Home / stable / 2.16.0
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
readme.txt 2018-11-22 12.6 kB
winmerge-2.16.0-full-src.7z 2018-11-22 10.7 MB
winmerge-2.16.0-exe.zip 2018-11-22 7.8 MB
winmerge-2.16.0-x64-exe.zip 2018-11-22 8.7 MB
WinMerge-2.16.0-Setup.exe 2018-11-22 5.7 MB
WinMerge-2.16.0-x64-Setup.exe 2018-11-22 6.3 MB
Totals: 6 Items   39.2 MB 10
This is WinMerge 2.16.0 stable version.
It is recommended always to use stable versions for most users. 

Changes since the latest stable version 2.14.0:

WinMerge 2.16.0
  - Bugfix: Disabled icon on toolbar not gray out when running on XP
  File compare:
  - Bugfix: Copy to X and Advance" not work in 3way-compare (Bitbucket #123)
  - Bugfix: File compare always showing different ending (GitHub #106)
  - Bugfix: Scrolling issue (GitHub #105)
  - Bugfix: A crash (GitHub #104)
  - Add separators to "Zoom" and "Diff Context" menus (Bitbucket PR #5)
  Open dialog:
  - Bugfix: Drag&Drop in Open Dialog won't work correct (Bitbucket #125)
  - Drop ClearCase integration (Bitbucket PR #6)
  - Add Lithuanian translation (Bitbucket #124)
  - Update Portuguese translation (GitHub #102,103)

WinMerge 2.15.5
  - Add support for very long path and file names (GitHub #87,95,99)
  - Enable Ctrl+C shortcut key on the file path bar
  - Remove support for old version control system (GitHub #96)
  - Improve Options > Color > Differences dialog layout (GitHub #89)
  - Improve information and formatting in Help > Configuration reporting (GitHub #92)
  - Improve visual layout of Open dialog (GitHub #97)
  - Add icon for "New (3 panes)" menu item (GitHub #97)
  File compare:
  - Add Window/Split menu item
  - Improve handling of last lines in files (GitHub #89,90,93)
  - Improve "Visual C++ Loose" filter (GitHub #95)
  - BugFix: Crash when saving a file if the active pane is diff detail pane
  - BugFix: Crash when pressing Alt+Down key while loading large files
  - BugFix: Crash when "mousing over" Plugin Setting context menu if Plugins are disabled
  - BugFix: Various problems reading of files > 2GB (GitHub #81)
  - BugFix: Selecting files "From MRU list" again works correctly
  - Update Italian translation (GitHub #86)
  - Update Japanese translation (Bitbucket #3)
  - Update Dutch translation
  - Update German translation
  - Bugfix Spanish translation error (Bitbucket Issue #108)
  - Various diffengine and compilation/build fixes
    (GitHub #89,90,91,92,94)

WinMerge 2.15.4
  - BugFix: Dot icon in a drop-down menu is not drawn correctly
  File compare:
  - BugFix: Crash when reading a file in Google Drive File Stream (sf.net#2206)
  - BugFix: Crash when removing ghost lines (GitHub #80)
  - BugFix: Lines without EOL appears even though it is not the last line
  - Add Ctrl++/Ctrl+-(not numpad key) shortcut key to zoom in/out (sf.net#1727)
  - Remove 2GB file size limit for 64-bit build (GitHub #81, #82)
  Folder compare:
  - Add Pause button to Folder Compare Progress dialog (sf.net#828,#1222,#1237)
  - Re-detect the file encoding when opening files (sf.net#2131)
  Open dialog:
  - Add Options button to Open dialog
  - Add Save Project button to Open dialog
  Patch generator dialog:
  - BugFix: File1/File2 fields don't remember manual input (sf.net#1949)
  - BugFix: Garbled text was copied to the clipboard when generating a report
    on the clipboard (sf.net#2200)
  - Add PrediffLineFilter.sct plugin
  - Make ignored lines by Prediffer plugin colored
  - Update Slovak translation (sf.net#2902)
  - Update Portuguese translation (GitHub #84,#85)
  - Adapt to VS2017 version 15.6.1 (GitHub #79)

