Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
readme.txt 2021-03-10 13.2 kB
rclipstep.zip 2021-03-10 1.6 MB
Totals: 2 Items   1.6 MB 1
Clipboard manager

Store clips from clipboard into queue in memory and into disk.
Retrive clips by repeatly press Ctrl-V. Advanced functions are avaiable
by mouse click on tray icon or in preview windows
You can even "enable" Ctrl-V for pasting clips into program that not using 
clipboard (like window console - cmd.exe).

Copy rclipstep.exe into any folder in your HD, where you have right to write.
Program works in itself native language - Czech (menu, messages).
If you want to run it in English or if you want to change setting of it,
please copy file rclipstep.ini too.
Add shortcut of it into Startup folder for automatic start.

1) Delete folder Clips 
2) Get latest version from http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/rclipstep/files
3) Restore rclipstep.exe and rclipstep.ini

Thanks to Pavel Kolář for testing and proposal new functions

Program is freeware under GNU licence. No warranty, use it on you own risk.

History log:
First level - mayor function changes
Second level - minor function changes
Third level - only bug fixing, without funcion changes.

6.07.011 - 10.3.2021
Longer inputbox for deleting clips

6.07.009 - 6. 3. 2021
Small fix about timestamp

6.07.008 - 27. 8. 2015
Small enhancement about finding clips.

6.07.007 - 3. 8. 2015
Fix sorting mistake. Fix unpredictible open text editor on slow machines. 
Fixed: Find clip is not working
Improved performance with sorting.

6.07.002 - 16. 7. 2015
Fixed: Upper button in preview windows is not working.

6.07.001 - 15. 7. 2015
Reverse order in sorting is implemented.

6.07.000 - 14. 7. 2015
New menu item in preview mode - sorting clips by text, name, create date. New option 
$InitSort in rclipstep.ini file, that allow to define initial typ of 
sorting clips in preview mode. Small bugfix.

6.06.001 - 16. 3 2015
Add attributes into description of exe like product name and product version.

6.06.000 - 10. 6. 2013
New buttons for hide clip. Useful for hide password stored in clip queue. Hidden clips are shows as ******,
but inserted is correctly. Technically - file on filesystem has got set attribute hidden.

6.05.000 - 22. 10. 2013
New option AutoClearQueue for invoke dialog for cleaning clip queue when limit of clips is reached.

6.04.005 - 11. 8. 2013
Fix persist some clips (before last fixed clip) in memory when clip queue has been changed.

6.04.004 - 19. 5. 2013
Title window has been changed to recognise view or editing clip.

6.04.003 - 6. 4. 2013
Change default value for AutoDestroyPreview from 0 to 1, change implicit number of clips from 1000 to 10000

6.04.002 - 23. 2. 2013
Defect calculate percent during delete clips has been repaired. 
New option $AllowDuplicity in rclipstep.ini. Set it to 1 means allow duplicity in clip queue.
New clip will be always add at the end of the clip queue. 

6.04.001 - 17. 2. 2013
Defect about change row order on click buttons has been repaired. 
Defect about unchanged order the images for lines when records are re-sorted has been repaired. 
6.04.000 - 12. 1. 2013
You can click on column header to sort list of clips in preview window. 

6.03.006 - 27. 10. 2012
Fix bug increase $LimitList above 1000 

6.03.005 - 11. 9. 2012
Fix bug about copy the same clip twice 

6.03.004 - 10. 9. 2012
Fix bug about handling preview window called from tray menu
Fix bug about loose catching new clips after show preview windows 

6.03.003 - 3. 9. 2012
Fix small bug about handling preview window 

6.03.002 - 2. 9. 2012
Fix close preview window in insert mode

6.03.001 - 20. 8. 2012
Fix open preview window by start, fix creating log file by default.

6.03.000 - 19. 8. 2012
Preview window has to be close manually just now. New option -$AutoDestroyPreview - allows to switch to old style. It means autoclose preview when you leave it. 

6.02.001 - 12. 8. 2012
New function for Ctrl-N. Expand letter to full network specification for file specification patch.

6.01.001 - 21. 7. 2012
Excel error - Excel sometimes showed error "Canť copy to clipboard" - has been fixed.

