* The source version (Fatlab.m) requires a licensed MATLAB R2022b or later and (optionally) Parallel Computing Toolbox.
* The standalone (Fatlab.exe) requires the free MATLAB Runtime R2022b (9.13):
Both versions require Windows due to compiled .mex files.
2.130 (14/5-2024)
* New toolbar button: select worst node (the one with the highest UR, among the currently visible nodes).
* Bugfix: no longer autosaves when user exits the Run analysis window using Cancel.
* Hiding/showing parts is now much faster.
* Bugfix: Run using "Nodelist from file" now works with .csv-files (single column, single header line). Invalid nodes are excluded.
2.127 (27/1-2024)
* New option to keep internal faces at material interfaces (under model setup).
* Bugfix: Parallel pool no longer times out after 30min.
2.125 (25/1-2024)
* Export to Ansys changed to .csv -> works great with ACT plugin CSV plot:
* New option to "update automatically" color scale limits. Default on. Turn off to keep values e.g. [0 1] for D/UR results.
* Bugfix: Graph plot > Node info: showed incorrect part no. for models where not all materials were included.
2.122 (12/1-2024)
* Standalone version included (Fatlab.exe) which does not require Matlab/license.
* Bugfix: would not run without Parallel computing toolbox.
2.119 (11/1-2024)
* New contour result: DFF = 1/D, according to DNVGL RP-C203 / OS-C101.
* New nodal result: "Probability of failure". Shows distribution of fatigue life. Incl. two new inputs under SN: Ps=97% and s_logC=0.2.
* Added missing file: range.m
* Tested with 2023b. Removed offensive old code (RotateStyle - no longer needed).
2.113 (4/1-2024)
* Added PrePoMax/Calculix interface by Peter Grosse from
* Manual/website updated. Including new benchmark studies for verification.
* Added new contour result: Reserve factor = 1/UR.
* Added toolbar buttons: Show face normals, Show node normals. Removed beta-tab.
* Reduced size of model-struct (eliminated .entire & .interior). Fixed bug in avg. element size calculation.
* Bugfix: Wireframe didn't work properly for shells.
* Now checks for sufficenty new Matlab version, i.e. at least R2022b (caxis renamed to clim, re-mexed several functions).
* Improved Reservoir + Rainflow Full cycle counters (better handling of duplicate values in stress signal, returning doubles instead of singles).
2.102 (16/12-2023)
* Added new hotspot weld stress 'Sperp' = sigma_perpendicular (normal stress in direction of extrapolation arrow). Typically perpendicular to weld, but you can point it any way you like.
* Added button for saving loads to .mat file = much faster when loading again.
* ULS check: Now showing LC no. associated with min/max stress over time in Results Summary. Plot stress over time afterwards for said LC to find max.
* Export to Ansys (damage & utilization) for plotting as User Defined Result. Requires remeshing+solution with linear elements (corner node results only).
* Improvements to parallel runs: updated waitbar, bugfixes, limits.
* Added auto-save feature with checkbox in Run analysis. Saves .fat file with timestamp in working folder after completed run.
* Added SOT loads format (folder containing 1 .mat file per LC). Default format can be changed in Fatlab.m, lines 3263 + 3346.
* Changed interpreter in Setup loads (title/legend), so characters following "_" are not printed as subscript.
* Added a bit more room for LC names and load component names in Setup loads. Changed format of Repetitions to be more readable.
* Bugfix: Hotspot-calc with CP method swept search planes around skewed normal in case of fillet weld toe (not around the real surface normal). Now uses node normal from node #2.
2.094 (20/10-2023)
* Select SN curve individually for each material in model. Nodes belonging to multiple materials will be calculated with the lowest dsR2 SN curve.
* All nodal results available for critical plane method, incl. Dominating load component, Stress spectrum, Markov matrix, based on the stresses on the critical plane.
* Stress spectrum feature improved. Showing all stress cycles and damage from m1 and m2, respectively.
* Filename/path of saved .fat files updates on load. Only remembers current folder within a run, not from run to run.
* Reduced memory consumption for large FE models in parrallel runs (broadcasting only relevant parts of model-struct).
* Export results button changed to Clear results. Export was useless.
* Toolbar: new Select face button + Show face numbers button.
* Editbox for entering/showing specific timestep under Countour plot>Stress time series.
* New items under Graph: Node info (mostly debugging information) + Goodman diagram showing (Sm,Sa) pairs for all timesteps in all LCs.
* Showing numerical value of colorplot for selected node in Graph>Results summary & Node info.
* Hotspots feature improved with waitbar and optional calculation of DLC.
* Anisotropy + V90 features removed.
* Backward compatible with .fat files back to ~2019 (not incl. anisotropy). Missing fields added with default settings on load.
* Many minor bug fixes & cleaning up.
2.070 (29/11-2022)
* No longer switching tau_yz and tau_xz in imports from Solidworks (was(?) necessary to match Ansys).
* Bugfix: cycle counters Rainflow and Reservoir were switched.
* Upgraded 'Rainflow Full' cycle counter to be more robust, e.g. towards repeated values in signal.
* Reimplemented mex file for calc_fatigue_stress.
* Updated csvread -> readmatrix (for SW .fes files) due to Matlab updates.
2.064 (26/5-2021)
* Removed keyboard shortcuts for manipulating the 3D view. Very annoying when changing color-scale.
* Exports full stress tensor over time for selected node to Matlabs base workspace, when plotting node stress.
* Removed some .mex files, because Matlab performance has increased.
* Ansys import without .mex files (easier debugging).
* Removed hotspot numbers, which were floating all over the place.
2.056 (12/3-2021)
* Warning if node numbers are very high -> high memory consumption.
* Bugfix: Smin and Smax-stresses (just for display) where calculated incl. zero -> problem for purely negative/positive stress-time series.
2.054 (15/4-2020)
* Bugfix: error in hotspot calculation, if same node was used for multiple hotspots.
* Bugfix: missing safety factor (gamma_Mf) on Min/max cut-off (horizontal parts) of SN curve.
2.047 (5/12-2019)
* Warning for loads with probably just one cycle: use Single Cycle option for cycle counting.
* Bugfix: .fat file saved from run with multiple cores would load assuming same no. cores available. Number of cores reset to 1 on load.
* Support for triangular shell element (SHELL6) used in SW.
2.041 (22/8-2019)
* Handles long node numbers correctly (7+ digits).
* Can save large models (+2GB).
* Improved lightning: doesn’t rotate with the model.
* Bugfix: dominating load in a saved file solved using parallel computing toolbox.
* Bugfix: calculation of hotspot damage using the critical plane method.
* Added new version of the Pnmax stress, called Pnma2. The new version is more robust in cases of a stress state close to pure shear, where P1 and P3 are almost equal. (Removed later)
* Added option for specifying the Ansys stress listing output column width, if e.g. 7 digits is not enough for the node numbers.
* Added detection of savefiles created with previous versions (which may be missing new data fields). Produces warning on load.
* Going forward, backwards compatibility is attempted such that all new versions can load files from version 2.036 and onwards.
* Some improvements in the anisotropy handling.
2.034 (16/7-2019)
* New anisotropy feature, e.g. for AM materials.
2.017 (5/3-2017)
* New V90 calculation feature (half-working).
2.008 (31/12-2016)
* Support for shell elements: SHELL63, SHELL181 and SHELL281.
2.006 (14/12-2016)
* Support for planar/2D elements from Ansys: PLANE42, PLANE82, PLANE182 and PLANE183.