Home / v1.0
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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ta-v1.02-for-bb1.6-PacCoded.txt 2012-09-19 507.1 kB
ta-v1.02-for-bb1.6-StdCoded.txt 2012-09-19 801.9 kB
ta-v1.01-for-bb1.6.zip 2012-09-17 274.6 kB
ta-v1.01-for-bb1.5.zip 2012-09-17 267.0 kB
ta-v1.01-for-bb1.6-lin.zip 2012-09-17 155.8 kB
ta-v1.0-for-bb1.5.zip 2012-09-12 258.6 kB
ta-v1.0-c-src.zip 2012-09-12 188.7 kB
ta-v1.0-win-binar.zip 2012-09-12 582.3 kB
ta-v1.0-for-bb1.6.zip 2012-09-12 266.2 kB
ta-v1.0-c-examples-ru.pdf 2012-09-12 428.0 kB
ta-v1.0-c-examples.pdf 2012-09-12 283.2 kB
Totals: 11 Items   4.0 MB 0
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All Rights Reserved.

Transparent Architecture Library and Examples - version 2.1
Author: Dmitry V. Dagaev

TA version 2.1 is free software under LGPL License.


TA Website:


ta-v2.1-bb-win.zip: Introduce pure BlackBox 1.6 solution, ta1s.dll was excluded. Only tarun.c is used for running console application.
ta-v2.1-bb-lin.zip: the same version for console linux BlackBox
ta-v2.1-xds-win.zip: the same version, ported to XDS. Has a compatible set of examples.
ta-v2.1-xds-win.zip: the same XDS version for linux.
ta-v2.1-c-win-lin.zip: C-version, compiled in Windows with MS VC++ 2010 Express,
	in Linux with gcc (Makefiles in distribution)
ta-v2.1-bb-win-StdCoded.txt: bb simple installation for Windows
ta-v2.1-bb-lin-StdCoded.txt: bb simple installation for Linux
ta-v2.1-all.zip: All above for 2.1
Source: README.txt, updated 2014-03-28