Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
LOMBIX2020 2019-04-07
LOMBIX2019 2019-02-04
LOMBIX2018 2018-11-02
Readme.txt 2019-02-26 2.3 kB
Totals: 4 Items   2.3 kB 2
Lombix OS is a GNU/Linux OS one-man-for-fun linux distro based on the LFS
project. With that sentence you should have an idea on what you could
expect, not much. 

If you are looking for a new fancy cool Linux distro that can compete with
Fedora, Ubuntu, Mint this is simply NOT what you are looking for.

If you are looking for a robust, secure system as *BSD, well, again, this is
NOT it.

If you are looking for a simplistic linux distro which you can use to
understand and experiment ,  in order to learn how to compile and explore 
unorthodox possibilities, well, then, Lombix might help.

Lombix has been changing quite a lot, exploring different ideas, however
there is a constant, the program "lmbx" to fetch compile and install almost
all the packages that make Lombix OS. 

At the moment I am working in Lombix 2020 ( 2018 and 2019 are abandoned ),
where I insist ( once again ) with the idea of having all packages in their
own directories, so you can easily see which file belongs to what.

Also, I am starting to include "containers" and "go" elements , as it is the
last "hot thing". runc and containerd are included

The images I provide are typical qcow2 images that you can run with qemu. 
At this moment I am not providing any installer as I cannot image who
migth want to install this in their hard disc.

For instance, if you download one of the images you can 
unxz <image.xz>
qemu --enable-kvm -m 1024 <image>

Note, the root default password is typically "lombix".
If you want to compile one of the pacakges, for instance, coreutils

lmbx -p coreutils

The Compilation recipes are in /usr/share/lmbx

LOMBIX2020. I try again with the idea of every package on their own
directory. Go is available by default
LOMBIX2019. I am now developing this one. I will abandon the idea of every
package on its own directory. I will use something in between.
 ---- BASE. It will be the core set, with all required to rebuild it itself.
 ---- FULL. It will be the complete one , with all
LOMBIX2018. It was an attempt to create a Linux distro where every package
run in its own directory. I've done with it and now I am building the 2019
Source: Readme.txt, updated 2019-02-26