Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
QM 2024-09-10
videos 2024-07-24
QP-bundle 2024-05-29
QP-C 2024-03-21
QP-Cpp 2024-03-21
QTools 2024-03-21
QP-nano 2023-05-05
QP-Arduino 2022-10-07
legacy-QDKs 2022-08-23
README.md 2024-05-29 2.8 kB
Totals: 10 Items   2.8 kB 140

Recommended Downloads

The most recommended way of obtaining the QP real-time embedded frameworks, the QM model-based design tool, and the QTools collection is by downloading QP-bundle from:


The QP frameworks (QP/C and QP/C++) are licensed under the dual licensing model, with the following licensing options:

  1. Open-source licensing under the GNU General Public License (GPLv3).

NOTE: GPL requires that all modifications to the original code as well as your application code (Derivative Works as defined in the Copyright Law) must also be released under the terms of the GPL open source license.

  1. Closed-source licensing under one of Quantum Leaps commercial licenses, which are specifically designed for users interested in retaining the proprietary status of their code.

NOTE: If your company has a policy forbidding open source in your product, all QP frameworks can be licensed commercially, in which case you don't use any open source license and you do not violate your policy.


The latest code, including the most recent enhancements and bug fixes, is now available on GitHub:

Documentation, blog, additional resources, and more are available from:

Help and Support

The project is supported via the Free Support Forum at:

Bug Reports and Feature Requests

Please use the Tickets menu.

More Information

Contact Information:

Source: README.md, updated 2024-05-29