Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Ric_s_helper_tools 2024-01-24
amanda_picasso_2.5.0_build_000153_src.7z 2024-08-15 70.7 MB
readme.txt 2024-08-14 6.5 kB
amanda_picasso_2.4.9_build_000152_src.7z 2024-08-14 68.9 MB
amanda_picasso_2.4.8_build_000151_src.7z 2024-08-08 53.5 MB
amanda_picasso_2.4.7_build_000150_src.7z 2024-04-29 54.3 MB
amanda_picasso_2.4.6_build_000149_src.7z 2024-04-29 54.3 MB
amanda_picasso_2.4.5_build_000148_src.7z 2024-04-28 53.4 MB
amanda_picasso_2.4.1_build_000141_src.7z 2024-04-28 45.0 MB
amanda_picasso_2.4.0_build_000140_src.7z 2024-04-28 51.8 MB
amanda_picasso_2.3.9__build_000139_src.7z 2024-04-28 86.9 MB
amanda_picasso_2.3.6__build_000126_src.tar.gz 2024-01-26 140.6 MB
amanda_picasso_2.3.2__build_000123_src.zip 2024-01-26 149.5 MB
amanda_picasso_2.3.1__build_000122_src.7z 2024-01-25 71.5 MB
amanda_picasso_2.2.9__build_000120_src.tar.7z 2024-01-25 68.8 MB
amanda_picasso_2.2.7__build_000118_src.zip 2024-01-25 140.4 MB
amanda_picasso_2.2.6__build_000117_src.zip 2024-01-25 140.5 MB
amanda_picasso_2.2.5__build_000116_src.zip 2024-01-25 183.7 MB
amanda_picasso_2.2.4__build_000115_src.7z 2024-01-24 59.6 MB
amanda_picasso_2.2.3__build_000114_src.zip 2024-01-24 120.2 MB
amanda_picasso_2.2.2__build_000113_src.7z.7z 2024-01-24 59.4 MB
amanda_picasso_2.2.1__build_000112_x64.7z 2024-01-23 3.6 MB
amanda_picasso_2.2.1__build_000112_x86.7z 2024-01-23 593.0 kB
amanda_picasso_2.2.1__build_000112_src.7z 2024-01-23 59.5 MB
amanda_picasso_2.1.9__build_000109_src.zip 2023-01-27 99.2 MB
amanda_picasso_2.1.8__build_000108_src.zip 2022-07-27 71.2 MB
amanda_picasso_2.1.7__build_000107_src.zip 2022-05-11 574.6 MB
amanda_picasso_2.1.6__build_000106_src.zip 2022-05-11 497.8 MB
amanda_picasso_2.1.5__build_000105_src.zip 2022-05-11 500.6 MB
amanda_picasso_2.1.4__build_000104_src.zip 2022-05-10 110.3 MB
amanda_picasso_2.1.3__build_000103_src.zip 2021-12-24 134.1 MB
amanda_picasso_2.1.3__build_000103_bin_x64.zip 2021-12-24 10.2 MB
amanda_picasso_2.1.2__build_000102_AVA.zip 2021-12-15 108.2 MB
amanda_picasso_2.1.1__build_000101.zip 2021-10-02 108.0 MB
amanda_picasso_2.0.1__build_000073.zip 2021-09-13 108.4 MB
amanda_picasso_1.8.3__build_000056_binaries_x64.zip 2021-07-17 2.7 MB
amanda_picasso_1.8.3__build_000055.zip 2021-06-26 82.1 MB
amanda_picasso_1.5.3__build_000028.zip 2021-06-06 78.7 MB
amanda_picasso_1.5.2__build_000027.zip 2021-05-04 46.6 MB
amanda_picasso_1.5.1__build_000023.zip 2021-04-11 41.0 MB
amanda_picasso_1.5.0__build_000022.zip 2021-04-11 30.0 MB
amanda_picasso_1.4.0__build_000012.zip 2020-12-20 20.0 MB
amanda_picasso_1.3.0__build_11.rar 2020-06-03 2.2 MB
rsp_picasso_126_build_0010.zip 2011-02-23 168.2 kB
Totals: 44 Items   4.4 GB 4
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

