Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
2.4.2 2011-08-14
2.4.1 2011-07-25
2.4 2011-05-26
2.3 2011-03-26
2.2 2011-02-09
2.1.1 2010-12-23
2.1.0 2010-12-22
readme.txt 2011-03-26 1.7 kB
Totals: 8 Items   1.7 kB 0
1) Introduction

Windows Build Audit is project of several apps to get installed software, 
hardware and system information from a computer and present it in a report. 
Designed to be easy to install, use and maintain on large networks.

The project is released on sourceforge (http://www.sourceforge.net) and the most
up to date information can be found on it's project page and the wiki

Project page: https://sourceforge.net/projects/winbuildaudit/
Wiki/website: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/winbuildaudit/

2) Applications

The WindowsBuildAudit project is split into 6 applications: 

WbaConfigurator: Writes configuration files for WbaStandalone and WbaService. It
is designed for write-once, use-everywhere style of configuration. 

WbaLibAudit: Does all the heavy lifting for the audit - gathering all the 
information and writing it to a file.

WbaLibCommon: Common utilities and functions used in some of the other apps. 

WbaManagementMmc: A Microsoft Management Console snapin used to administer several
installations of WbaStandalone/WbaService.

WbaService: A service that sits and listens for requests from the administration
console to build audits. 

WbaStandalone: The most commonly used app, used by end users to run audits.

3) License

The software is released under the GPLv3, a full text copy of the license is 
included in all packages as docs/license.txt.

Source: readme.txt, updated 2011-03-26