Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
readme.md 2015-01-13 1.8 kB
pythonprop-0.17.tar.gz 2015-01-13 1.2 MB
pythonprop-0.16.tar.gz 2014-10-15 1.2 MB
pythonprop-0.13.tar.gz 2013-10-18 217.7 kB
Totals: 4 Items   2.6 MB 0


Pythonprop is a collection of scripts to provide a wrapper to the VOACAP HF propagation prediction engine.

The current stable GTK2 release is version 0.13 which will be the last version to be released using the PyGTK bindings.

From v0.16, the application uses the GTK3 compatible PyGobject library.


User Install

The inclusion of Gnome documentation from v0.16 onwards requires a few additional dependencies; * rarian-compat * gnome-doc-utils * pkg-config

The application itself requires a few python dependancies; * matplotlib * basemap

These can be installed on Fedora 21 with the following command;

$ sudo yum install rarian-compat gnome-doc-utils pkgconfig python-basemap

Debian / Ubuntu users can install these dependancies with the following command;

$ sudo apt-get install rarian-compat gnome-doc-utils pkg-config python-mpltoolkits.basemap

The following commands will install the pythonProp tools from the .tar.gz file.

$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

Typing 'voacapgui' from the command line or the Gnome desktop will start the main application.


The tarball contains a pdf copy of the documentation which is copied this to the /usr/local/share/pythonprop/docs folder (default) by the 'make install' operation. The same documentation is available via the Gnome help menu in the main application.

The command 'make pdf' will rebuild the pdf if required. This command requires the use of dblatex.

Developer Install

The following command will create the build structure from a fresh svn checkout;

$ ./autogen.sh

Running the Applictation

The application may be started by typing 'voacapgui' at the command line. v0.16 includes a .desktop file allowing the applictaion to be started from the system application launcher.

Source: readme.md, updated 2015-01-13