Teams, and businesses interested in a tool to handle and forward many calls
About OneNumber
Connect multiple phone numbers with your virtual number & never miss a call again. Let your team handle many calls at a time. OneNumber with welcome greetings through IVR and a personalized experience with self-help and the virtual receptionist is ready. Connects the callers directly with the department based on their IVR menu inputs. Bring mobility to your team's call handling as calls are forwarded directly to your employee's phone number. Track and monitor all your employee's performance down to each customer call and their performance. It gives access to detailed reports of your customer calls and get daily insights with up-to-date agents and call information. Monitor your business calls and team performance with timely recorded customer conversations. OneNumber calls placed at your virtual phone number are sent to your or your agent's number directly. No need to sit at their landline or office desk to answer calls.