Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README-defender.txt 2024-03-31 11.5 kB
exton-defender-fc41-cinnamon-gnome-refractasnapshot-3180mb-240331.iso 2024-03-31 3.4 GB
exton-defender-fc41-cinnamon-gnome-refractasnapshot-3180mb-240331.md5 2024-03-31 105 Bytes
exton-defender-rawhide-installed-packages-240331.txt 2024-03-31 364.9 kB
exton-defender-cinnamon-de-vbox-grub-240331.jpg 2024-03-31 342.1 kB
exton-defender-cinnamon-de-vbox-install-240331.jpg 2024-03-31 342.0 kB
exton-defender-cinnamon-root-samba-240331.jpg 2024-03-31 245.5 kB
exton-defender-cinnamon-de-vbox-240331.jpg 2024-03-31 405.5 kB
exton-defender-gnome-liveuser-240331.jpg 2024-03-31 319.4 kB
exton-defender-cinnamon-root-refractasnapshot-240331.jpg 2024-03-31 287.9 kB
exton-defender-rlrh-64bit-gnome-refracta-3230mb-231211.iso 2023-12-11 3.5 GB
exton-defender-rlrh-64bit-gnome-refracta-3230mb-231211.md5 2023-12-11 94 Bytes
exton-defender-rlrh-refractainstaller-edit-loader-231211.jpg 2023-12-11 480.0 kB
exton-defender-rlrh-refractasnapshot-ready-231211.jpg 2023-12-11 198.5 kB
exton-defender-rlrh-refractainstaller-chroot-grub2-231211.jpg 2023-12-11 604.9 kB
exton-defender-rlrh-refractainstaller-complete-231211.jpg 2023-12-11 582.1 kB
exton-defender-rlrh-refractainstaller-create-user-231211.jpg 2023-12-11 633.1 kB
exton-defender-rlrh-refractasnapshot-running-231211.jpg 2023-12-11 290.5 kB
exton-defender-rlrh-dnfdragora-231120.jpg 2023-11-20 558.2 kB
exton-defender-rlrh-root-desktop-231120.jpg 2023-11-20 583.3 kB
exton-defender-rlrh-user-desktop-231120.jpg 2023-11-20 497.3 kB
exton-defender-rlrh-refractasnapshot-ready-231120.jpg 2023-11-20 467.1 kB
Totals: 22 Items   6.9 GB 7
Exton|Defender (SRS) version 240331 based on Fedora Rawhide (41) with the Gnome 46 and Cinnamon 6.0 Desktop Environments and the RLRH version 231211 based on Rocky Linux 9.2 with Gnome 40 Desktop Environment (DE) 

ABOUT Exton|Defender Build 240331
Exton|Defender SRS - based on Fedora "Rawhide" (upcoming Fedora 41), 64 bit - is a Linux system available as a Live USB/DVD for administrating or repairing your system and data after a crash. It aims to provide an easy way to carry out admin tasks on your computer, such as creating and editing the hard disk partitions. It comes with a lot of Linux software such as system tools and basic tools (editors, Midnight Commander, network tools). Exton|Defender can, however, also be used as a normal Linux Desktop System. It requires no installation, but can be installed to hard drive if you like. Desktop Environments: Special versions of Gnome and Cinnamon made by Fedora. Used kernel when running the System LIVE is 6.8.2-amd64-exton. After a hard drive installation Fedora's orginal kernel 6.9-rc1 will be used.

NEWS 240331 ABOUT Exton|Defender Rawhide (Fedora 41)
I've made a new version of Exton|Defender 64 bit based on Fedora "Rawhide" (the development version of Fedora). I.e. upcoming Fedora 41. This new version uses the Cinnamon and Gnome Desktops. Log in to the Desktop environment you prefer. Study all other installed packages: https://defender.exton.se/build-240331/exton-defender-rawhide-installed-packages-240331.txt
MOST IMPORTANT CHANGE: I've finally managed to install Refracta Snapshot in Exton|Defender, which means that you can create your own Fedora Rawhide System! I mean change everything to your liking and then create a new ISO.
NOTE1: For Refracta Snapshot to work you have to run "my" kernel 6.8.2-amd64-exton when Refracta Snapshot is running. (It won't work with Fedora's kernel 6.9-rc1).
NOTE2: Version 240331 of Exton|Defender can run on really old computers. As an example I could run it on my 17 years old laptop Acer Aspire 5102 WLMi. 
NOTE3: This version of Exton|Defender uses GDM Login Manager. It means that you can log in to Gnome or Cinnamon as root (if you want to).
NOTE4: I have replaced the Deepin DE with Gnome 46. Deepin doesn't perform well in Fedora 41.
NOTE5: I have removed the Anaconda Installer. It wasn't very useful since Anconda only give you a "standard" Fedora installation. I.e. without the possiblity to create your own Fedora System.

