
#1143 SideKick: Filter should not explode matched assets

Alan Ezust

I am editing a build.xml file and I wanted to see only the <target> nodes and none of the others. So I typed "target" in the filter field. It hides all the <property> nodes, as expected, but it also explodes the <targets> so all the children are visible (when they were not before). Why?

I still have to scroll around to see all my targets, when I wanted to see only them and no other assets.


  • Matthew Gilbert

    Matthew Gilbert - 2009-02-24

    My thinking was much like search in a buffer expands folds, filtering should expand its matches (especially when by default many assets are hidden). I'll work on adding an option that enables exploding all matches.

  • Matthew Gilbert

    Matthew Gilbert - 2009-02-25

    Please try the attached diff. I left the default to explode. You'll have to select the checkbox in the plugin option pane to enable limiting to visible assets.
    File Added: filter_visible.diff

  • Matthew Gilbert

    Matthew Gilbert - 2009-02-25
  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2009-03-10
    • assigned_to: nobody --> voxmea
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2009-03-10

    Thanks. Committed rev# 14746.


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