
#67 Select all in the editing field shifts focus on MacOSX


select all in the editing field put the editing field on top of the editing
window and hides the reference source language field.

there are no reasons why a select all should change the general
display but in any case it should at least allow for reference+editing
fields display of one single segment.


  • Maxym Mykhalchuk

    Logged In: YES

    JC, sorry, can you be more specific?

    I assume that you press Ctrl+A in the main window?
    And what happens then?

    For me it selects all the text between <segment XXXX> and
    <end segment>. What happens for you?

  • Jean-Christophe Helary

    Logged In: YES

    I do a cmd+a (eq to ctrl+a) and it selects the whole segment _and_ shifts
    the whole segment to the top of the window where the editing field becomes
    adjacent to the window top border, which means that the reference part
    (highlighted and bold) goes "under" the top of the window and becomes thus
    not visible...

  • Maxym Mykhalchuk

    Logged In: YES

    Strange, it doesn't do so for me...
    I'll look at the code, and try to see what might be wrong.

    Thanks for the bug report!

  • Maxym Mykhalchuk

    • assigned_to: nobody --> mihmax
    • milestone: --> 1.4.5
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Maxym Mykhalchuk

    Logged In: YES

    To be fixed in
    I'll now send the test build to JC to confirm...

  • Maxym Mykhalchuk

    • summary: 1.4.5 select all in the editing field --> Select all in the editing field shifts focus
  • Maxym Mykhalchuk

    • status: open-accepted --> open-fixed
  • Maxym Mykhalchuk

    Logged In: YES

    The problem was caused by the fact that on MacOSX the
    "Select-All" keystroke is CMD-A, and I was checking for
    So now it's fixed and confirmed by JC:

    --- Jean-Christophe Helary wrote:
    > I mean cmd+a worked the way it should: no
    > displacement of the display :)
    > I did not change the display (font size etc)
    > I just opened the manual project, selected
    > a few big segments, smaller ones and got
    > consistent results: the whole segment is
    > selected and the display is not displaced.

    Good news for MacOSX!

  • Maxym Mykhalchuk

    • summary: Select all in the editing field shifts focus --> Select all in the editing field shifts focus on MacOSX
  • Maxym Mykhalchuk

    Logged In: YES

    fixed in
    (to appear in an hour)

  • Maxym Mykhalchuk

    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed

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