li class="listitem"><p>Structure browser with code folding</p></li>
<li class="listitem"><p>LilyPond parser for finding simple errors during typing</p></li>
<li class="listitem"><p>Convenient running of LilyPond and related tools</p></li>
<li class="listitem"><p>Automatic code completion for typing commands and tweaking properties</p></li>
<li class="listitem"><p>Automatic hyphenation of lyrics using OpenOffice dictionaries</p>


  • Bertalan Fodor

    Bertalan Fodor - 2009-07-23
    • summary: LilyPondTool-2.12.868 Released --> LilyPondTool-2.12.869 Released
  • Bertalan Fodor

    Bertalan Fodor - 2009-07-24
    • summary: LilyPondTool-2.12.869 Released --> LilyPondTool-2.12.871 Released
  • Bertalan Fodor

    Bertalan Fodor - 2009-07-24

    It's actually version 871 now.

  • Townsfolk

    Townsfolk - 2009-07-24

    Bertalan, I'm having issues building the tag.

    [cup] This is CUP v0.11a beta 20060608
    [cup] Authors : Scott E. Hudson, Frank Flannery, Andrea Flexeder, Michael Petter and C. Scott Ananian
    [cup] Bugreports to
    [cup] checking, whether this run is necessary
    [cup] Either Parserfile or Symbolfile didn't exist
    [cup] Parserfile src/ isn't actual
    [cup] Symbolfile src/ isn't actual

    /Users/eberry/development/projects/jedit/pjo/ant/build.xml:64: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    /Users/eberry/development/projects/jedit/pjo/ant/build.xml:175: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    /Users/eberry/development/projects/jedit/plugins/sandbox/LilyPondTool-2.12.871/LilyPondTool/build.xml:229: Input file not found: srcfile="src/lilytool/parser/lilypond/cup/LilyPond.cup"

  • Townsfolk

    Townsfolk - 2009-07-24
    • assigned_to: nobody --> elberry
  • Bertalan Fodor

    Bertalan Fodor - 2009-07-24

    I think it is about the src.dir property.
    I set the src.dir to src in the build.xml
    I think that's the problem.
    The java files to be compiled are in the src folder. To what value should I set the src.dir? To what value do you set that value when building?

  • Bertalan Fodor

    Bertalan Fodor - 2009-07-24

    I'm going to let src.dir to be the default (ie. what you set), and override the compileFiles selector. Please let me know if that's not right.

  • Bertalan Fodor

    Bertalan Fodor - 2009-07-24

    The new tag with the corrected build file:

    Please let me know if there are other issues with this, or I should follow some other conventions. I tried my best to make it as easy to deploy as it can be.

  • Townsfolk

    Townsfolk - 2009-07-25

    For consistency sake, I updated the version in the props file to match the tag.

    Released to plugin central.

  • Townsfolk

    Townsfolk - 2009-07-25
    • status: open --> closed

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