Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
PhishBlock_Setup_x86_latest.zip 2014-11-24 6.8 MB
PhishBlock_Setup_x86_latest.exe 2014-11-24 7.2 MB
PhishBlock_Setup_x64_latest.zip 2014-11-24 7.1 MB
PhishBlock_Setup_x64_latest.exe 2014-11-24 7.5 MB
PhishBlock_Setup_x86_v0.9.1.8.zip 2014-11-24 6.8 MB
PhishBlock_Setup_x86_v0.9.1.8.exe 2014-11-24 7.2 MB
PhishBlock_Setup_x64_v0.9.1.8.zip 2014-11-24 7.1 MB
PhishBlock_Setup_x64_v0.9.1.8.exe 2014-11-24 7.5 MB
Readme 2014-11-24 6.0 kB
Totals: 9 Items   57.1 MB 1
PhishBlock v0.9


PhishBlock is a security program that detects and blocks Phishing, Pharming, Hacker's C&C(Command and Control) Servers which are located in databases with URLs, DNS hostnames, and IP Addresses. 

This program detects and blocks Malware URLs, bad Hosts, and bad IP addresses.

Recently, most malware codes are delivered covertly to users' personal computers through Google ads, SNS, Blogs, BBS and so on, which users visit often. 
And After the malware codes connect the C&C server(or Botnet), they attack, and steal information, repeatedly and persistently. 

Currently, there is a lack of affordable software to protect individuals personal computer's from detecting and blocking these malware features. 

The products that do exist are unaffordable as they range in price from $10,000 ~ $500,000 USD and they do not specifically protect windows users on personal computers.
Generally, virus vaccine programs only detect and block files already existing inside a users' personal computer. 

But PhishBlock detects and blocks harmful files at the network entrance of personal computers. 

This is done by using a network filter driver. 

So what does this mean? It means that PhishBlock eliminates all viruses from ever entering your computer. 

In addition, it takes up very little memory and because of the network filter driver, 
there is no affect on your network performance or CPU usage. 

And to top it off, it&'s free.

2. Main Features

-. Detect/Block Phishing/Malware based on URL.
-. Detect/Block C&C Server (Botnet) based on DNS hostnames & IP Addresses.
-. Detect/Block Fraud/Scam/DDos/Fake Contents based on URL & DNS hostnames.
-. Using Low Memory and barely affects network performance or cpu usage.
-. Define Malware URLs and Hosts by Users.
-. Sharing User Defined Malware URLs and Hosts with other users.
-. Checking out if the shared data is malware or not.
-. Scanning Internet Browser Cache for Malware by Yara Rule (6,000rules).
-. Database Contents (Source: PhishTank.com, Spam404.com, ClamAV.net etc.):
    	* Phishing,
 	* C&C Servers, 
	* Fake Content, 
	* Get Rich Quick Scam,
	* Malware, 
	* Fraud,
	* Spam,
	* Rogue Pharmacy,
	* DDos Service

-. Available OS(32bit, 64bit): 

	* Windows: XP, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8 and more. 
	* Linux: Under developing.
	* MacOS: Under developing.

3. Future works

The current version of PhishBlock detects and blocks malware URLs, Hostnames and IP addresses based on databases. 
It uses very little memory and does not affect network performance or CPU usage. 
It can be installed and uninstalled safely and quickly. 
In the future, PhishBlock is going to have many more features. 
With a new, specialized algorithm for extra protection against pharming malware. 
We will also offer an ad-blocking feature to eliminate annoying pop-up ads 
from appearing on your computer. 

We also plan on joining forces with VirusTotal.com, which is one of the best virus management sites around. 

Our users will be able to utilize all of the malware systems on VirusTotal.com without having to directly sign up with them. 
All of these features will be available in the new version of PhishBlock which will be available soon.

The final target of PhishBlock is to offer an affordable, more proactive prevention program to replace traditional vaccine programs. 

4. Terminology

 Phishing is the attempt to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and sometimes, indirectly, money) by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.

 Pharming is a cyber attack intended to redirect a website's traffic to another, fake site. 
 Pharming can be conducted either by changing the hosts file on a victim's computer or by exploitation of a vulnerability in DNS server software.

 C&C Server (Botnet) is a collection of Internet-connected programs 
 communicating with other similar programs in order to perform tasks

5. Version History

* November 24, 2014 : 	PhishBlock Version

	- [Bug Fixed] 	Buffer overflowed by the url with a long string.
	- [Modified] 	Integrating InetDownload.exe with Phishblock.exe, to shrink the file size

* November 19, 2014 : 	PhishBlock Version

	- [Bug Fixed] 	Crashing bug when updating database.
	- [Bug Fixed] 	a bug sharing non-url with others.

* November 15, 2014 : 	PhishBlock Version

	- [Bug Fixed] 	a bug in relation to updating the latest.

* November 14, 2014 : 	PhishBlock Version

	- [Added] 	Database integrity check for more stability.
	- [Bug Fixed] 	Crashing when counting and scanning files.
	- [Bug Fixed] 	About Updating the latest version.

* November 13, 2014 : 	PhishBlock Version

	- [Bug Fixed] 	The split button was hidden on win-xp.

* November 12, 2014 : 	PhishBlock Version

	- [Bug Fixed] 	Crashing problem when updating db with single or double quotation.
	- [Bug Fixed] 	Crashing problem when detecting/blocking malwares at startup.
	- [Bug Fixed] 	one of NULL Pointer problem.--> Crahsing problem.

* November 10, 2014 : 	PhishBlock Version 0.9.1

	- [Added] 	Defining the malware urls and hosts by users.
	- [Added] 	Sharing user-defined malware urls and hosts.
	- [Added] 	Checking out if the shared data is malware or not.
	- [Bug Fixed] 	MFC problem and windows resizing on win8.1
	- [Bug Fixed] 	Program Crashing and network disconnection.
	- [Modified] 	Checking server Time: once/24hour ==> once/1hour 

* October 29, 2014 :  	PhishBlock Version  
	- [Bug Fixed] 	Checking server.

* October 27, 2014 :  	PhishBlock Version 0.9  First Published  

6. Contacts

* Email : support at phishblock dot org 
* Facebook:  http://facebook.com/phishblock  
* Twitter:  http://twitter.com/phishblock 
Source: Readme, updated 2014-11-24