Home / OpenGI / 1.2.0
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
opengi-1.2.0-win32.zip 2009-05-12 1.7 MB
opengi-1.2.0-src.zip 2009-05-12 1.8 MB
opengi-1.2.0-src.tar.gz 2009-05-12 1.8 MB
Totals: 3 Items   5.2 MB 0

- Fixed support for 2.1 constants in giGetEnumValue


- Catmull-Clark subdivision and patchification
- Image sub-rectangles to support packing multiple patches into single image
- Further reduced memory footprint of meshes
- Fixed bug in extraction of user specified cut


- Fixed serious bug in memory allocator
- Fixed serious bug in software sampler
- Fixed minor bugs in hardware sampler
- Fixed bug when sourcing parameter coordinates from vertex positions


- Massively reduced memory footprint due to customized memory allocator


- Major interface changes
- New generic attribute system, away from fixed attribute semantics
- Cutting decoupled from parameterization
- Support for multi-chart patchifications
- Support for resampling of 1D, 2D, 3D and cube map textures in both hardware 
  and software sampler
- much more precise hardware sampler (but still not beating software mode)
- new stretch metric accounting for angle and area distortion
- Support for SSE instructions for accelerating parameterization and sampling


- Added new error code for invalid parameterization, thrown when trying to 
  sample a mesh not parameterized onto the unit square.
- Geometry image rendering now supports two sided materials and directional
- Completely fixed geometry shader based rendering when using vertex texturing
  or multi-resolution rendering
- Fixed bug, that assigned GI_NO_ERROR the same value as GI_INVALID_ENUM


- Increased render cache performance
- Fixed bugs occuring when retrieving render parameters
- Further fixed geometry shader rendering


- Fixed bug that could make parameterization unsolvable
- Fixed geometry shader rendering


- Fixed bug that could make parameterization unsolvable
- Fixed bug occuring when software sampling into RAM or buffer


- Topological sideband can be retrived


- First release
- Bug: GIM algorithm not working on closed meshes?
- Bug: giGetIndexedMesh creating heap corruption?
Source: README, updated 2011-03-06