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FreeLAB1.1 2019-12-12
Readme_1-1.txt 2020-07-13 7.5 kB
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FreeLAB 1.1


Release Date: 2020-07-13

Author of "FreeLAB" project:
	        Michal Novotny, michal.novotny@hpst.cz
Property rights of FreeLAB brand:
	HPST, s.r.o., Czech Republic

Release 1.1:

- new library for charts (d3) instead of Google library -> solved offline systems without external Google libraries
- unisntalled unused modules
- new CSS for Filter form -> better responsivity for mobile devices
- update Drupal Core to 7.71
- update Open Atium to 7.x.
- minor fixes (bad links in administration, CSS bug in Taxonomy Parent)


The FreeLAB project was created to use freely available, open source web applications 
to use in your laboratory as LIMS.
FreeLAB image contains Debian 9 installation, Apache 
with MySQL, Firebird and Drupal CMS. We use powerfull distribution
Open Atrium. In additon,
we prepared some simple modules to achieve requested features.

You can learn more about FreeLAB at https://freelab.hpst.cz

Please see the appendix for the specific licenses of all open source components included.


- Easy to Install

We provide complete Debian OS image without GUI and preinstalled and preconfigurated Apache, PHP and
MySQL environment.
Drupal based on project Open Atrium handle MySQL, PosgreSQL and Firebird databases. We plan to add
MS SQL soon.

- Web based

FreeLAB is web based application so you can put it to Virtualbox or VMware/Hyper-V environment
and let it accessible via http://
protocl in internal network. We recommend you to close access to internal network
to more security for your data.

- Analytical Instrument Statistics

Primary feature is automatic import of activity log of Agilent analytical instruments based on OpenLAB CDS and MassHunter SW.
We provide 
step-by-step guide how to configure FreeLAB to parse data about sample, operator, run time and other valuable
information from these softwares. 
Automatic parser based on Feeds Drupal module can import many other softwares from various
suppliers of analytical instrumentation. 

- Laboratory Wiki

Build-in Drupal feature for Wiki is suitable to put analytical SOP's, guides, documentation, media in shared, secured place
 enable collaborative on these documnets over laboratory or company

- Laboratorty Shared Calendar

Build-in Open Atrium feature allows you to maintain shared calendar with instrumentation maintenance, calibration dates
or any other purpose. 
Calendar can be sync with Google calendar if needed.

- Laboratory Inventory

Basic inventory allows you to store list of chemicals, columns, equipment. You can custom and add various fields
as calibration, warranty dates, CAS or use statistic 
(analytical columns).

- Programmable actions

Drupal's module Rules enables to notify you by email or SMS based on some conditions. We are providing guide how to notify
analyst if error occured on specific 
Agilent instrument controlled by supported software


FreeLAB 1.1 ships with the following:
	- Drupal 7.71 
	- Open Atrium 7.x-2.644  
	- Apache 2.4.25
	- MySQL 5.0.12
	- PHP 7.0.33
	- phpMyAdmin 4.6.6
	- D3 API for charts (https://d3js.org/)


To install FreeLAB image you will need:

	- Intel x86 or compatible processor
	- Minimum of 512 MB RAM / recommended 1024 and higher 
	- Minimum of 15 GB hard drive space
	- TCP/IP protocol support
	- VMWare, VirtualBOX or Hyper-V or other compatible virtual machine emulator


FreeLAB software can be downloaded from project websites under Download section (https://freelab.hpst.cz) or
directly from SourceForge server, available in two formats:

1) Web application + database

You have to install own php web server, mysql/mariadb database with appropriate configuration. We recommend this 
(https://www.drupal.org/node/2321613) configuration for web server. 
After installing web server just copy Drupal 
installation to webroot directory and import database. Change settings of sites/default/settings.php for database
location and authentication.
 This is the way for advanced users or web programmers.

2) Image of Debian Linux OS with installed and configurated FreeLAB application

This is much more easier way. We provide image for VMWare, Virtualbox, Hyper-V. Just download the image, import and run under
one of virtual environment. You can find many tutorials 

(https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=how+run+virtual+image+in+virtualbox&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8) how run
existing virtual image.


Settings of FreeLAB IP address (Virtual Machine only) 

Default settings of the FreeLAB image is to get IP address from DHCP
server. If needed, IP address of FreeLAB can be changed in the same way as most of debian Linux systems. 
Run virtual machine
and open console view or use remote SSH to FreeLAB server if you know IP address from DHCP. You should see a command line
in Linux world named "shell". L
og in as root user with default password:

	Login: root

	Password: Acetonitrile

now, open the LAN configuration in nano text editor:

	sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

If you want static address, just comment (use #) line "iface ens33 inet dhcp" and uncomment 4 lines below. Change ens33 to
your network card available under command:

	ifconfig -a

Set appropriate static IP address. Reboot with command


	sudo reboot




In case of issues, check your network configuration with command 
	sudo ifconfig -a 

This command should show you enabled network cards and id's together with MAC address if you want to reserve static address
from DHCP server for you FreeLAB installation. Change the network card ens33 in example above to specific name of ethernet
adapter which is listed in configuration.


Do not forget to change your default passwords for root and freelab user. Use commands below


    sudo passwd root
	    sudo passwd freelab

Now, you can put http://YourFreeLABAdress/ to your browser and log in as default administrator or manager




Please, send your questions primarily to community forum



Debian OS is distributed under the GNU General Public License v2

Apache Web Server is distributed under the Apache License v2.0, which is located at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
MySQL is distributed under the GNU General Public License v2, which is 
located at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html

PHP and related libraries are distributed under the PHP License v3.01,
which is located at http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt

and all contributed files that are derivative works of Drupal are distributed under GNU General Public License v2 or later


Open Atrium is distributed under the GNU General Public License v2,
which is located at 

FreeLAB is distributed under GNU General Public License v2

Source: Readme_1-1.txt, updated 2020-07-13