NEWS ABOUT Exton|Defender BASED ON Rocky Linux - Build 231211
Exton|Defender RLRH is a LIVE version of Rocky Linux 9.2 which is also compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux®. "Rocky Linux is an open-source enterprise operating system designed to be 100% bug-for-bug compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux®. It is under intensive development by the community". 

You can run Exton|Defender RLRH live (i.e. from a DVD or USB stick) on EFI and non-EFI computers. (Rocky Linux is not a LIVE system). From Wikipedia: "A live CD or live DVD is a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM containing a bootable computer operating system. Live CDs are unique in that they have the ability to run a complete, modern operating system on a computer lacking mutable secondary storage, such as a hard disk drive". 

CREATE YOUR OWN Rocky Linux System
You can also create your own Rocky Linux system using Refracta Snapshot, which is pre-installed. I.e. change everything to your liking and then create a new ISO. That can be done after a hard drive installation. If you have plenty of RAM it is also possible to create a new ISO while running Exton|Defender RLRH live. 

MORE ABOUT Exton|Defender RLRH Build 231211
Gnome 40 is used as DE. Two kernels are installed – 6.5.3-1.el9.elrepo.x86_64 and 6.5.10-amd64-exton. Use the one you prefer (after a hard drive installation).
IMPORTANT NOTES: 1) Unfortunately you can't achieve persistence while installing Build 231211 to a USB stick. Which you can as regards Exton|Defender Build 240331 - see below (NEWS 231111).
2) Almost all System Tools installed in Build 240331 are also installed in Build 231211. So Build 231211 can also be used as a Super Rescue System (SRS). Study all installed packages: https://defender.exton.se/rlrh/exton-defender-rlrh-installed-packages-231120.txt
3) Exton|Defender RLRH is UNIQUE. I.e. there is no other live version of Rocky Linux around (as far as I know). At least not with Refracta Snapshot pre-installed. In version 231211 also with a GUI!

Today I discovered (by chance) that you can install Exton|Defender Build 231109 (now 240331) to a USB stick with persistence! I.e. all your system changes will be saved directly on the USB stick. Even big system upgrades! That will make it unnecessary to install Exton|Defender to hard drive (which can be a bit tricky). Just run the System from a big enough USB stick and be happy! Do it like this: 
1. Use Rufus 4.4 (https://rufus.ie/en/) for the installation.
2. Set a Persistent partition size of about 3GB before you start the installation. Watch this screenshot: https://defender.exton.se/usb-persistence/exton-defender-rufus-4.3.jpg
3. Run Exton|Defender from your created USB stick. Be sure boot up the System in Legacy mode. You can run the System also in UEFI mode, but unfortunately persistence won't be enabled then.
4. Test run Exton|Defender and change some things. For example new bookmarks in Firefox. Reboot!
5. You changes should be left if you have done what I said above. Now you can upgrade the whole system with "sudo dnf upgrade --refresh". About 230 packages can be upgraded as of 231111. Watch this screenshot: http://defender.exton.se/usb-persistence/exton-defender-dnf-upgrade-231110-4.jpg
6. Finally you can make a new ISO (your own) if you want. Be sure to change /etc/refractasnapshot.conf first. You must see to that the new ISO file and the work environment will be created on another partition. Watch this screenshot: http://defender.exton.se/usb-persistence/exton-defender-refractasnapshot-231110.jpg
7. Start Refractasnapshot from the menu. (As regards Build 231212). Follow the instructions. After a few minutes your ISO will be ready. Watch this screenshot: http://defender.exton.se/usb-persistence/exton-defender-refractasnapshot-finished-231110.jpg
NOTE1: For Refracta Snapshot to work you have to run “my” kernel 6.8.2-amd64-exton when Refracta Snapshot is running. (It won’t work with Fedora’s kernel 6.9-rc1). 
IMPORTANT NOTE: Actually you CAN run Fedora’s original kernel 6.9-rc1 and still use Refracta Snapshot. Just don’t uninstall/remove “my” kernel 6.8.2-amd64-exton before running Refracta Snapshot. And don’t remove the links /vmlinuz and /initrd.img to my kernel. Your new ISO will then be created without problems. When running your new ISO live (i.e. from a USB stick/DVD or in VirtualBox/VMware) my kernel will be used. If you install your new Fedora/Exton|Defender System to hard drive Fedora’s kernel 6.9-rc1 will be used. Watch this screenshot: https://defender.exton.se/build-240331/exton-defender-gnome-liveuser-240331.jpg

