
#2892 French translation


Hi kimmov, hi gerundt,

I am fine, hope you guys are the same.

I sended an email to Eyael around 3 weeks from now. He didn't reply.

From my point of view, he wasn't carefull enough to verify
if a french translator is active before sendind his material.

I don't suggest that you keep his material (ShellExtensionFrench.rc
and French.po) from tracker-id 2828449. This is too much confusion.
Can you withdraw or rollback ?

I didn't have permission to talk on tracker-id 2828449. So I had
to create this one.

Words and expressions that represent an enhancement for winmerge
are all included in this upload.

Do you think an Email should be sended to Eyael if he want is name to
be added to contributors list in regard to new French.po files ?

To avoid any confusion in the future. I would like my name to appear on
top of the french translators. I already did this in French.po files
included here. But i need your help with this URL:

One last point for my own comprehension. You have added the file
ShellExtensionFrench.rc (upper in this text) in SVN. From what
I understand, translations for Shell Extension come from
\Translations\ShellExtension\French.po. So eventually that
rc file will be automatically overwritten right ?
Does Kimmo work too late at night :-) ?

There are 2 files uploaded here. Need to be renamed to French.po. branch 2.12 revision 6469 took from downloaded package 2.12.4 branch 2.13 revision 6851 took from SVN

Ok I will upload them in two separate messages.
The designer of this tracker tool should be fired !


  • Jean-F Jolin

    Jean-F Jolin - 2009-09-04

    French.po file took from downloaded package 2.12.4

  • Jean-F Jolin

    Jean-F Jolin - 2009-09-04

    French.po file took from SVN

  • Jean-F Jolin

    Jean-F Jolin - 2009-09-04

    Where the show ball in hell can I upload the second file ?

    OK I give up. The second file is here.

    Be carefull the file can be downloaded only 10 times and will be deleted after 90 days without download.

    It took me a while to discover that. Comments, Attached File and Associaton didn't have ********** BUTTONS ***********

    Now the verdict is to hang the designer !

  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2009-09-05

    Yeah, we probably should make it more clear what translations are active and who is the active translator. That can be confusing (also for us developers) since people come and go...

    About that contribution / contributor starting this mess - he was all but polite and appeared like he is some kind of authority for translation and terms used. The original mail to mailing list was clearly offensive towards other people. I filtered that out and figured out he could still communicate with people with good manners. But apparently he did expect we just take his version and be happy. Or something.

    Unfortunately this kind of things happen when people not familiar how Open Source development work try to force others to their way of working and thinking. We must try to be patient and instruct people. However in this case there is nothing we can do since he is not interested listening. We can ignore him too.

    Yes, this new interface sucks big time - I'm also always lost with attachments. But apparently "Add a file" text in bottom is some kind of button and clicking it opens form to add new file. Very confusing.

  • Jean-F Jolin

    Jean-F Jolin - 2009-09-12

    This is only follow up.

    - 2 Patches aren't apply.
    - Tracker-id 2828449 isn't closed.
    - Contribution / contributor question answered.
    - Web page "" not corrected
    - Question ShellExtensionFrench.rc not answered
    - interface issue answered.

  • Tim Gerundt

    Tim Gerundt - 2009-09-15

    Ok, I close the patch #2828449 as "Won't fix" and committed your PO files to SVN:

    * In Revision 6987 (Trunk)
    * In Revision 6988 (Branch R2_12)

    I add your Name in the PO files as "Maintainer"...

  • Tim Gerundt

    Tim Gerundt - 2009-09-15
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Tim Gerundt

    Tim Gerundt - 2009-09-17

    Ok, I update yesterday the translation status from Trunk at the website.

  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2009-10-18

    So this is committed to both trunk and branch? I'm closing this now..

  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2009-10-18
    • labels: --> Resources and Language DLLs
    • milestone: --> Branch_+_Trunk
    • status: open-accepted --> closed-accepted

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