Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
readme.txt 2013-11-11 7.9 kB
PureFix-0.7.0.sis 2013-11-11 2.7 MB
PhotProc-1.0.0.sis 2013-10-17 1.9 MB
PhotProc_installer-1.0.0.sis 2013-10-17 2.0 MB
PhotProc-0.9.9.sis 2013-08-26 1.9 MB
PhotProc_installer-0.9.9.sis 2013-08-26 2.0 MB
Totals: 6 Items   10.6 MB 0

Photo-processing tool for Symbian phones, built using Qt.

Contains the libjpeg library, released under a separate license. Please see the REAME file in
the libjpeg folder of the source.

Release notes

1.7.0:  Re-named from PhotProc to PureFix
        Previews are shown with OpenGL shaders on the GPU. Much faster preview
        New UID so that the old PhotProc and new PureFix can be installed on the same device
        Presets added so can save and load preset filters
        Contrast equalization changed: it better brings out low-contrast details, but has artifacts
             on large high-contrast areas. To be fixed!
        Animations on user interface and can alter divider between preview and menus
        Film-like colour settings added

1.0.0:  Made the first full release
        Added: colour tint just dark areas of the image
        Improved: Some of the contrast and shadow lightening uses a different formula, which
                  seems to work much better than the previous formula
        Improved: The shadow, clip dark and denoise sliders are more sensitive around low
                  levels so you have greater control over low levels of filtering
        Improved: Sensitivity of the dynamic range slider around small changes in range
        Improved: Error reporting in the main window
        Improved: Shutdown is faster when currently processing a preview image

0.9.9:  Fixed: a bug in "de-noise" crept into the last version, which is fixed here
        Added: Shows error messages in main menu for loading and saving errors
        Fixed: Sometimes takes a long time to exit

0.9.8:  Fixed: Colour conversion from JPEG into application
        Added: "Exposure" setting (which does a linear multiply of intensity)
        Added: Open Page now has a full-screen view of the gallery
        Added: Button on "file" page to switch between preview and original view
        Changed: The buttons for the UI to use icons instead of text.

0.9.7:  Added: "Saturation curve" slider which changes saturation of unsaturated colours
        Added: "Dynamic colour space" slider which changes the dynamic effects from linear to CIELAB
        Changed the shadows and highlights sliders to work a bit better
        Fixed the contrast slider to work a bit better with dark colours
        Added feature to open images from the file system instead of the gallery
        Altered the exit option to wait for all worker threads to complete
        Restructured some of the filter code to do luminance map separately and be able to be colour space converted

0.9.6:  Redesigned user interface using hidable and scrollable layers for editing
        Redesigned filters that use different colour spaces for different stages
        Colour filters now use the CIELAB colour space which matches perception of colour
        Logarithm range reducers which smoothly reduce dynamic range of images
        Bugfix: I think the random crashes are gone
        Bugfix: The gallery no longer tries to load partially-written images and displaying a broken image icon

0.9.5:  Bugfix scaling images of some unusual image height values
        Bugfix: was repeatedly writing out EXIF data for width/height/software
        Bugfix: was showing incorrect image size when saving out scaled image
        Change to handling of dark parts of images when increasing contrast to not lose shadows

0.9.4:  Optimizations so that basic dynamic filters are much faster
                 (if you don't use halo removal or other features, then it's fast)
        Default output image size is now 2MP, but you can still process original resolution
                 (this is based on user feedback: on the phone you are probably using just
                 for social media etc, where 2MP is much more useful and it's faster)
        Saves out EXIF data in the image
        Bug-fix to stop random crashes (I hope! Seems to work now)

0.9.3:  Bug-fix to previous version so noise removal and sharpening now work again
        Removes broken save image code for small images. Now always saves the same way
        Optimizations to dynamic, sharpening and de-noising code
        Changed the "colour contrast" setting to be more useful

0.9.2:  Has a new dynamic feature: Contrast Equalization which makes dramatic changes to levels
        Loads images in YUV format and processes them in that format. Improves image quality when increasing contrast
        Fixed the icon in the program. Symbian can't load embedded images in SVG correctly
        Improved image load performance
        Changed the scale for the luminance map size to enable it to be set very large (but potentially *very* slow!)
        Added a new "quality" setting on JPEG image saving
        Re-arranged the editing buttons with simple buttons on the left and advanced on the right
        ** This version uses the wrong colour space for noise removal and sharpening, as well as failing to save small images

0.9.1:  Uses the Nokia Installer that downloads any required library files.
        This is a test to see if this fixes some users' installation problems
        Uses libjpeg to load images, which uses less memory and may be faster
        Global contrast can now reduce, as well as increase, contrast

0.9.0:  A small fix to resizing whereby the size for the output makes more sense
        Doesn't bother to try to recalculate previews if the preview failed to load
        A new frog logo
        The dynamic range calculation is a bit nicer
        This is the first "beta" release

        Features TODO: Details setting, rotate, EXIF, auto light-correct, load using libjpeg?
        Optimizations TODO: OpenGL shaders, separate out filters more into different phases, vectorize, load using ICL?

0.8.2:  Saving takes a long time at high resolutions, so this release adds such processing to a "job queue" and
        lets the user continue to edit new photos.
        Bug-fixes and optimizations to loading and saving at different sizes. Resize works correctly now
        New "colourize" option that gives easy way to recolour using complementary colour pairs
        Handles errors and low-memory much better: breaks up images into smaller chunks for processing

0.8.1: Completely changed the way the "dynamic" effects work to be based on a bilateral filter.
       This gives a much better quality image with dynamic effects, although it can be slower.
       Added sharpening using another small bilateral filter.
       Added a resize feature that outputs images of 5MP or less. Not sure it works reliably yet.
       Added a new colours option: "style" that lets you emphasize colours better.
       Fixed the "correct light" feature to work better. UI is still difficult for this.
       Added an 'info' tab for showing the resolution of the input and output image.
       Added 'crop' feature to crop photos.

0.8.0: Added separate pages for the main groups of filters.
       Fixed some bugs in loading previews

0.7.4: Improved the lightmap calculations for dynamic range.
       Improved local contrast, and added a local saturation that does the same as local
       contrast, but for colours.
       Added median noise filters for intensity and colour.

0.7.3: Fixed a bug with scrolling the preview

0.7.2: Improved some of the 'lightmap' based filters, such as "Local Contrast" and "Reduce
       dynamic range".

0.7.1: Tested on Nokia PureView 808. Previous file (PhotProc.sys) did not have a version number
       and so has been removed. This version implements gamma correction, but "reduce noise"
       and "sharpen" are still unimplemented.

       The source code for this version is a little better structured into files than the
       previous version
Source: readme.txt, updated 2013-11-11