
#225 Tag insertion shortcuts


Since we are talking about formatting & capitalization shortcuts I
suppose first of all we need to implement tags insertion shortcuts.

We have two types of tag groups: pairs and singletons.

A pair would be inserted by selecting the applicable string and hitting a
shortcut based on the selected group number (alt-n ?)

A singleton would be inserted at the cursor position with a similar device.

We need to implement the shortcuts for the o to 9 series to enter tags

And for group numbers that are superior to 9 we need a generic device
that takes any number as a argument, similar to "go line nnn" in text


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  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2006-10-20

    Logged In: YES

    And if you have 10, 20 tags?

    I'd rather have something like a single shortcut: "insert
    next missing tag".
    This would insert the first/next tag present in source and
    not in target.
    This would go with the typing:
    You type the first part of the sentence. When you arrive
    at the first tag, you hit "insert next missing tag", etc.


  • Henry Pijffers

    Henry Pijffers - 2006-10-20

    Logged In: YES

    I'd rather see something more flexible, cause I regularly
    need to reverse tag order, duplicate tags, or otherwise
    change the tag order.

    Perhaps a combination of both your suggestions would suit
    me. I could simply use Alt-T (or something) to insert the
    next missing tag, and when I need to modify the tag order, I
    could use Alt-<nr> to insert a tag by its number. In the
    rare case (for me) that I have a segment with 10 or more
    tags, I could still copy/paste tags, or type them myself. It
    would happen that infrequently, that I wouldn't feel it as
    a problem.

  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2006-10-20

    Logged In: YES

    About the number of tags:
    The issue is not the number of tags in the segment, but
    the number of tags in the paragraph.
    I often have long paragraphs, which means even if there
    are 2 or 3 tags in the segment, they can have number 12,
    13 and 14.


  • Jean-Christophe Helary

    Logged In: YES

    Didier is right about the numbers. It depends on the size of the paragraph.

    That itself is a bug since the segmentation should be created at the same
    level as the default segmentation so as to create tag groups that dont spread
    over a number of segments.

    But that left aside, and considering that target language structure can
    sometimes be funky only having a "insert next tag" would be sometimes

    Plus we need something that would actually be shorter to type than to type
    the segment itself ;)

    I think modkey+nb (0~9) is the fastest way to deal with simple cases and
    modkey+t (input dialog) + (n+) would do it for any tag number.

  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2006-10-21

    Logged In: YES

    <<That itself is a bug since the segmentation should be
    created at the same level as the default segmentation so
    as to create tag groups that dont spread over a number of
    It's a trade-off. It depends I guess whether the
    repeatability is more at the paragraph level or at the
    sentence level.

    <<modkey+t (input dialog) + (n+) would do it for any tag
    Well, for me it would be nearly faster to type the tag.

    But I’m not against it, as long as we have the “insert
    next tag” too, as Henry suggested.


  • Jean-Christophe Helary

    Logged In: YES

    If sentence segmenting is on then the project should segment using sentence
    rules at the same level as paragraph "rules".

    Re. the <<modkey+t (input dialog) + (n+) would do it for any tag
    number.>>, it would not be longer for paired groups: select, modkey+t+nn
    +enter: 5 keys with 2 digits vs "<lnn> displacement </lnn>" 11 keys +

    For single tags, agree with you though.

  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2006-10-21

    Logged In: YES

    <<If sentence segmenting is on then the project should
    segment using sentence rules at the same level as
    paragraph "rules".>>
    And then when you resegment (happens often to me during
    the first two days of a project), then all your tag
    numbers might change. That's why I wrote it's a trade-off.


  • Henry Pijffers

    Henry Pijffers - 2006-10-21

    Logged In: YES

    Concerning tag insertion, how about this?

    - CtrlCmd+Alt+<0..9> inserts the tag with the number pressed
    - CtrlCmd+Alt+N inserts the next missing tag
    - CtrlCmd+Alt+T brings up a dialog where you can type
    numbers larger than 9

    That amount of flexibility would nicely fit all users I reckon.

  • Jean-Christophe Helary

    Logged In: YES

    Ok, when you mean insert you (must) mean:

    insert opening tag before the selected part and closing tag after selected
    insert single tag at cursor position

    selecting the number of a tag pair when nothing is selected should insert the
    pair at the cursor position.
    selecting the number of a single tag when something is selected should do
    what ? insert the same tag right and left of the selected part ? (why not) ?

