Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README.txt 2022-10-30 3.6 kB
README 2022-10-30 3.6 kB
rayshade-mm-13.1.tar.gz 2022-10-30 2.0 MB
rayshade-11.0.2.tar.gz 2017-06-16 2.0 MB
rayshade.2.4.tar.gz 2014-07-12 1.2 MB
README.rayshade 2014-07-12 5.9 kB
rayshade-tests.txt 2013-09-24 589 Bytes
rayshade-tests.nb 2013-09-24 488.4 kB
rayshade-test-setup.nb 2013-09-24 1.2 MB
Totals: 10 Items   7.0 MB 0
rayshade-mm-13.1.tar.gz last updated (see HISTORY):

	Sunday,  October  30,  2022,  03:52:41 PM

... Install ...
..... Info ....
..... Q&A .....
... History ...

rayshade` is a Mathematica add-on (a Package).

To extract do this:
	# cd $HOME/
	# tar -xzf rayshade-mm-13.1.tar.gz

Which went to: $HOME/rayshade/ and $HOME/SurfaceGraphics3D/
And then see:  $HOME/rayshade/rayshade-help.nb  for help and examples.

NOTE:  rayshade-4.0.9.tar.gz is required but not in this tarball
       (any rayshade binary much prefferably without URT support)

..... Info ....

For use with Mathematica.  Makes file.ray that will look much like notebook raytraced with rayshade.  POVRay is supported too.  Hopefully many book examples work and appear much as in notebook except raytraced.  (there are notable caveats)  raytracing can make images of some Graphics3D more realistic.

see also:

rayshade` for Mathematica is not public domain but please try it.  see License

... Contact ...

	source forge discussion for rayshade-mathematica
	source forge contact to member debguy
	see rayshade-help.nb

..... Q&A .....

For more Q&A see Wolfram Communities site, search for rayshade (use google if WRC search fails).

Q: Where is rayshade-11.tar.gz
   rayshade-mm-13.1 is a quick release with a few fixes.  It should work
   exactly the same as 11.0.2 on both mm versions.

Q: What primitives and directives does rayshade-11.0 (ray4mm) support?


Directive[], GraphicsComplex[] is partly supported however by default Normal[g] is used so is not handled by Rayshade anyhow[], GraphicsGroup[], Graphics[3D], SurfaceGraphics[3D].

EdgeForm and CapForm when possible / appropriate for the following.

Cylinder, Tube, Line (with color averaged vertex) , Point (with color vertex), Polygon (with automatic tessellation if given normals), Cuboid, Sphere, Triangle (with normals), Disk, Circle, Rectangle (including support for Graphics inside rect region), Cone, InfinitePlane, Arrow, Arrowheads, Dashing, Raster (with some Image support), Import (currently ImportRay and for rayshade out only), TranslateShape, AffineShape, RotateShape, Rotate, Translate (with copy instance per arg), Scale, GeometricTransformation (however, the transformations are not all tested yet), RGB, Hue, Lights, Lighting, Specularity, Opacity, Glow, EdgeForm, CapForm, JoinForm, PointSize, AbsoluteThickness, Thickness, Faceform (only allows None, else go by RGB et al), ClipPlanes, and many Graphics[3D] Options such as ViewVector, PlotRange, BoxRatios, AspectRation, Scaled, Offset, ...

Text[] with some caveats: but it works like Mathematica's for basic use by using 2-pass render.

Texture[] works with caveat: it currently has no (easy) way to specify exact texture offsetting, are applied automatically (planar, spherical, cylindrical).

there are still a few funs that are untested, which are labeled in code and likewise are not in rayshade-tests.nb

... History ...

rayshade (11.0) beta; urgency=low
  * Mathematica 11.0 support (but still works with 4.0 too, .nb may need conversion, .m ok)
    (past version was for Mathematica 4.0)
  * many changes ... a few new features added but mostly
    changes to fix what didn't work like Mathematica 11 for the same inputs
  * uses rayshade without URT and without unix bins for wider portability
    (Microsoft compatibility). (obviously rayshade | povray bins still needed)

 -- John Hendrickson <debguy@sourceforge.net>  Thu, 18 May 2017 20:55:34 -0400

Source: README.txt, updated 2022-10-30