
#3676 Some strings not localized in .exe file installation process

minor bug

When installing jEdit using the .exe file on Windows OS, some strings still in english (while almost all the instructions are in locale language). A related issue is the contextual menu item still beeing in english (and not in locale language).
This is due to missing localization and can be easily fixed by providing the remaining translations into the win32installer.iss file.
I will submit a patch for that.


  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2012-03-28
    • assigned_to: shlomy --> nobody
  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2012-03-29
    • assigned_to: nobody --> jojaba_67
  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2012-03-29

    Actually, I you can commit directly to win32installer.iss, that should be no problem. It's just like another property file.

  • Jojaba

    Jojaba - 2012-03-29

    I prefer to respect the procedure. I'm not a jEdit developper, so I can easily make errors. As I said, I will submit a patch as soon as I collected some other languages (I think about Japanese and polisch), you or another developper will be able to look at what I submitted and copy it to the right place If accepted.

  • Matthieu Casanova

    fixed by patch #3513215

  • Matthieu Casanova

    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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