
#2467 Zoom to normal

GUI (476)
Tim Gerundt

This patch adds a item "&Normal" at the "View\Zoom" menu to reset the font size to normal size. You can also call the function with "Ctrl + *".

I modified "CMergeEditView::ZoomText()" for this function. I tested it and it works. But I am not a C/C++ developer and don't know, if this is the best way... ;)



  • Tim Gerundt

    Tim Gerundt - 2008-02-04

    patch file

  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2008-02-05

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Funny, I was thinking to submit similar patch, but didn't have time yesterday. :)

    Looks good. Couple of comments:
    - do we really need separator in three-item menu popup?
    - there doesn't seem to be a consistent hotkey for resetting size in apps I looked at, and maybe its just me but I don't associate multiplying to resettings something...
    - description text could be more descriptive, as it doesn't reset user's selected font, only current zoom. How about "Reset text zoom to default size"?

  • Tim Gerundt

    Tim Gerundt - 2008-02-05

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    > - do we really need separator in three-item menu popup?

    I was inspired by Firefox, he use this separator at the same place.

    > - there doesn't seem to be a consistent hotkey for resetting size in apps

    Firefox use "Strg+0", Opera use "*". Since we use "Strg+0" for bookmarks I choose a mix: "Strg+*"
    The "*" is near "+" and "-" at the numblock and "*" only is not a good shortcut for a editor. ;)

    > How about "Reset text zoom to default size"?

    Sounds good!

  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2008-02-05

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I'm not sure FireFox is always a good example. ;) They care a lot more things like cross-platform than doing Windows things right. And sometimes it seems they want to make Windows look like a Mac (Firefox options dialog for example..)

    The extra separator doesn't disturb me and it is easy to remove, so do what you think is best. I wouldn't add it (all three items are about same feature).

    Notepad++ uses Ctrl+/. Well, its natural to have one of keypad keys as shortcut key. So there aren't many available. Do what you think is best, easy to change if required so.

    Change that description text at least and just commit this.

  • Tim Gerundt

    Tim Gerundt - 2008-02-05

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Committed to SVN (In Revision 5000)...

    Nice revisions number! ;)

  • Tim Gerundt

    Tim Gerundt - 2008-02-05
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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