                      #2023 X March 21 19:50 PM Brasília Time

*                                                                             *
*                   Licensa de Copia (C) <2024>  <Aurora Boreal>              *
*                                                                             *
*     Este  programa  e software livre: voce pode redistribuir isto e/ou      *
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*     Suporte: sourceforge.net github.com                                   
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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*       Pereira: arsoftware25@gmail.com ricardo@arsoftware.net.br             *
*           xcx: arsoftware10@gmail.com   charli@arsoftware.net.br            *
         Yasmin:                          yasmin@arsoftware.net.br            *
BW Picasso


Application to convert all images (now including webp and AVIF) to jpg and/or to webp/AVIF

The support to webp files are provided by the Google (compiled by us) dlls
cwebp_ar.dll and dwebp_ar.dll (sources included, older versions of this
project was using the Google executables.

Windows 7 or above and .net framework 4.5.1 installed

Ok12 says thanks to you for using our software.)


Compiled the GCC version with the latest
version of the WebP codec.

Compiled the sources with GCC 12.4.0, minor

Added options to compress with Webp and AVIF in
lossless mode, minor modifications.

Enabled again the support for avif format, it
requires the files avifenc.exe and avifdec.exe
in the same path of the dlls, if not necessary
the sample project can be adjusted to don´t use
these files, minor modifications.

Compiled with lib png version 1.6.43 and zlib version 
1.3.1, the latest available, both cl.exe and gcc, minor

Compiled with cl.exe (Visual Studio 2022) and GCC,
minor modifications.

Fixed a bug in the handling of Unicode and long paths,
minor modifications.

Updated Webp to release 1.4.0, compiled for GCC only,
minor modifications.

Both Linux compilers and Windows compilers compiles with a
single call now, thank you, major modifications.

Added the file DOC that each day will receive more technical
informations about the DLLs.

Version for GCC x86 fixed the bugs detected in the day
and recompiled, the GCC x64 will be updated tomorrow if
possible, thanks.

Minor modifications.
Fixed a bug that would not allow the openning of
Unicode files, removed partially the debug
information sent to DebugView, minor modifications.

Directory x86_CL and x86_CL have the Visual Studio 2022 compiled DLLs, and
the files in the selected folders shows how to compile with
Visual Studio, soon with one command you will compile or
recompile for GCC (Linux) or Visual Studio (Windows) the x86 and
x64 DLLs, maybe next week, it will allow the update of the codec
faster too, the folder dl_arquivos_para_Visual_Studio_2022_dlls have the
.bat files thats invokes Visual Studio 2022 compilers, 
major modifications.

Partial suport to compile with Visual Studio was added to this App,
possible in a few hours it will fully supported.

Updated the codecs to release Main git from 23/jan/2024, information
of the release:

      __   __  ____  ____  ____
     /  \\/  \/  _ \/  _ )/  _ \
     \       /   __/  _  \   __/
      \__\__/\____/\_____/__/ ____  ___
            / _/ /    \    \ /  _ \/ _/
           /  \_/   / /   \ \   __/  \__

of the
WebP, minor modifications, main developer of arsoftware  (Aurora  Boreal)
said that Visual Studio 2022 (and above) files will possible be available
in next release, and documentation of our codecs soon.

Updated the codecs to release 1.4.0 of the
WebP, minor modifications.

(27/july/2022) codename Niemi
Removed the AVIF support, it is not that better
than standard webp files and is slower, also
the library requires too much external DLLs to
work, while webp requires only two DLLs, minor

Fixed the weird problem of always loading and
unloading AVIF based support DLLs, then this release
is faster, missing for the moment the x86 release

Now with full Unicode support including AVIF and 
webp, also a workaround to fix a bug in the C++
interface to AOM library it was fixed with a trick,
next week we will have a fixed C interface to AOM,
and for the moment AVIF DLLs (heif-enc_v.DLL and 
heif-convert_v.DLL) only for 64 bits

(Fri 24/December/2021 16:44:21) by Smart Ape 
Added support to load AVIF image format, and 
soon it will also write this format

(Sat 26/June/2021 11:08:31) by MathMan
Fixed the sample project when loading a file to
convert, no changes in the codecs
Source: readme.txt, updated 2024-08-14