WinMerge 2.15.3
  File compare:
  - Fix assertion error when started on Windows XP
  - Fix a problem that moved blocks are sometimes shown as normal diff blocks
  - Fix a problem that EOL is removed unexpectedly when removing lines
    included ghost lines
  - Fix reverse search to search last line correctly
  - Fix infinite loop when replacing ^ (sf.net#2094)
  - Fix to show text that contains & on message box, correctly (sf.net#2067)
  Folder compare:
  - Fix a problem that unique files are invisible when comparing files using
    'Date' compare method
  - Remove trailing garbage from a dragged text (Github#75)
  Patch generator dialog:
  - Fix a problem that typed-in Context in Generate Patch is not applied
  - Entitify file paths in HTML & XML directory comparison reports (sf.net#2199)
  Location pane:
  - Add support for HiDPI screens (Github #54)
  - CompareMSExcelFiles.sct: Add "Compare headers and footers" checkbox to
    settings dialog (sf.net#2102)
  - Remove extra space in installer: " Launch WinMerge" (sf.net#2144)
  - Add "How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs" section into GPL.rtf
  - Add Finnish translation (sf.net#3031)
  - Add Sinhala translation (sf.net#3032)
  - Update Korean translation (Github #61)
  - Update Portuguese translation (GitHub #56-78)
  - Update Polish translation (sf.net#2177)
  - Update Turkish translation (Bitbucket#85, #86)
  - Change the file encodings of all .po files of WinMerge GUI to UTF-8 