  • Henry Pijffers

    Henry Pijffers - 2006-10-22

    Logged In: YES

    Yes to all except the last bit. When inserting a
    single/stand-alone tag, I think what people would expect is
    that it would be inserted in place of any selection.

  • Jean-Christophe Helary

    Logged In: YES

    But then it would not be consistent with the tag pair placed on the right and
    left of a selection.

    Obviously this is not "typical" select+paste behavior that we are considering
    here. It is more an "apply style on this selection" since the tags are supposed
    to be equivalent to inline style.

    I think in the doc we should be clear about that: we are not pasting strings,
    we are applying an inline style to a selection.

  • Henry Pijffers

    Henry Pijffers - 2006-10-22

    Logged In: YES

    It's not about applying style either, cause single tags are
    never used for styling text.

    You are right about one thing though. Adding start/end tags
    around a selection, but replacing a selection when inserting
    a single tag is not exactly consistent behaviour.

    However, I wouldn't expect an application to insert 2 single
    tags when I have a selection either.

  • Jean-Christophe Helary

    Logged In: YES

    What really matters is how we show that in the doc.

    Inconsistence can look ugly is badly presented, and look very smart otherwise.

    So what about inserting single tag before selected string (considering that
    selection was not intended).

  • Henry Pijffers

    Henry Pijffers - 2006-10-22

    Logged In: YES

    Actually, I like the idea of replacing a selection by
    inserting a single tag. That'd be very useful for tag
    correction, selecting incorrect tags and inserting correct ones.

  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2006-10-29

    Logged In: YES

    <<Actually, I like the idea of replacing a selection by
    inserting a single tag. That'd be very useful for tag
    correction, selecting incorrect tags and inserting correct ones.>>

    I agree with that. It's consistent behaviour, and seems useful to me.

    <<(considering that selection was not intended).>>

    Well, if we begin to consider user actions are not intended... :)


  • Garret Vanderthread

    Logged In: YES

    >> (considering that selection was not intended).>>
    > Well, if we begin to consider user actions are not intended...

    I see a very small 2.0 version, with just one dialog class,
    containing just two localisable string: "OmegaT thinks you
    did not intend to start a translation. Therefore OmegaT
    shall now quit.", "OK" (button).

    I think I can make that release by 1 November :)

  • Jean-Christophe Helary

    • milestone: --> 442218
  • Jean-Christophe Helary

    • milestone: 442218 --> 659980
  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2007-01-21

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    [ 1350244 ] Make OmT tags into placeables
    discusses the same thing (inserting tags).
    Perhaps these two RFE should be merged.


  • Henry Pijffers

    Henry Pijffers - 2007-01-22

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    More information at RFE 1350244 - Make OmT tags into placeables

  • Jean-Christophe Helary

    • milestone: 659980 --> future
  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2009-10-19

    From Kos Ivantsov
    - Insert Source Tags

    <<Would be really awesome if OmegaT was able to insert Tags separately from
    the source segment. Just tags. Like we have a menu item for inserting
    source or match, but in this case it's not actual text that we want to
    insert, it's tags.
    There are third party scripts that do that, but I'd think it can be done
    with OmegaT itself (well, it can analyze tag errors).
    And then, if it's doable, maybe it would be beneficial to be able to insert
    all the tags at once ("Menu —> Insert All Source Tags"), and one by one
    (pressing "Menu —> Insert one source tag" for the first time in a given
    segment would insert the very first tag from the segment, and every time
    this item gets pressed again in the same segment, it inserts next tag)>>


  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2009-12-13

    From another report (
    smolejv wrote:
    Precondition: the system keeps track of what "this tag" is, indicating it
    with an underline or some other kind of highlighting

    Allow the user to
    a) copy the tag, "this tag" is pointing at, to the current position in the
    target. Open: ... and move "this tag" to the next down the line. Rationale:
    they usually turn up in the target in the same order (just different
    b) move "this tag" back to the previous tag in source - up to the first tag
    in the source
    c) move "this tag" forward to the next tag in source - down to the last tag
    in the source

    This would require three new shortcuts - suggest Alt-back, alt-down and
    alt-forward, which is rather fair as regards the set of shortcuts still
    available. This is a pretty "industry-standard" way of handling tags.

    I am entering this, because it's been asked now and again and I have not
    found any place in the RFCs, where this is explicitely suggested.



  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2009-12-13
    • summary: tag insertion shortcuts --> Tag insertion shortcuts
  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2014-01-07

    We now have tag insertion shortcut, plus a special page in the auto-completer to insert tag groups.

    Do you still think this RFE is useful?


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