Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
old releases 2024-03-17
soundtracker-1.0.5.tar.xz 2024-03-17 832.8 kB
README.txt 2024-03-17 9.1 kB
Totals: 3 Items   842.0 kB 32
	      Back to the roots -- this is the Real SoundTracker

	Originally written and (C) 1998-2006
	by Michael Krause [ raw style ^ farbrausch & lego ]

SoundTracker is a pattern-oriented music editor (similar to the DOS
program 'FastTracker'). Samples are lined up on tracks and patterns
which are then arranged to a song. Supported module formats are XM and
MOD; the player code is the one from OpenCP. A basic sample recorder
and editor is also included.


What is new in soundtracker-1.0.5 (17-Mar-2024):

- Bugfixes, minor improvements, translation update (yaliaev)


What is new in soundtracker-1.0.5-pre2 (04-Jan-2024):

* General:
- Optional compatibility check with original XM format is implemented

* Sample Editor:
- Raw 32-, 24-bit integer and floating point samples can be loaded
- Balance adjustment of stereo samples is implemented

* Fixes and minor improvements


What is new in soundtracker-1.0.5-pre1 (03-Nov-2023):

* General:
- Full stereo samples support (MODPlug XM / XI extension)

* Track editor:
- Improved masking
- Exponential effects interpolation

* Sample Editor:
- Shortcut for the last operation repeat
- Samples with > 16 bit resolution can be loaded

* Fixes and minor improvements


What is new in soundtracker-1.0.4 (1-Oct-2023):

* General:
- Full-screen mode
- Volume of all samples of an instrument / all samples in the module can be
  set to a value, not only gained. Also all samples panning can be adjusted.
  These functions can also modify the explicitly given values of volume /
  panning of notes in patterns
- Improved compatibility with FastTracker, also MOD files are played more
- Unused patterns are listed in the Pattern Sequence Editor
- Sampling rate can be specified while saving a sample as WAV
- New module optimizer with many control parameters

* Track Editor:
- Moving notes up / down is implemented

* Sample Editor:
- External programs can be used for samples processing. The interaction
  between such a program is described using XML spec, no ST recompiling
- The whole sample is drawn after recording
- Exponential / reverse exponential volume fade transients

* Instrument Editor:
- Envelope inversion and shifting is implemented


What is new in soundtracker-1.0.3 (25-Nov-2022):

* Some fixes and small improvements
* Russian translation updated


What is new in soundtracker-1.0.3-pre2 (22-Jun-2022):

* General:
- Copy / Cut buffers contents can be viewed

* Sample editor:
- Automatic Gain Control sample processing procedure
- Selection from loop and to the left / right of the exising selection
- Navigation improved
- Optional loop playback when playing selection
- Waveform value indication
- Loop Facility, an advanced tool for manipulations with sample loops

* Instrument editor:
- Quick instrument selection

* Fixes and minor improvements


What is new in soundtracker-1.0.3-pre1 (21-Oct-2021):

* General:
- Indication of the current playing instrument / sample number in
  scopes (optional via Settings)
- On new instrument or sample loading ins / sample name(s) can be overwritten
  or kept (configurable via Settings -> GUI settings)
- Extended pattern sequence editor with DND (activaled by right-click on the
playlist area)

* Instrument editor:
- Envelopes cutting / copying / pasting / scaling
- Indication of the keys playing with the current instrument also in the
pattern / song playing mode

* Track editor:
- Track line insertion / removal
- Masking for cut / copy / paste operaions

* Fixes and minor improvements


What is new in soundtracker- (16-Jun-2021):

* This is the bugfixing release. Fixed possible crashes and clang warnings


What is new in soundtracker-1.0.2 (16-May-2021):

* Some fixes and small improvements


What is new in soundtracker-1.0.2-pre2 (26-Feb-2021):

* Clavier look is improved (selectable font, better keys' shape)
* Some keybindings are added to the Sample editor
* When moving an envelope point, pressing CTRL restricts movement to either
  vertical or horizontal direction
* Polyphonic try mode is improved: user can switch on/off same note
  retrigging on different channels
* Rendering of the song / pattern / track /block into a sample is implemented
* Volume / FX interpolation is improved: added the facility to interpolate
  matching effects only
* Whole sample (data + parameters) copying / pasting is implemented
* Volumes of all samples can be adjusted (multiplied) by a given value at
* Added an option to paste a block without cursor movement
* PulseAudio output driver
* Compatibility with FastTracker II is improved
* Some fixes and small improvements


What is new in soundtracker-1.0.2-pre1 (12-Oct-2020):

* New sample editor design
* User operations logging with support of undo / redo facilities
* Some fixes and small improvements


What is new in soundtracker-1.0.1 (29-Jul-2020):

* This is the bugfixing release. Many bugs are fixed after thorough testing


What is new in soundtracker-1.0.1-pre1 (21-Feb-2020):

* Improved mouse usage in the instrument editor
* Indication of pressed keys in the instrument editor
* Better look of the scopes
* Record indicator in the sampling monitor
* More configurable colors
* Logarithmic scale of the amplification slider; numeric entry in addition to
  the slider; ability to determine the optimal amplification
* Extended editor on the module info page with functions of exchanging and
  copying samples and instruments, mixing samples and tuning a sample using
  another one as a reference
* Different selection modes in tracker, selection can be extended with SHIFT
* A new method of waveforms' drawing in the sample displays in addition to
  the existing one
* Automatic file extension adding (optional)
* More convenient keybindings; new keybindings are added (see README)
* Some more keys are made configurable including that for song / pattern
* New playing modes are added: Playing selected block and Playng from cursor,
  playback looping control
* Facility for loading somewhat broken modules
* Stepping volume / FX parameter with mouse wheel
* Improved export to audio file
* Volume column can be displayed like in FT2, with letters, mnemonics and
  optional decimal volume representation
* Jack input driver
* Improved live recording using PC keyboard: better key pressing / releasing
  times are recorded using FXes
* Some other small improvements (GUI, usability)
* Some bugfixes including the CPU overhead with graphics


What is new in soundtracker- (10-Jan-2020):

* This is the bugfixing release. Fixed possible crashes when using Jack sound


What is new in soundtracker-1.0.0 (13-Dec-2019):

* Dropped dependency on deprecated GtkHTML. Cheat sheet uses the plain text
again (but with possible localization)
* Improved compatibility with FastTracker 2 FX
* Numerous bugfixes


What is new in soundtracker-1.0.0-pre1 (06-Jul-2019):

* Interface ported to Gtk+-2
* Numerous fixes and improvements
* Alsa 1.x playback and samling drivers, contemporary Jack driver
* Configurable tracker colors
* Polyphonic trying mode
* Sampling drivers now works in a separate thread to be more robust
* Updated for latest autoconf, automake and gettext
* Updated ru translation
* Note that some keybindings have changed:
  - default keybindings for the fast access of channels 16--31 now uses Alt + Shift modifiers instead of Ctrl
    + Shift
  - muting and unmuting channels is performed by pressing Ctrl + M when the cursor is at the selected channel
  - transposition is performed by pressing Alt + = (halftone up), Alt + - (halftone down), Alt + + (octave
    up), Alt + _ (octave down) instead of Alt + q / Alt + a / Alt + Shift + q / Alt + Shift + a
Source: README.txt, updated 2024-03-17