6.01.000 - 17. 6. 2012
New button for mark clip as Read-Only. Behavior about RO clips has been changed - RO clips are never deleted, moved, ... others clips are deleted.
Gaps between clips are now allowed (= deleting clips below RO one).
RO clips could be edited, but only in memory - last reload clips from disk (restart rclipstep) will restore original text of clip.
There is a new menu for simple clipboard operation - To upper, to lower, to text - same as existing function Ctrl-V-T, Ctrl-V-U, Ctrl-V-L.

6.00.000 - 8. 5. 2012
Highlight read only items in preview windows (light green).
Deleting clips respects read only attribut, RO clips cannot be deleted.
RO clips could comming from IncludeDir or Attribut Read Only could be set in standard clips directory.
Bugfix about navigation in preview windows.  

5.06.001 - 10. 4. 2012
Small bugfix about highlighting clips

5.06.000 - 9. 4. 2012
There is a new field Modified in preview window. Date with format DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS
There is new option in rclipstep.ini - $BgColorNormal, $BgColorInsert, $ExitKey
There are new option in rclipstep.ini file for debuging. Its have no sence for common users.

5.05.006 - 8.4.2012
Bugfix- You can navigate by number of clip in preview window

5.05.005 - 1.4.2012
Bugfix- do not delete clips that are marked as Read-only
Deleting clips executes through recycle bin.

5.05.003 - 7. 1. 2012
Bugfix loose keys up, down... when all clips are deleted from preview window

5.05.002 - 2. 1. 2012
Bugfix crash program for Ctrl-V-X (missed variable $IsPressed)

5.05.001 - 29. 12. 2011
Change behavior when you try to insert clip into program, that it not allow (typically run as other user).
Then rclipstep leave Ctrl-V key for 500 ms. So you can insert clip by press Ctrl-V twice quickly   
Bugfixing - fixed key enter when moving, finding clips from preview window invoked by Ctrl-V-F 

5.05.000 - 3. 12. 2011
New key "delete" in preview windows remove current clip.
Bugfixing - fixed key enter when delete more clips from preview window invoked by Ctrl-V-F 

5.04.001 - 7. 11. 2011
Bugfixing - fixed message about insert clip in applications it runs as administrator

5.04.000 - 6. 11. 2011
Bugfixing - fixed double click in preview windows
You can edit/preview clips in preview windows by key ENTER
Preview mode (autoinsert selected clip when you invoke preview from Ctrl-V mode) is also indicated by background colour

5.03.003 - 5. 11. 2011
Bugfixing - Loose keys when message about deny access appears.
You can edit/preview clips in preview windows by mouse "double click" (click three time on same row).

5.03.002 - 28. 10. 2011
Bugfixing - Page up (down) in preview windows is scrolling by window
If application where Ctrl-V is pressed runs as admin and rclipstep runs as normal user, then error message appears.
You can run rclipstep as admin if you runs many application as admin.

5.03.001 - 24. 10. 2011
New button in preview window for delete one clip
Bugfix store "0" when bitmap clipboard cannot be open. 

5.02.000 - 22. 10. 2011 
Bugfixing - setting keys for preview windows.
New options in .ini:
$ImageHeight, $ImageWidth - you can specify width and height. You can use negative value (percent) for relative size
You can specify path for external program for editing text clips and bitmap picturers by $BitmapEditor, $TextEditor
You can preview full text clip by Ctrl-B in inserting mode.
Title of prewiew window indicates mode

5.01.004 - 17. 10. 2011
Bugfixing - delete clip previously opened for preview
When delete clips from preview window then function Ctrl-V is lost.

5.01.003 - 16. 10. 2011
Small bugfixing - blinking tooltip for Ctrl-X
Check if delete clip operation is not succesfull.

5.01.002 - 13. 10. 2011
Showing last clip has been fixed in preview window.

5.01.001 - 10. 10. 2011
Fixed delete bitmap file when deleting range of clips.
Preview for .png, .tif has been fixed.

5.01.000 - 9. 10. 2011
New variable $BmpExt in .ini file. You can choose format for storing bitmaps.
Available formats are .BMP, .GIF, .JPG, .PNG and .TIF
Default is .PNG for lossless data compression.
!!! It is recomend to delete all existing clips before use this version
Otherwise existing bitmap clips will remain in clips directory in previous format
and it will never be deleted by rclipstep

5.00.002 - 7. 10. 2011
- delete clip name from old position when moving clip
- When moving two bitmaps, one of then has been removed.

