Worldwide: Small and medium businesses of all kinds.
About Timetastic
Timetastic is your easy-to-use staff holiday planner that's used by over 100,000 people to organise their time off work.
It’s the online, mobile and paperless way to manage staff leave which gets rid of holiday forms and spreadsheets.
The process of requesting and authorising time off is streamlined in Timetastic. The user highlights the days they want off in a calendar and an email is sent to their approver, who just clicks in the email to approve or decline. Everything is reflected on the wall chart and personal calendars, instantly.
With Timetastic you get an interactive wall chart that’s always up to date, providing a simple view of who’s in and who’s not. It helps you plan time off better, making sure your busy periods are properly staffed and avoiding any awkward clashes. Each staff member can see their own calendar with a summary of their year.
It's paperless, accurate, simple, quick and far better than shuffling paper.