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README 2014-02-28 4.3 kB
WokeSetupWin64bit1.0.0.exe 2014-02-27 21.8 MB
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                                README : Woke
           Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Tampere University of Technology

Woke is a workflow editor designed for quickly creating, editing and
visualizing workflow graphs.

What you can do with Woke
Woke can be used to build workflows based on tasks and transitions:
 - Task is one step in the workflow, containing information about itself such as
   the tools and data used during the step.
 - Transitions connect the tasks to each other, offering simple statements
   to split and join the flow.
Additionally, Woke visualizes data dependencies in the workflow.
The interface of Woke is divided into five parts:
 - Main toolbar contains useful functionality such as saving and loading workflow files.
 - Task editor is used to edit the properties of tasks.
 - Transition editor is used to edit transitions.
 - Graph toolbar is used to edit the graph via GUI buttons.
 - Graph view visualizes the current graph.
The graph toolbar buttons include following functionalities:
 - Graph sync toggle: Selects items in the graph as they are selected in the editors and vice versa.
 - List sync toggle: Selects items in task editor as neighbouring item is selected 
   in transition editor and vice versa.
 - New transition: Creates a new empty transition and begins editing it.
 - Delete transition: Deletes the currently selected transition.
 - Insert task: Inserts a task between selected task and a possible task following it.
 - Branch task: Creates a task and ands it as a branch to the transition following the selected task.
 - Delete task maintaining chain: Deletes a task, connecting a possible task following it to the the previous task.
 - Delete task breaking chain: Deletes a task, connecting any following tasks to graph start.
The most effective way to use Woke is by keyboard.
 - When focus is in the task editor, new tasks can be added with Enter (Insert task) and Ctrl+Enter (Branch task),
   while tasks can be deleted with Delete (Maintain chain) and Ctrl+Delete (Break chain).
 - Task editor can be navigated by keyboard, editing can be started either by typing or pressing the F2 key.
 - When editing task's input or output data, the edited values are applied with TAB key. Other fields are applied with Enter.
 - When focus is in the transition editor, editing can be started either by typing or pressing the F2 key,
   while the currently selected transition is deleted with the 
 Transitions are built from fairly simple statements separated by line breaks.
 Transition content is applied with the TAB key.
 Transition statements are in the following format: 
   if <task> <operator> <task> <operator > ... <task> then <task> <operator> <task> <operator > ... <task>
   if <task> <operator> <task> <operator > ... <task> then end
 Currently supported operators are "and", "or" and "xor". Task numbering is automated, and using a task name that does
 not exist in the graph creates a new task with the used name as a prefix.
 For example if the graph contains tasks named "foo.0" and "foo.1", creating a transition with the contents
 "if foo.0 and foo.1 then foo" would result in a transition with tasks foo.0 and foo.1 as its inputs and a new
 task, foo.2 as its output.
 With the same state at the start of the operation, creating a transition with the contents 
 "if foo.0 and foo.1 then bar" would result in a transition with tasks foo.0 and foo.1 as its inputs and a new
 task, bar.0 as its output.

Mikko Honkonen, Joni-Matti Määttä, Timo D. Hämäläinen, Esko Pekkarinen, Erno Salminen

Kactus2 is linked with Qt 5.2.0, copyright Digia Plc. (LGPL)


This software is licensed under the GPL2 General Public License.
Source: README, updated 2014-02-28