5.00.001 - 5. 10. 2011
There is new buttons in preview clip.
Edit clip, rewrite clip, move clip, delete range of clips, find clip

4.01.002 - 2. 10. 2011
Bugfixing preview window
Change color:
Bitmap           - blue
Found clip       - Yellow
Found clip name  - Orange

4.01.001 - 29. 9. 2011
Message when no clip found

4.01.000 - 28. 9. 2011
You can rewrite large clips.
Some bugfix has been repaired

4.00.000 - 26. 9. 2011
Two new option in menu - search clips and rewrite clip.
You can rewrite only clips up to 100 characters.
Big redesign of preview the clips.
Color icons.
Green - bitmap picture
Blue - bitmap picture with name
Red - normal clip with name
Yellow - clips found with search
Cyan - clips with name found with search 

3.04.003 - 20. 9. 2011
Small bugfix

3.04.001 - 17. 9. 2011
Small bugfix with preview windows

3.04.000 - 17. 9. 2011
1) You can assign a name for each clip. It could be usefull for many same clips
like order no.
2) You can show window with preview of bitmap pressing Ctrl-B during 
inserting clip

3.03.000 - 15. 9. 2011
If you click on bitmap clip in clip preview then small preview of picture
is shown.

3.02.008 - 13. 9. 2011
Unwanted debug message when deleting multiple clips has been removed

3.02.007 - 12. 9. 2011
Repair deleting range of clips - clips on disk was merged together instead of
replace it.

3.02.006 - 9. 9. 2011
Start rclipstep without changes automatically create folder Clips.
If you don't want it, set $DirName=NoSaveClips in rclipstep.ini

3.02.004 - 7. 9. 2011
Small internal redesign.

3.02.003 - 6. 9. 2011
Fixed tooltip windows over tray.
Re-register program as clipboard viewer when you pasting clip
New option $iQuality  for quality of stored jpeg pictures.
Default is 100

3.02.002 - 5. 9. 2011
Fixed tooltip windows over tray. It shown last inserted clip instead of
last active clip.

3.02.001 - 4. 9. 2011
Show tooltip windows when you move mouse over tray icon of program.
Try to store the clip into unicode

3.02.000 - 4. 9. 2011
New option - rename bitmaps clip 
Minor fixes about bitmaps

3.01.001 - 31. 8. 2011
Change position of actual clip for bitmap clipboard has been fixed.

3.01.000 - 30. 8. 2011
Fixed preview clips.
The storing bitmaps (jpg) has been allowed.
New option $StoreBitmap is in rclipstep.ini

3.00.004 - 28. 8. 2011
Start rclipstep when folder Clips is not exists has been fixed.

3.00.003 - 25. 8. 2011
Comparing programs by Class needs exact match (case insensitive).
Fixed help (about) for Czech rclipstep.ini

3.00.002 - 24. 8. 2011
$IncompProgType for Class:ConsoleWindowClass has been fixed in rclipstep.ini
Small bug has been fixed

3.00.001 - 23. 8. 2011
Bypass storing clips by pressing Ctrl-Insert (compatibility with version 2)
Compiled version for 64-bit system has been added

3.00.000 - 22. 8. 2011
Internal conceptual redesign. rclipstep is registered as clipboard viewer 
instead of trapping key Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V.
New functions in rclipstep.ini:
  $ToolHeight, $ToolWidth - you can specify the exact position of tooltip baloon.
New action for incompatibile programs: 
  S - send the message instead of send Ctrl-V 
  V - is same as blank, send clips directly into program (same way as 
      you type it from the clipboard).
You can identify programs by its class by [Class:XXXX] construction.
  XXX is class name of the program, you can get it by AutoIt Window Info

2.05.000 - 25. 7. 2011
New variables - BeepDuration, BeepFrequency. You can enable beep
  when you copy clip into clipboard (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X).
  Implicit status is disabled, for enable this functionality you have to
  set variable BeepDuration in rclipstep.ini

2.04.000 - 11. 6. 2011
New key L - lower text, U - upper text are added 

2.03.000 - 6. 3. 2011
New auxiliary functin in Ctrl-x (delete all clips, move clip to position)

2.02.000 - 10. 1. 2011
Some fixing and enhancement about incompatibile programs. See rclipstep.ini 

New variable in rclipstep.ini - $IncludeDir. There you can store clips, that are
allways loaded into queue. It is common by start for all disk queues.
Hint - you can fix clips in single queue by setting file as Read Only.
File readme.txt (this file) has been created.

Rename translate.ini to rclipstep.ini. Implementation of handling 
startup parameters.

Source: readme.txt, updated 2021-03-10