Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README 2011-08-07 1.4 kB
Menu.tar.gz 2011-08-07 269.8 kB
Totals: 2 Items   271.2 kB 0
This is an early version of an application launcher, loosely based on this idea: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1773921

At this stage, it is only good for testing the idea, to see if people find it intuitive and easy to use; available launchers and key bindings are hard coded (i.e. it doesn't use .desktop files and you can't put your own applications or categories on it, or change the key bindings...). 

It requires QT libraries to run.

Center item shows the current category, which can be the root item - 'Menu', or a sub-menu. Items around it can be submenus or application launchers (there's no visual distinction, they're all just icons...). Activating a category will put that category's icon in the middle of the menu. Activating an application launcher will, well, launch the application :) You can also search for items, but this isn't working properly yet.

Navigating with keyboard:
- Use numpad to navigate the menu; press 1 to navigate to lower left item, press 9 to navigate to upper right etc. 
- Use middle numpad key - 5 - to return back to the parent category.
- Use plus to display more items, if there are any. Use minus to 'rotate' back.
- Use zero to show search box. Use escape to hide it. If search results in only one item, press enter to activate it.

Navigating with mouse:
- Apart from obvious point and click, you can scroll to rotate the menu back and forth.

Source: README, updated 2011-08-07