Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Release 4.6 2018-08-08
Release 4.5 2018-08-05
Release 4.4 2018-08-04
Release 4.3 2018-07-25
Release 4.0 2018-07-22
Release 4.2 2018-07-22
Release 4.1 2018-07-17
README.txt 2018-08-08 7.1 kB
Totals: 8 Items   7.1 kB 0
STEMCalc IV Calculator
Licensed under Apache License 2.0. More info in the included NOTICE.txt or license.txt file which comes with every releases and patches

***HOW TO USE***

*(for Release 4.3 and higher)*
Download the setup file and then install it to a location of your choice.
You might need to run the program as an administrator.
*(for Releases 4.0 - 4.2)*
Download and install WinRAR. Extract the archive to a folder of your choice.


ALL PATCHES REQUIRE THE PARENT RELEASE (eg. patch 4.0a requires Release 4.0 installed)
*(for Release 4.3 and higher)*
Download the setup file for the patch and install it to where you previously installed STEMCalc.
It is recommended that you uninstall the previous version to remove any unused libraries and components.
*(for Releases 4.0 - 4.2)*
If there are more than one patches for your release, install the latest patch only (eg. install 4.0b instead of 4.0a)
Patches require the parent release but not the previous patches, unless noted.

====RELEASE 4.6====

-STEMCalc IV Core Functionalities(view on SourceForge website)
-4.5-based system bootstrapped with Spring Boot, project is now a Maven project fully Spring-compliant
-All Spring Framework and third-party libraries are now packaged in a single bootstrapped jar archive
  +Spring Boot version 2.0.4 utilized
  +Apache Commons IO and Lang3 libraries remain at version 2.6 and 3.5 respectively
  +Google Guava library remain at version 18.0
  +Subfunctions library updated to version 1.5
-Added ability to find max/min value of quadratic equations
-Full Windows-compliant installer (setup) 
-STEMCalc now uses the Java Development Kit (JDK) instead of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
-JDK 8 comes packed with STEMCalc and can be is stored in (Installation Path)\jdk\
-After executing, exports a log file showing all the calculations made in the previous run session
  +Log files from the same date is stored in the same folder, and can be found in ./logs/DD-MM-YY/
  +Log files are named after the time when the session started (log_HH-mm-ss.txt) and is set to be read only

====RELEASE 4.5====

-STEMCalc IV Core Functionalities
-Modified and relocated main mechanisms, retaining end-purpose but different processes
-Many utility functions have been stripped down and moved to my Subfunctions library instead
-Subfunctions 1.3 library is only available with STEMCalc, and is not yet qualified for a standalone release
-Added several gemoetry functions to calculate circumferences, areas and volumes
-Added ability to solve quadratic and cubic functions
-Full Windows-compliant installer (setup) 
-Main program binary, utility library and third-party libraries are stored in lib folder
-Java Runtime Environment 8 comes bundled in the jre folder
-Implemented the Apache Commons Lang library version 3.5 to the program
-Implemented the Apache Commons IO library version 2.6 to the program
-Implemented the Google Guava libraries version 18.0 to the program
-Implemented the self-defined Subfunctions library version 1.3 to the program
-After executing, exports a log file showing all the calculations made in the previous run session
-Log files from the same date is stored in the same folder, and can be found in ./logs/DD-MM-YY/
-Log files are named after the time when the session started (log_HH-mm-ss.txt) and is set to be read only

====RELEASE 4.4====

-STEMCalc IV Core Functionalities
-Added hyperbolic sine, cosine and tangent functions
-Added seperate functionality to check whether a real number x is a power of two
-Full Windows-compliant installer (setup) 
-Main program binary and third-party libraries are stored in lib folder
-Java Runtime Environment 8 comes bundled in the jre folder
-Implemented the Apache Commons Lang library version 3.5 to the program
-Implemented the Apache Commons IO library version 2.6 to the program
-Implemented the Google Guava libraries version 18.0 to the program
-After executing, exports a log file showing all the calculations made in the previous run session
-Log files are numbered as log-xxx.txt, is set to read-only and can be found in the logs folder

*Patch 4.4a:
-Utilized classes from the java.text packages of the Java 8 API
-Automated menu input and output process method applied, reducing risk of menu output and input mismatches
-Log files are now changed from numbered files to files with date and time in the format "log_HH-mm@dd-MM-yy.txt" ("log_time@date.txt")
-Logging system's on-the-fly repair functions and checking mechanisms stripped down

====RELEASE 4.3====

-STEMCalc IV Core Functionalities
-Now comes with a full setup file (registered) instead of an archive (portable)
-Main program and third-party libraries are stored in lib folder
-Java Runtime Environment 8 comes bundled in the jre folder
-Implemented the Apache Commons Lang library version 3.5 to the program
-Implemented the Apache Commons IO library version 2.6 to the program
-Implemented the Google Guava libraries version 18.0 to the program
-After executing, exports a log file showing all the calculations made in the previous run session
-Log files are numbered as log-xxx.txt, is set to read-only and can be found in STEMCalc's installation folder
-The main executable is now a launcher instead of a fully functional program. Main binaries added to lib folder

*Patch 4.3a:
-All logs will be stored in a logs folder where the program is installed

====RELEASE 4.2====

-STEMCalc IV Core Functionalities
-Fixed various fundamental mathematics mistakes
-Implemented the Apache Commons Lang library version 3.5 to the program
-Implemented the Apache Commons IO library version 2.6 to the program
-After executing, exports a log file showing all the calculations made in the previous run session
-Log file is read-only and will be replaced everytime STEMCalc is launched

*Patch 4.2a: 
-Utilized various Apache Commons classes to improve performance
-Logging system now generates numbered log files (eg. log_001.txt, log_002.txt). Deleting all log files will reset the counter to log_001
-Log files are still in .txt format and is set to read-only and stored in the same directory as the program

*Patch 4.2b:
-Implemented the Google Guava libraries version 18.0 to the program
-Fixed performance issues with GCD and LCM functions
-Patched fatal error when null input is found

====RELEASE 4.1====

-STEMCalc IV Core Functionalities
-Fixed InputMismatchExceptions at all menus
-Implemented the Apache Commons Lang library version 3.5 to the program
-Changed all int values to long to prevent number out of range issues
-Fixed various fundamental mathematics mistakes

====RELEASE 4.0====

-STEMCalc IV Core Functionalities
-Fixed InputMismatchExceptions at certain submenus


Any bugs or problems can be reported to the developers on Sourceforge or directly via email: dttmcndy6996@gmail.com
Source: README.txt, updated 2018-08-08