


PhotProc is an open-source photo editing program for Symbian, currently designed especially the PureView 808. The 808 has such a good camera, that it deserves good photo-editing on the phone that takes advantage of the high quality of the images from the camera.

Using PhotProc

PhotProc can do some quite advanced photo-editing directly on the phone, such as:

PhotProc can process photos up to the full resolution of the PureView 808 (38MP) directly on the phone. It has a background "job queue", which it processes while letting you edit a new photo. It processes preview images as you edit, including letting you zoom in and out.

Here is a guide by someone using PhotProc: This is currently from a slightly older version of PhotProc, so the interface is a little different, but the advice is still good.

What PhotProc can't (currently) do (hey, it's open-source, feel free to add your own features!)

  • You can't paint on the image, add text or icons
  • It can't "age" an image or add a frame
  • It can't rotate an image
  • It can't combine 2 images together

PhotProc for developers: [PhotProcDevel]

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Screenshot thumbnail
The background job queue


Wiki: Correct colours in lighting
Wiki: Details
Wiki: Dynamic range
Wiki: Emphasizing colours
Wiki: Levels
Wiki: PhotProcDevel
Wiki: Reduce noise
Wiki: Resize and crop
Wiki: Shadows and highlights
Wiki: Tint
Wiki: UsingPhotProc


  • har

    har - 2014-07-15

    where can i download this app?

  • Andrew

    Andrew - 2014-07-22

    Download the PureFix file here:


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