WinMerge 2.15.2
  - Flatten GUI pane edges
  - Partial support for HiDPI (not Per-Monitor DPI Aware)
  - Remove splash screen. The splash screen image is now displayed in About
  Tool bar:
  - Add "View->Toolbar->Huge" menu item
  - Add drop down menu to Options icon
  - Add icons for 3-way merge functions
  Open dialog:
  - Change window type of Open dialog from modal window to MDI child window
  - Add Read-only checkbox to Open dialog
  - Add buttons to swap items
  - Add the third path combobox for 3-way comparison
  - Allow file name patterns like not only *.ext but file*.ext
  Tab bar:
  - Make Tabbar reorderable by using drag-and-drop
  - Add "Close Other Tabs", "Close Right Tabs" and "Close Left Tabs" menu items
      to system menu
  - Add "Enable Auto Max Width" menu item to Tab Bar context menu
  - Show close button when hovering over tabs
  - Add icons to each tab
  Options dialog:
  - Add "Close Select Files or Folders Dialog on clicking OK button" checkbox
     to "General" page
  - Add "Language" combobox to "General" page and remove Language dialog
  - Add "Ignore codepage differences" checkbox to "Compare/General" page
  - Remove checkboxes in "Enable multiple compare windows for" group from
      "General" page (Now always enabled multi compare windows)
  - Add "Include Subfolders" checkbox to "Compare/Folder" page
  - Add "Automatically expand all subfolders" checkbox to "Compare/Folder" page
  - Add "Ignore Reparse Points" checkbox to "Compare/Folder" page
  - Add "Number of compare threads" textbox to "Compare/Folder" page
  - Add "Compare/Binary" page
  - Add "Compare/Image" page
  - Add checkboxes whether to use custom colors for text to 
      "Colors/Differences" page
  - Add "GitHub/Bitbucket" button to "Colors/Differences" page
  - Add "Margin" color button to "Colors/Text" page
  - Add "Colors/Markers" page
  - Remove "Use stand-alone 7-Zip if available" and 
      "Use local 7-Zip from WinMerge folder" radio button from 
      "Archive Support" page
      (Now always use local 7-Zip from WinMerge folder)
  - Make $file and $linenum parameters available in External editor textbox
      on "System" page
  - Make Custom codepage on "Codepage" page selectable from dropdown list 
  - Add "Detect codepage for text files using mlang.dll" checkbox to 
      "Codepage" page
  - Remove "Include subfolders by default" checkbox from 
      "Shell Integration" page
      (ShellExtension now refers to "Include subfolders" checkbox 
        on "Compare/Folder" page or on "Select Files or Folders" dialog)
  - Remove "Add Shell menu to context menu" from "Shell Integration" page
      (WinMerge now always adds shell menu to context menu in Folder window)
  - Add "Register shell extension" button to "Shell Integration" page
  Folder Compare:
  - Add Multi-thread compare support for Full Contents or Quick Contents
  - Color the background of items in list view
  - Restore collapse/expand state of folder tree after re-comparison 
  - Make comparing window closeable
  - Make sub-folder re-comparable
  - Display folder items in list view during comparison
  - Display the file name currently being compared in progress window
  - Add "Parent Folder" menu item in 'Open Left/Middle/Right' menu
  - Add "Compare Non-horizontally" menu item to context menu
  - Add "Copy items To Clipboard" menu item to context menu
  - Add "Swap panes" menu item to View menu
  - Add "Auto/Manual Prediffer" menu item to Plugin menu
  - Open selected folders in new tab when clicking "Compare" menu item with
    pressing Ctrl key
  - Cleanup Date column alignment (GitHub #25)
  - Bugfix: Version column not sorted correctly
  - Bugfix: A unique item that is a binary file was not detected
      as a binary file
  - Bugfix: Properly handle 3-way comparison of Binary files (Github #23)
  - Bugfix: Use proper font for View>Use Default Font menu item (GitHub #24)
  File Compare:
  - Add support for 3-way compare/merge
  - Add "Diff Context" menu to View menu to adjust the number of displayed
    diff context lines
  - Add "Split Vertically" menu item to View menu
  - Add "Add Synchronization Point" to Merge menu
  - Add "Auto/Manual Prediffer" menu item to Plugin menu
  - Show the name of the applied plugin in the status bar
  - Add shortcut(Ctrl+Alt+E) to open with external editor
  - Add Go and Rust highlighter
  - Add VHDL syntax highlighter (Bitbucket #2)
  - Add C++11 keywords
  - Make merge editor window D&Dable
  - Highlight the search text and implement Marker
  - Highlight the EOL pane in status bar if there is a difference 
      in the EOL of files
  - Reload files when another application changes files opened by WinMerge
  - Improve in-line diff algorithm
  - Bugfix: More on Issue #73 Fixed the -dl -dm and -dr description parameters
    for conflict files
    (for both 2 way and 3 way conflict files).(Bitbucket #1)
  - Bugfix: Fix Memory Leak with Drop Targets (GitHub #26)
  Binary Compare:
  - Install binary file editor (frhed) component again by default
  - Make binary file editor undoable
  Image Compare:
  - Add image file compare/merge support
  - Add "Include File Compare Report" checkbox to "Folder Compare Report"
  - Change the encoding of HTML folder compare report from ANSI to UTF-8
  - Add icons to the HTML folder compare report
  - Change visual style of HTML report
  Archive Support:
  - Install 7-zip plugin by default
  Drag and Drop:
  - Accept drag&droped files or folders from various places like:
    Zip folder, FTP folder, Recycle bin, images in Web browser
  - Introduce new plugin type FILE_FOLDER_PACK_UNPACKER
    which allows unpacking data in a file to multiple files in a folder
  - Use FILE_FOLDER_PACK_UNPACKER plugin for decompressing archives
  - Add support for unpacker plugin written in VBScript/Javascript.
  - Add WinMerge32BitPluginProxy.exe to make 32-bit plugins usable in 64-bit
  - Rewrite some plugins in VBScript
  - Add CompareMSPowerPointFiles.sct plugin
  - Add ApplyPatch.sct plugin
  - Add SortAscending, SortDescending and ExecFilterCommand menu item to 
    Plugin->Script menu
  - Make plugins configurable with settings dialog of each plugin
  - Update *.flt files for Visual Studio 2015 and 2017
  Shell extension:
  - Display another WinMerge icon in Explorer's context menu when a folder is
  - 64-bit version of WinMerge is available
  - Install plugins by default
  - Update Portuguese translation (GitHub #2-17)
  - Update Korean translation (GitHub #45)
  - Update Traditional Chinese translation (GitHub #53)
  - Remove "Language" menu item from View menu
    (You can specify UI language at Options dialog)
  Command line:
  - Incompatible change: The third file path is now treated as a right path
    for 3-way comparison, not output path
    Use /o option for ouput path instead
  - Add /wm, /dm, /fl, /fm, /fr, /al, /am and /ar option for 3-way comparison
  Other changes:
  - Add support for jump list introduced in Windows 7
  - Use POCO C++ libraries instead of pcre, expat and scew.
    They use pcre, expat internally
  - Link statically with MFC and VC runtime libraries
  - Various compilation/build fixes
    (GitHub #1,19,21,29,31-33,36-38,42-44,49-52)

Source: readme.txt, updated 2018-11-22