Unfortunately I've found one bug in Exton|Defender Build 240331. You must install to hard drive on a partition formatted with the ext3 filesystem! If you install on an ext4 partition the System won't boot. There will be filesystem errors and the boot loader (Grub2) won't find the partition. 
What I just said is valid for both Anaconda Installer and Refracta Installer. You can check the filesystem on your install partition with the command "grub-probe --target=fs --device /dev/sdb3" (example)
The correct answer shall be: ext2

ABOUT the Cinnamon Desktop Environment
Cinnamon is a "free and open-source desktop environment for Linux and Unix-like operating systems, deriving from GNOME 3 but following traditional desktop metaphor conventions". Read more about Cinnamon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinnamon_(desktop_environment)
And a review of Cinnamon 6.0: https://linuxiac.com/cinnamon-desktop-6-0-released/

ABOUT the Gnome 46 Desktop Environment
Read about GNOME 46 ("Kathmandu"): https://release.gnome.org/46/ 

NTFS-3g, GParted, PartImage, Shred, Sfdisk (util-linux-ng), Rsync, Ddrescue, FSArchiver, TestDisk and Midnight Commander. Other programs (among many others): Emacs, NetworkManager, Firefox, Gimp, Parole Media Player, Samba, kernel headers and many compilation tools. Study all installed packages: https://defender.exton.se/build-240331/exton-defender-rawhide-installed-packages-240331.txt

INSTALL Exton|Defender to a USB STICK 
Use Rufus in Windows. About persistence - see above.

INSTALL Exton|Defender to HARD DRIVE using Refracta Installer
Using Refracta Installer is the best way to install to hard drive if you want an EXACT copy of Exton|Defender, which you later on can change to your liking. Be sure though to install on a partition formatted with the ext3 filesystem - see above. Not necessary in VirtualBox though.

The password for user/liveuser is live. The password for root is root. If you (for some reason) want to run Exton|Defender as root you can do so. Choos "Other" and then root. At the GDM login screen you can choose if you want to log in to Cinnamon or Gnome. Default DE is Cinnamon.
NOTE: As regards Exton|Defender Build 231211 you can also log in as root to Gnome 40 from GDM's login screen.

X is auto-configured during the boot from the DVD disc or USB stick. If not you'll end up in console mode. Run the command sudo X -configure followed by sudo mv xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Then run startx. 

In Exton|Defender version 240331 you can use PCManFM (file manager) to connect to your Windows computers in your Home Network. Watch this screenshot: https://defender.exton.se/build-240331/exton-defender-cinnamon-root-samba-240331.jpg
NOTE: In Build 231120 you can use Thunar to achieve the same thing.

WIRELESS connections
NetworkManager makes it easy to configure wireless connections. Give your WEP/WAP password and connect. That’s it! You’ll find the NM-applet to the right in the panel.

The default language (locale) is set to English in both versions. 

The ISO-file (Fedora Rawhide with Cinnamon and Gnome) is of 3180 MB. (A lot of packages are pre-installed). The Rocky Linux version released 231211 is of 3230 MB.

Rocky Linux 9.2 and Fedora 41 is at least as "good" as Ubuntu 24.04/Linux Mint and/or OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. (In my opinion). Tell me what you think of Exton|Defender SRS in combination with the Cinnamon and Gnome Desktops. Did you find the included System Tools useful?

THE IMPORTANCE OF Exton|Defender being based on UPCOMING fc 41
Programs won't "crash" or anything like that. And I haven't noticed any "bugs". That said you should of course be a bit careful. Version 240331 of Exton|Defender is for people who like to use "cutting-edge" software and the latest kernels etc. You will always have the latest Linux/Fedora software installed if you regularly run the command "sudo dnf upgrade".

READ MORE - especially about how to use Refracta Snapshot and Refracta Installer in both Exton|Defender SRS versions - at https://defender.exton.se

https://andex.exton.net - Run Android on PC's
https://raspex.exton.se - Android for Raspberry Pi

exton /240331

Source: README-defender.txt, updated 2024-03-31